Therapeutic Reformer<br>Niedra Gabriel<br>Class 2078

Therapeutic Reformer
Niedra Gabriel
Class 2078

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Great easy to follow instructions. I'm recovering from a broken ankle and it was a fantastic help to remind me of the basics after a spending a long time in rehab. So happy to get back to Pilates again. Thanks Niedra
Niedra Gabriel
Thank you Gaile, a broken ankle can be challenging - we never know how much we rely on parts of our body till they do not function as before . welcome back to Pilates. Revisiting basics is always the best road to more.
1 person likes this.
Niedra- the therapeutic portion of this class is fascinating. Thank you for your detailed explanation and cueing.
Niedra Gabriel
Glad you are getting benefit from this class hydie.
Niedra you are gorgeous :) your class is always detailed and interesting .
Niedra Gabriel
Thank you Chonnarit. I am glad you are enjoying the classes.
Thank you for this. I have been unable to do Pilates for six months after putting my back out. Hip replacement has caused spine and hip problems. This felt good today and reassuring. I would like more workouts like this. Thank you Niedra.
Niedra Gabriel
Good luck with your recovery Paddy, I am sure with gentle movements and honoring your body as it is Now you will find your way.
I am so greatful for thestep by step , detail approach of this video.
Niedra Gabriel
Thank you Vydia - it is always about the progressions.
1-10 of 13

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