Special #2157

Why I Teach Pilates

1 min - Special


Work - Rest - Play - Pilates

Pilates Day 2015 is approaching, and this year, we want to honor Pilates instructors. Thanks to your hard work and dedication, more people are seeing the value of having Pilates in their lives.

In addition to being a Pilates Instructor, Ellena Wong is a mechanical engineer. She tells us how this gives her an interesting perspective on movement and what she finds most rewarding about being a Pilates instructor.

Thank you Pilates on Main for allowing us to film at your studio.
What You'll Need: No props needed

About This Video

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Apr 28, 2015
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I was never a ballerina. I've been mistaken for being a ballerina. I know now that I've been, you know, in for so long, but no, no, no. I'm just the Geek that sat in the corner that had a lot of math. Being a calculus engineer, I was more into the mechanisms of things. There's lots of things that move like tanks and satellites and movement in general.

Engineering has given me a very interesting perspective into human movement. Watching people grow and knowing that you had a part in that Aha moment, and that's the most rewarding thing for me as a part as instructor. That's why I continue to teach. My name is Elena Wong. I'm from the South Bay in Los Angeles, California. I'm a mechanical aerospace engineer and the flight instructor.


Wow! Great video..Beautifully done.

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