Feel Good Tower<br>Amy Havens<br>Class 4530

Feel Good Tower
Amy Havens
Class 4530

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This class is true to its name! 
Janie J
1 person likes this.
The flow was great and also the stretches.
1 person likes this.
Such a beautiful class, thank you Amy
Alexandra M Janie J Lori P Thank you so much for taking class with me!!
1 person likes this.
I love this class Amy and come back to it time after time.  My body feels so great after it. Thank you
Hi Stephanie S , thank you so much!  Glad this class feels good to your body!!
Kim W
Used this for the first classes in 2023! Perfection!
Perfect name for this workout.  I was feeling a bit sluggish this morning but after this class I truly felt good.  Thanks Amy!
What a wonderful tower class, Amy! Loved the simplistic approach with minimal spring changes. My spine feels great. I loved the side lying work and the yummy mermaid. I will revisit this class again and again. 
Julie S
So good! Thank you :)
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