Contract and Release Mat<br>Diane Severino<br>Class 1863

Contract and Release Mat
Diane Severino
Class 1863

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Great class with unique instructor. Love her style. More please
This truly was a lovely class.... I'd call it a sneaky class - you move so fluidly through each movement, then suddenly the class is over and your body is tingling with new life and new awareness. So great and very effective. This one will definitely be repeated.
Diane Diefenderfer
There is no one like the fabulous Diane Severino. She continues to inspire me and everyone fortunate enough to work with her.
I love her!
Diane Severino
I'm astounded, delighted and humbled.
You get me! You like me! My nine year old grandson showed me what you all wrote. I'm going to watch my class for the first time now. Thank you all! PS I hope I kept my abs in!

Diane Severino
Yay!!! You can imagine my delight seeing Diane and Diane back to back in any forum having to do with Pilates Anytime. The fact that it is all surrounding our praise for you Diane Severino, thrills me to no end. Thank you all so much! I love her too Diane (Diefenderfer)!
1 person likes this.
Just loved her attitude, and attention to detail, wonderful instruction - and just her sense of fun - thank you so much - more please!
2 people like this.
You are one fantastic lady. Apart from having a great workout, I also laughed so much. I love your style. What gracefulness as well!!
1 person likes this.
What a, more than pleasant, surprise. Hope to see more Diane. Perhaps a chair class, jumpboard, reformer or all of the above! Thanks PA!
Wow, Diane! Such great details in the movements! Thank you for a wonderful fitness layer I haven't tapped into since I was young.
Love this lady! She makes me have a big smile on my face and through my body for the rest of the day! More Diane please!
11-20 of 43

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