Class #831

Romana's Advanced Mat

40 min - Class


Adrianne Crawford is back teaching fellow Romana trained Pilates instructor Pamela Pilkington an advanced class that is full of energy and good reminders of what to watch for while moving through class at an accelerated pace.
What You'll Need: Mat

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Sep 17, 2012
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So come on in. I'm going to have you stand at the front of your mat. I'm Adrian. This is Pamela and I'm going to have her do a advanced math class. Let's have you begin at the front of your mat. So understand you should be familiar with the repertoire o classical, um, advanced workout. I won't stick strictly to it, but we'll go pretty close to it. So I'm gonna have you go ahead and cross your leg and begin to sit down.

Okay. Shit. Sit gracefully down. Go ahead and lie down Pam, or, okay. So I'm going to have her begin in her hundred. So let's get nice and warmed up and have you stretch your arms out long. Began to lengthen the neck, lift the legs, lift the head and begin using those arms.

Inhaling for seven counts to five. Exhaling two, three in two oh six seven. Exhale. Sorry. Now let's reverse that long breath in for three counts. Two, three long breath out. Two, three, four, five, six, seven. Deepening soft knees, soft feet, put that work in your powerhouse. Use your bottoms. That's nice and long, long, long arms. Deep breath in. Long breath out. Now I see her reaching her legs out beautifully, Gwen, and curl up a little bit more. Get deeper into that upper power house rounding tomorrow. Nice deep breath in.

Long breath out. Two, three, four, five, six, seven. One more, two oh two three, four, five, six, seven. Relax your legs. Relax your neck. Take your arms. Yes Beth. Going into a roll up, arms up, and now let's keep the flow movie. So let's add some energy to this. Drop your head and pull down. Nice soft feet. Not Getting in those knees so much right away and nose between your knees.

You can get down there. That's it. Shoulders down, wrapping the thighs and inhale up all the way over. Really get that scoop and their shoulders relaxed and come on down a little bit quicker now and over. Want to keep that warm feeling happening. Getting your buddy nice and warm. Last one all the way over. Put your nose between your knees, pull those shoulders down and lie down for overhead. Arms down. Exactly. Might have to move forward if your mat.

Have you moved backwards legs over long arms. Don't let those shoulders pop up. Open the feet. Flex, roll, roll, roll all the way down with feet to get it up over the head. Keep those arms stretching out long flex and get those dices skin your chest. Get a nice nice stretch and tumor up over open flex. Have really get those legs to your spine to articulate all the way down.

Do One more like that. Then I'll have your reverse up over open flex. Now keep the movement so don't pause. Keep moving. Now you're going to reverse your legs over together with the feet. Keep the flex, get that. Keep your feet flex. So open over. Now your feet can be flex together, so stay flex as you rolled down that thing.

Keep the shoulders pulling down and your neck long last one. Open over together and come on down. Keeping your right leg up. Left leg will go all the way down. Ready for leg circle. So chest is open and big circle to keep those hips steady and still three back is anchored. Four, five reversing and up.

And two, three pooling and four last one, five. Scissor. The legs transitioning to the left side and circle what? Keep those hips down to three right in here. Can you get this down? Four. That's better. There you go. Five. Very rare. All the way up. Way Up here. Sink and one. Keep your right leg, stretching your left leg, stretching three and up and bend your knee. Or go ahead and drop your leg.

All right, I'm going to have her sit up. Rolling like ball through to transition. You want to put your hands at your hips, lift your bottom. Sit at your heels, grab onto your ankles and place your head between your knees. Go ahead and roll. Go ahead and do six of these. Oh Man. Stay in that tight little basket. So remember you're breathing.

You're articulating your spine, especially as you come up. Keep that seeker deep and scooped for stay rounded. Pull it last one and balance. Place your feet down. Put your hands back at your hips. Lift your bottom, stretch back, lie down, going into single leg stretch. So soft feet, hand on your ankle and not crunching that knee quite so much.

Let's go to about right here. Get your position and switch. So don't let your extended leg lower quite so much cause you want to lower back support. Do stretch away from yourself. Oh wait, two three. Let's have you do about six of these. Four elbows up. Nice. Strong. Arms five and switch six. Keep that scoop happening. Six double legs, arms and legs out. Arms like [inaudible] sharp. Inhale out. Exhale.

Puts a weight on that right hip. Three out. And now let your heels brush the mat and lift them back up. So they'll come down and then they'll come back. Good. Two more. Dalen and Lyft. Use that powerhouse. Stayed Nice and flat underneath. Last one. And he'll stretch. Lift and one leg up.

Single leg pool like the facial expressions, ed. Pulse, pulse, one one. Now keep your gaze down. Now you've got flexibility. Reach up for your ankle. Three. So get those arms up higher to your heel almost. That's it. Pulse, pulse. Now I get that scoop deep. And, and, and, and, and, and last one, let hands back. Legs Up. Lower end lift. I see lots of energy in those ankles. Can you soften those ankles a bit? Good. All right. All the way up. I want to help you here. This is where you should be.

Drop your case. Keep your gaze here way up there. Lift, lift, lift your chest lower and lift. Now tap the Mat and come right back up three times one. Get your chest up. Sternum two, last one. Ed. Chris, Cross, elbow to the me stretch. Okay. I want you to actually touch the knee. This times of elbow to the knee. Way over here. Hold one, two, three, counts. Switch. Hold.

One, two, three. Last set. Switching. Holding. One, two, soft ankles. Three. Switch. Last one, hold one. Do, touch it. Three. Alright. Go ahead and sit up. Pour your yes you can. Roll up into your spine. Stretch forward, feet. Flex, arms out. Long breathing. Deep breath in. Exhale. Take yourself down. Go as low as you can. Keep going.

Keep going. Keep going. Keep going all the way down. Now pull back, get that, skip. There you go. Relax your shoulders, articulate your spine. Come back up. Now let's add a little flow. Deep breath in. Lift your sides. Lengthen those sides up as you take that forward. Exhaling all the way down.

Remember your principles as you're working your plots. These principles, the centering, the concentration, the control, the breathing, the flow, all of those things, the precision have to be incorporated and teach movement. Stretch. Now you should move a little bit quicker and got to work on that flow a little bit. Deep presence and exhale. I like the flow a lot because it helps you to feel the movement, which is key to understanding them. All right, she's going to come up. She's going to move forward a little bit. Getting ready for open leg rocker. I like you to do three with the legs apart.

Three grabbing onto the toes, so get your seeker and shoulders or lax feet. Relax. Use that energy for your powerhouse. Begin. That's it. Get the feeling first. Fine. Just get your feeling first. Then lift and stretch your spine up. Okay, so go back round up. Hold on here. Move your fingers back a little bit around your calf mark. Yup. Correct.

Little Crab. Okay, tight. She worked out the other day too, so she's feeling that stuff. Then relax for a second. Done. Okay. Drop your head, shoulders down, head down. Inhale. Use your breathing. Take some of the energy out of your knees that also help you out and keep them a little bit softer, especially. Yes. One more time. Inhale. Exhale. That's it. There you go. Feet together. Grab your toes. Don't worry if you let go the toes. Try to stay holding on.

Keep Your Chin curled. Here's where you might let go. And then you try to find them again and I lift and stretch your back up, up, up. But don't wait over here and round your back, so get some weight on that right hip and he'll drop your Chin c curve, CCC, come back up and grab those toes and lift your back. Let's see that stretch. Last one. Last one. Ready? Inhale on the back. Exhale up by this feet and stretch.

All right, I'm going to have you, we'll walk down your leg. So leg stay up as you lie down your feet. Take that energy out of there and you're going to go into corkscrews couple, several different ways you can do this. You can keep your hips still not letting them move and you're going to add a jack knife or you can just keep the hips very still as you circle. The goal is to get those legs to really move without the hips going with you, with your back arching off the mat. That's it. Exactly.

You can had a Jackknife and these can get very big and very powerful, but do what's in your body without any strain. That's it. Lift your bottom up, squeeze good, and then articulate down soft. Last set around chest open. No strain on the neck. You know what? I feel this in your upper chest or neck area.

Last one and left and then I'm going to have her sit up for sa. So go ahead and do that. Arms out. Don't arch your back though. Get that nice flat back, those ribs back and now you're ready to turn and reach for the tail. Okay, stretch. Relax your shoulders, relax your neck and come up and sent yourself out.

And Karen. All right, let's get that scoop soft, soft, soft. That's it. Whole. Push your heels away and round back up. One more set to the right scoop as your stretch should get those reps to really pull back. Pull back, pull back, and squeeze your bottom. Come back up. Last one. Antar and reach and stretch and up and center.

All right, I'm going to have you go ahead and flip over to your stomach. [inaudible] I'm gonna have her do a swan dive preparation, so she's going to push into her poems and come up into a neck roll position. Go ahead. Get those legs to lengthen. Lift those hips up, up, up. That's it. Get into here. Now I'm going to have her go ahead and come back down and relax.

Well Martin, just the Swan Day part preparation. So these eventually will go into the full Swan Day if where you're rocking on your belly and come back down. Now I'm going to have her come up and go into neck roll. So push up, pull up into those ribs. Look to the right and get your neck to stretch by dropping your head. Rolling it all the way down. Look left. Look, center.

Look left. Roll your head down. I look to the right look center. Come back down and arrest Walmart. Time soft. That's it. Take some of that energy. Come back up. Keep your legs relaxed. Work on the belly button. Lifting to help get those ribs to left. That's it. Now look right.

Let your drop your Chin Roll and stretch the back of the neck. Look left. Look left. Roll your head down. Looking right look, center and lie back down. I'm going to have her come up onto her elbows for her single leg kick. Getting into a nice strong position. Upper body is still just as open. The hips are up, the ribs are in here. Bottom has working right heel kicks, two times left. Heel kick, kick. Don't wanna see this collapse, which I am seeing. There you go. Really get up there even more. Yes. And kick, kick and switch. Kick, kick. Get that nice stretch on the top of the legs.

Left, kick, kick. That's enough. Go ahead and lie all the way down. AA Kick hands behind your back. Slide those hands up a bit more. Ready for the AA kick. Both feet are going to kick three times and begin. One, two, three. Drop your feet and reach for those ankles. That's it. Really try to touch them and now switched your head.

Switch your cheek, Eh, kick one, two, three, and stretch back. Now let's add a little more energy, eh, switch and kick. One, two, three and stretch. Last one head kick. One, two, three and stretch. I'm going to give you an extra little lift here. I want you to relax your neck a little bit by dropping your Chin at all right? Let's you sit back on your heels to stretch your back out. Okay?

Take a moment. Get a nice stretch here. That's it. Let everything kind of relax. You want these exercises to feel good? All right, I'm going to have her turnover. Getting Ready for neck pool. Okay, bye. And down. Starting with the hands behind your head, your feet only hip with the park and your elbows. You're trying to keep them apart. You don't want them to jerk in.

Nice deep breath in. Lots of energy out of the feet. Start to curl off the mat and I help her on the first and then she's going to sit up tall. Open up her chest, put some weight over here. Good. And now start to round back down. Go ahead and round down. First we'll add the hinge in adjustment. So she's going to round up off the mat over. Sit Up Tall, lift your back and would scooped around down. Tuck your hips.

Now she's gonna add on. She's gonna come all the way up, all the way over. She's going to sit up tall and add a hinge. Nice. Flat back, tall, tall, tall, tall. Squeeze your bottom. Keep hitting Jing back. And then we feel like you can't go anymore around tuck and over lift hinge. I want you to keep the weight on that hip. That's it. And then curl the hips under to Amar. Exhale, keep those elbows open.

Left hinge, hinge, hinge, and curl. Last one, all the way over. That's it. I know I stepped away on you. Sit up tall. Use that right side. You've got some energy over there, you could use it and that'll help you. Very good. Alright, I'm gonna have her place her hands at her side and I'm gonna have her do Jack Knife. So beginning with her knees in her legs at 90 degrees, legs apart and we'll start in your plebe stance. Heels together, toes apart. Shoulders and chest. Alright, so nice long neck. That's crucial. You don't want the neck tenancy and take the legs over to about 60 degrees and then you're going to do a little kick up and then you're going to control the movement as you roll your spine down so you can let your feet drop a little bit.

Good stop. And again, same thing, little bit over. Little kick up. Nice long arms, nice long neck. Don't let their shoulders would pop up. This time I'm going to have her add on. She's going to all the way down with the feet. Then she's going to take the legs over and she's going to lift.

Lift way up here. I'm going to help her a little bit up, up. Squeeze your bottom more. There you go. And softer in your feet. Use Your bottom where? Two more all the way down. So down over. That's fine. Come back down and do that again.

Lower over here comes the kick that you've got to get out of those. All right, come on down. It's taking from where you need it. All right, let's have you place your feet down for some pelvic lift. Let me have you start with your feet together and a little bit further forward with the fate. So slide your feet forward, keeping the knees and feet together. She's going to curl the hips up, articulating and not letting the shoulders hunch.

Lifting the hips. Now once you're up there, pinch those knees even closer together. Squeeze and squeeze and squeeze at that. It now articulate to come down one vertebra at a time. Yeah. [inaudible] very hard to keep your knees together. Inner thigh bottom and two more like that. So knees squeeze, peel up should give you a little burn if you're doing it correctly.

Knees together. These together to use together and articulate down one vertebra at a time and no rocking. Good. Last one. So where are your teachers? We gave you the tools, but it's up to you to challenge that. Oh, we'll give you some incentives though. Come back down. That's it. That's it. Dropped that left hip a little bit more. And then I want you to rest for a second. Open the feet hip width apart.

Now, same idea here. She's going to articulate up off the mat, but this time her feet are apart. Peel up [inaudible] arms. Neck is relaxed. Everything's Kinda soft and articulate. Upper back [inaudible] exactly. Giddy those ribs down. Middle Back, lower back, tailbone two more times up. Then we'll add one step. Come on up, up, up, keeping the knees from wobbling. Keep them very still and right through your center.

Here's a good centering exercise. Upper middle, lower rest. Now here's where I'm going to have her add on. She's going to come up into a lake lift. So first she'll lift her back, her hips. She wants to get them nice little long. Those hipbones to flatten out. That's it. And then she's going to bring her right knee in. She gonna take that right, like stretch it up. Stretch it away from herself and not letting the hips wobble. Lower the heel.

Drag it into the, towards you again. Now you'll switch legs, so you don't want those hips to shift left leg. So bend the knee first into your chest. That's okay. Take the leg up, reach out, reach away, reach away. Ridgeway. Don't let those hips drop your left hip dropping. There you go. And come back in Walmart. Set right knee in first. Okay? Okay.

Of course. Yeah. Okay. Right man. Leg Up. Lift your bottom. Moore's here. Not Feeling so strain in the leg here. Lift this up with this hip. That's it. Bend the knee. Slide this foot back. Last one. Then the Nan. Take the leg up. Fill this up. Him.

Push those ribs down. There you go. Now I have a little more support to get to keep those ribs together. So don't arch down in that low back. Drop the foot, slide it in and, and I want you to articulate everything down. That's it. One Vertebrae at a time. Okay. Go ahead and sit up and just stretch to your toes.

A heart. Drop your head. And I'd like you to just do three roll ups. Go down. Aha. Just to kind of get that feeling again and get that stretch back in the legs. And remember your articulation. So don't pop up. Once your head is between your knees, pull back with your powerhouse that, that keep pulling back. Keep pulling back. Do One more like that.

Exhale forward. Soft, soft ankles. Soft, soft. Nice. Oh, much better. Okay. Have you lined, excited person side kicks. Why don't you go ahead and face this direction. So your right leg is on top. We'll start with the right leg on top. So your head is on your palm. So you're upon your elbow. Good. You want to get that feeling of your flat back? So check your mat. Are you all the way back? Check that your hips line with the back of the Mat.

You're close. Alright, now fill this up. Get those rooms back. Much, much better. Now you're nice and long. Soft legs. I can see you're already working. Okay. Take your right leg up, hip level, shoulder, back and two kicks forward. Kick, kick, and back. Now I want you to move and feel these ready to go. Kick, kick to, you know, Romana wants you to feel it. To move, ditched your clients. Moving. Three, kick, kick for scope.

Keep those hips right on top of each other so you gotta work down here more. Squeeze. Yes. Five kick, kick and squeeze your seat. Kick. Kick. Seven, eight times kick, kick and eight. Up and down. This time she's gonna lengthen the leg out and reach. And let's get some accents in here. Up at long man.

Squeeze too. So don't let the hip fall back. It's starting to three and four more. Work here. Squeeze. Five, six, eight of these seven ribs together. Tummy up and circles. Five Times what? Littler. Three softer. Yeah. Get Out of those feet. Five Times. One, two. Tell me. Three, four, five. Take a break. Okay, let's go ahead and just do lake lifts. Keep your palm on the mat.

Lift both legs up five times, both legs lift and, and lifted the scoop. Lower to squeeze down here. All right, there you go. And hold the lift. Clap the feet together. Five techs, what? Two, three, four, five, and rest. Let's go into hot potatoes. One like forward and right in front of the other stuff. Yes, get out of there. Soft. Okay. Top five times. One, two, three, four, five. Accent up. One, two, behind, three, four, five, accent up, none. Don't forget those hips. Two, four, five. They should be right on top of each other. Two, three, four. Sorry.

Three counts. One, two, three. Up. One, two, three. Up. One, two gets quicker. One, two, up. What? Up? What up? One more time. One Up, one up. Head rest. Okay. Let's have you go into a bicycle. So again, soft knee, soft feet. Remember you're working from the hip to the top of the knees. Nice, relaxed. Take your leg forward. Then during knee, need a knee.

Take advantage of these stretches. They feel wonderful. Reach the leg away from you making your torso nice and long and forward. Ben, need a knee stretch back long, long since she's reaching out. And one more time. So three total and stretch. Now she's going to reverse those starting on top of the other leg to begin bringing the leg behind. You. Now fix your hips. Powerhouse scope, scope, scope.

There it is. Bend your knee. Touch your bottom. Need any need, a shoulder stretch away so the light comes all the way back. You wanted to get your heel to almost touch your seat without the name moving and need a knee. Need a shoulder. Touch your nose. Way Up there. Walmart. Time, back, bend and and stretch. Take the leg and arrested for a moment. Okay. Cross the leg over the other. So bend your right knee. Place your foot down. Grab your ankle, some lake lifts. Taking the left leg up, Eh, lower two of those Walmart up.

Ella are now two little circles. One little ones, two, no as big as you can three times up and around. One big to keep your left leg long. Three. Now reverse those two little circles. One, two, and now let's get that leg up. One, two. She saw, cause she worked on her inner thighs the other day and now she's doing extra. All right, both legs on top of each other. Let's have you finished with Grand Ron to Sean. Take your time.

You'll do three each way. All right, so hips are on top of each other. Shoulders or on top of each other. You're in your power stance. Okay, both. Excuse me, your right leg forward. Take the leg up, tried to touch your shoulder away up there. Now you're going to start to swing the leg back. This is where you have to adjust your powerhouse, your, your hips especially so that right hip has to push forward.

As this lake comes back, of course just hit forward more, more, more from down here. There you go. Soft. Okay. That left like [inaudible] trying to help but it's not up and sweet lake. Way Back. Hips stay right on top of each other and naval stays lifted and last one for up. Up, up. That's it. Nice and relaxed. Go ahead.

There you go. That's much better. And Are you going to river? She's working too hard. Come back and up. You want this to feel good and not stress in the position. Good. What? And back. That's it. Very nice up.

She did a nice stretch and she kept the length happening to last one. Long, long leg lift up, up, up, up, up and lower. Okay, I'm going to have her go ahead and flip onto her stomach for transition beats. So first she'll get into position. And first thing you want to make sure is that you're straight. She's close. No, actually your hips have to move to the left. Your upper body's too far over.

Keep going to the left with your hips. Now bring your legs to the left there. Now you're lying. Shoulder, hip. Okay. It's hard to see when you're on your stomach, you can't see yourself. All right, legs are long. Lift your legs up, reaching them out longer in a clap the heels together for 50 counts. Open. Close. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10 and one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine 20 reach this leg out. Two, four, five, six, seven, eight. None. 32 left, two, four, five, six, seven, eight. Not already long, long legs. Two, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine 50. All right, flip over to the left leg. So now left leg is on top. You get yourself lined up at the back of your map, you'll want to move your hips a little forward. Good.

She's checking with her hand to make sure she's literally lined from shoulder to hip with the edge of her mat. All right, getting positioned, taking that left leg up, powerhouse strong, naval up and be getting with her front cakes eight times back one and kick kick to keep your leg level with your hip. It's going a little bit high as you go forward. Three kick kick for that. Say, use your bottle a little bit more on the stretch backs of those hips. Don't move around six and kick, kick seven and shoulder back eight up and downs. Taking the leg up, eight of these hip on top of Hebdo. Let that left hip, fall back and take the leg up. Reach and squeeze and up. Eight times, three long legs. So I did like the resistance as you came down before, so keep that going by naval up six soft feet, seven and circles. Five and five.

Circling one to remember where the energy should be. It's not in your knees, it's not in your feet or your shoulders or your neck. That's at five times four. Five. Okay. Now you're going to go into your leg lifts, so using your palm for support but not straining your lift, your legs ever lower by the times. Don't let your hips fall. You want the bride on top of each other. So yes, three she fixed it for now. This one, you're going to stay up on the fist one and clap five times. One, two, three, four, five and arrest. All right, now you're hot potatoes, so starting with five tops in front. One, two, three, four, five. So it starts out fairly smooth and it starts to pick up the pace. Three, four, five up, hip on top of him too.

Don't let your left hip Paul back for up. Now it's going to start to get quicker. Two, three, four up. Here it comes. One, two, three accents on that two and one, two, one, two up. One, one up. There you go. Up and up. It should start to feel tired. Arrest. Okay, let's go ahead and have you cross your leg. Grab your ankle. Okay. Taking the leg up two times. Lifting and good.

She's breathing and lifting and lower. Two little circles. One keeping that left leg long. That's it. I'm sorry. Your right leg long now. Three up and around. Up One and two. Big Lift. Zuri reversing and keep your tummy up. Little circles. One, two in a, here you go.

One up to feeling these today up address. Three both legs on top of each other. Okay. Going into your bicycles. So starting with the legs long, take your leg forward. Bend Journey. Need a knee and get that extension behind you. Long, long, long. Careful with your right leg that it's not working so hard up. Bend the knee, Eh, good.

Get that extension so those muscles are lengthening, right? All right, reversing three times. Go back. Bend your knee. Need a knee and stretch. You should be able to almost touch your nose here. You've got more flexibility than that. So bring your leg up. That's it. Much better. One more time back. Bend your knee.

Need a knee. Need a shoulder long. Okay. Both legs on top. Go ahead and go into your ground round, Shawn, you're gonna take that left leg forward. Then you're going to skim your shoulder and your ear. They bring the leg back and just your hips so they stay on top of each other, which I'm not quite seeing down here and down in your bottom. Okay, and like forward, like up to the shoulder. Way Up there. Bring the leg back. Way Back here.

Now shift your left hip forward. Squeeze, squeeze, squeeze, squeeze. Push your hips forward. That's it. There it is. And last one and forward. Soft, soft. I'm going to bring you back now. Pull your left hip forward. That's it. A little bit more. There you go. Working hard. Very nice. Rest. All right. You may lie on your back. Oh, you need to reverse.

Oh, that's right. You're working so hard. I was staying with you back. Take your leg up, up, up, pull up your tummy, navel to spine and forward. Now you got that part done. Now here's where you can control it. Lift, and now you've got this part forward. That's it. So slower on the control parts. The parts of that you need to kind of get in touch with. Alright, that was three. Now you can lie on your back. Very nice.

Ready for teaser one. Bring your knees into your chest. Take your legs straight up, arms behind you. Take your arms straight back. All right, so in your plotty stance, you're turned out, that's it. So you focus center legs lower to 45 degrees as you start to come up. So arms up. Now the legs stay still. Peel off that mat.

You reached for the toes and then you want to sit the up tall and you're going to articulate that down. Just soften your feet, soften your knees, use your powerhouse more, soft it and come on up to the toes. I've got ya. [inaudible] reach and stretch and come back down. Now I want you to move. You're going a little bit slow, which is actually hindering you and come back up to the toast, to the ears. Come back down. I want you to come back up and stay up for [inaudible].

Little add lifts three times at the legs. One, two, last one, three. Everything down together. This one will feel nice. Teaser three, peel off that mat. Use that spine round up. Lift. So if you have to bend your knees to come up to get better articulation. Do so arms back and round.

Does your roll up lift? Come back down. Last one. Exhale. Come up to the toes. I want you to do that one more time and not pull from the head. Okay, last one. So arms up first. Now like your role, think of your role. If you're going to lift your head first, right? That's it. Then what are you going to do? That's it. Now started to come up.

Who's your bottom? Much better. That's what you want. Okay. And lift. Come back down and rest. Alright, very nice. Yeah, we, you start to think of it as a roll up in really makes a lot more sense. You're going to sit up and go into your seals. Hens in and under the ankles with your head forward and down. Okay.

Soften your elbows in this position. Yes. You're not straining. Okay. Three claps here. Three claps to come up. So ready? One, two, three, rock back. Two, three. Come up. One, two, three, back or two, three up, meadow roll quite so far back just to the tips of the shoulders. That's it. Gotta. Use that right side. One, two, three back. Nice and easy. One, two, three. Up. Relax more. The easier they'll become. One, two, three up. Yes. One, two, three. Back.

One, two, three. Oh, we try so hard sometimes that we get caught up in that last one. Do One more and then I'll have you come to standing position. Good. Crossing the legs for us in your arms. It's fine. Standing arms up. You're going to pivot. You're going to turn around for some pushups. She said I am. You are. Walk down your legs. Pull it.

Good. Walk down the legs. Walk out into your plank position. One straight line heals up. So let's have you just shift forward with the heels lifting forward. Forward for then I'd like you to stretch the heels back. So flex the feet, stretch the heels way back, back, back, like balance. Control. Forward, forward, forward, back, back, squeeze. Good. One more time. Forward. Forward, forward, back, back, back. They'll stay up on the toes.

So the heels are up and you're gonna push up just three times. Don't have to go very low. One, two, keeping the elbows close to the ribs. Three, walk back. Drop your head, walk back to the feet and you're going to round yourself up. Rocks your neck. That's it. Last thing up is your head. Now you're gonna do one more. You're going to walk down into position, but then like you did, turn over for the balance. Control pushups behind you. The lake lifts.

That's it. Nice and easy. All right, so she's in position. This is a little bit tricky cause she's going to come off of her match. You're going to have to flip over and put her hands behind herself. [inaudible] very nice. That's it. So fingers are pointing towards your toes. You hold your position or you take one leg and kick it up.

Staying really strong, powerhouse. So don't let that back arch and left kick lower. Now circle up, bed around. Keep those hips up and and around. Now reverse the kicks out, up to the dose down out. Keep the hips up forward. Whole Ed, a little pumps. Just three. One, two, three. Go ahead and sit on your bottom and reach for your toes.

Stretch. I'm going to have you move forward towards your feet so you'll move literally towards me. You're gonna Cross one leg on top of the other. Hands at your hips to finish with boomerang. So head is down. You're hitting get a nice c. So ground towards your knees more. Keep going. There you go. Now remember you're taking your legs with you. That's it.

Alright. Ready? You gonna rock back. Taking the legs. Very nice ray. Cross legs. You'll come up in two teaser. You'll reach for the toes you'll hold now you take the arms and you grasp the fingers and the arms and stretch. Open the chest. Big Lift with the arms float like a father to than toes. Hands at your side. Ready. Stay in your c and take it back.

Ray. Cross right away. Come up to the toes. Arms, back. End Stretch. Big Circle. Floto your float over. Float over. Put your palms on the mat cause I see you're using your fingers. You're to hurt your hands that way. Tumar sets, or sorry, one more second back. Cross. Come back up. Find your position. You've got it.

And then stretch left. Float over. There you go. And have that your hips last one, low back. That's it. Focus Center. Follow that center line. Your spine and arms back. Big Stretch. Big Circle. Hello, Dover both feet together. Put your hands at your hips, flex your feet front row, and you're just gonna stretch. Push that left side forward and then sit up tall. Take the arms up.

Deep breath in. Put the weight on that right hip and exhale. Lift your back up, up, up. Two more from the hips. Inhale, stretch. Push this away. And exhale. Exhale, exhale. One more time. So really take advantage of that stretch by pushing the heels out and pulling into here. Where's your scope? More and more squeezed. There you go. And sit up tall and exhale and you're done. Very nice job. You did great.


1 person likes this.
Wow! Pamela's form and flexibility are an inspiration! Great cueing and reminders from Adrianne, also.
What a great class! I felt like I was part of a private pilates class with one on one instruction. I apprecate Adrianne's attention to correct the technique; it was exactly what I needed.
Love Adrianne's style! Feel worked out, stretched and relaxed all at once.
it isn't coming up.. cant watch
The company that hosts our videos, Brightcove, had a power outage at one of their server centers on Saturday that has affected our East Coast customers but everything should be working now. If you are still having problems, try refreshing your connection to Pilates Anytime or restarting your computer, although selecting AUTO-DETECT generally seems to be making the videos work.
Lorie H
Simple, challenging, flowing and easy cues to follow. I very much like Adrienne's classical style
The video is not working in no format,
this is wha tit says:
Video not found or access denied: // 9001/1493166399001_1841703080001_ad rianne-071412-class1272-hd.mp4
It was great to take a classical mat class! You can not beat the flow and transitions of the original work. It's always nice to get a reminder!
Viola~ I am sorry you have encountered technical difficulties. Would you please try watching the video again, either in Auto-Detect or Low (two viewing options located below the video player screen)? The video is playing fine for me so I hope it will for you now as well.
Thanks Hannah, now it is working again!
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