WOW!!!! I just finished doing ths session and my body feels deliciously strong and long:) Thank you Amy for a very challenging class that is DOABLE...just the right amount of reps to fatigue but not over fatigue. So nice to have a spiced up tower like class.
Wow! My new favorite tower class. I love finding new creative ways to use it! I don't have a middle eye bolt, so I attached my springs to the side and centered my mat with them. And wouldn't you know it, I just so happened to have a carabiner lying around! Challenging class. Having the springs in the center does feel differently than to the side. Especially in the leg work. Thank you Amy for always bringing such high quality classes to PA!
Thanks SO much everyone for your thoughtful, supportive and positive feedback to this Tower class, yay!!! You all know me by now or are getting to know me....I love thinking outside the box a little bit and spicing things up! Good for the brain, good for the body....and great for clients in classes too so they stay interested! :) I really appreciate the fact that you've all taken the time to leave a comment here! I'll do another one soon. :)
Amy, THANK YOU for this wonderful Tower class. The center springs worked things from a different angle, plus added a balance challenge. The rotational ab work was tough... you hit all the spots. Please continue to do more Tower classes. We love them! Thank you for always challenging us in new and creative ways.