Kathy Grant Inspired Mat<br>Kathy Corey<br>Class 202

Kathy Grant Inspired Mat
Kathy Corey
Class 202

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Thank you for your comments. Mat class is a great way to teach the Pilates Principles flow, fluidity and fun!
fabulous class
I am a new(and only) Pilates teacher in Tulum Mexico and looking to extend my knowledge. This video was wonderful. I love the warmup and will use since most of my clientts are beginners. I think the warmup really shows how much pilates helps the body. Thanks Again
Thanks for your feedback. I love teaching and mat work is great for the whole body!
Laurie C
I am so thankful for Pilates Anytime! I have learned so much and feel so grateful to have the opportunity to take classes from these incredible teachers, such as, Kathy Corey. Thank you Kathy for this amazing class!
I have been studying with Cara Reeser in Denver who also comes from Kathy Grants training. It was great to feel the work from Kathy Corey's perspective. I loved this class and can't wait to take more from her. Thank you!)
Love the teasers she had in this one. She is definately a master with a sense of humor as well.
Fantastic class great teasers
Great rotational exercises but in general I find it being too overstimulative for the front part of the body/
Akiko O
This class is so great!  Thank you.
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