High-Engery Wunda Chair<br>Kathryn Ross-Nash<br>Class 2143

High-Engery Wunda Chair
Kathryn Ross-Nash
Class 2143

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Love the comparison of exercise variations/progressions. And what great energy from the instructor (with a killer body;)!
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KRN...always my favorite!
Amazing class! Kathryn looks like Trinity in " The matrix".
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where did Colleen get her pants from? who make them. great class!
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Wow what an amazing workout, so lucky to participate in this private session with Kathy from way over here in Australia!
I am SOOOO glad you enjoyed!!! I am smiling as I read your lovely comments, they mean the world to me
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I have been incorporating these stetches with my private clients and my classes this week. Thank you for your excellence. I agree with Jennifer on Colleen's pants. How can I get those??
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Totally spectacular. A class to revisit over and over. So delightful to get the tactile cuing explained in detail as well. And I think Colleen's pants are from teeki!
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WOW! Kathryn can energize me in my living rum thought my computer screen! Hard workout but effective! Have Romanas DVDs with Kathryn Ros-Nash and enjoyed them very much, didn't knew Kathryn was a Pilates teacher! Surprise!
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