Mat on the Tower<br>Amy Havens<br>Class 2518

Mat on the Tower
Amy Havens
Class 2518

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Carol K , thank you so much for this very thoughtful message and response to my class.  You've made my day!  I'm about to film (end of April!!) and an advanced Tower class is on my list to teach!  Any specific requests?!!
Carol K
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Thank you, Amy! 

I frequently carve out time to take your amazing classes. Please consider integrating the unweighted Push Through Bar into your new video. I immensely enjoy your version of “Tower” with the unweighted bar. I look forward to your next endeavor. 

My sincerest gratitude, 
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Hi Carol K! Thank you so much!!  As I mentioned, I did film a new Tower class this past week, but I kept it to the Roll Back Bar and Leg Spring work.  I didn't incorporate the Push Through Bar this time, but the next Tower class I film, I will for sure!  I know you'll enjoy what I just filmed however, it was a good one!
Alina N
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Alina N Thank you!!!
that was fantastic!

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