Neutral Spine Reformer<br>Meredith Rogers<br>Class 1855

Neutral Spine Reformer
Meredith Rogers
Class 1855

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Lauren Ashley
Thank you, Meredith. That was awesome. I especially liked the external rotation and extension combos at the end! I feel like I do not work the rotator cuff nearly enough in my classes! What a great way to integrate it into an extension combo!
Awesome class Meredith!!! I LOVE all your classes. You are absolutely a fantastic Pilates instructor and very cute too :)
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Beautiful session, Meredith. Loved the standing arm work!
Lovely! Thank you for the prep before the Star -one of my most challenging movements :))
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Love it!!! It looks chalenging??
Thank you
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Feel this one! Great instruction!
Stunningly done, Meredith! Really loved the work here!
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Thank you a million times!
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Thank you, Meredith, for another wonderful, sweat drenched-yet-spa-like class. I'm not kidding when I say you're a genius.
This was a wonderful class, filled with different variations of the exercises we know and love, and I really felt the connection to my spine, ribs, every single bone of my body throughout this class. You are the ultimate Pilates instructor, and I truly believe Joe would not have only been proud of your teaching style and spirit — he'd probably grab a notepad and jot some ideas from you. You're uplifting and inspirational, and I thank you once again for a marvelous class that I was fortunate enough to be able to take. Don't ever change, Meredith :)
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That was awesome Meredith thank you!! Beautiful detailed instruction :)
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