Oppositional Movements<br>Monica Wilson<br>Class 2538

Oppositional Movements
Monica Wilson
Class 2538

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Very frustrating watching with stop and start
I really liked Monica's cues. I was able to feel my body move better when I heard her prompting the girls about lengthening out through their legs and keeping their shoulders on the mat for 100's. Great class.
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Great job Monica, really love your teaching! I believe it is so important for a Pilates Instructor to watch & correct the class instead of doing the exercises with the class. You are a real pro!!
Yvonne ~ I am sorry you are having trouble with this video freezing. I recommend watching it in a lower video quality. If you continue to have trouble after trying this, please email us at contact@pilatesanytime.com.
Brilliant class - lovely flow to it. Monica's cues are so clear.
Very challenging! Thank you Monica
This video was freezing….. Start and stop and start and stop
Ira ~ I am sorry you are having trouble with this video freezing. I recommend watching it in a lower video quality. If you continue to have trouble after trying this, please email us at contact@pilatesanytime.com.
1 person likes this.
really enjoyed it...Monica thank you
1 person likes this.
that was so fun and different! thank you!!
1-10 of 11

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