Sitting Better<br>Tom McCook<br>Class 5386

Sitting Better
Tom McCook
Class 5386

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Sebnem U
Hi from Türkiye, As me and my collegues sit all day on a chair in office, this class ii just brilliant. I will show these moves to my collegues. Thanks so much Tom
Sebnem U, Thank you, that’s really great to hear!! Enjoy and all the best to you and your colleagues!!👊🙏
Calm, humorous, clear, knowledgeable and balanced. Thanks for the great chair class. Who knew 😉
Beverly L, thank you for your thoughtful feedback!! Enjoy and all the best to you!😊🙏
THANK YOU FOR THSI CHAIR WORKOUT!  Honoring my body after surgeries  and as I age  that is  where I am at today!
Wonderful cueing as usual.  I love all your classes Tom.
Thank you for everything you've done to make you, who you are !
Judy G, You're very welcome!! I'm happy to hear this is the right class at this time for you to support your wellness!! Warm regards,
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