Mat for Traveling<br>Meredith Rogers<br>Class 2880

Mat for Traveling
Meredith Rogers
Class 2880

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Fantastic !!
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It's very nice to have another short but intense workout from Meredith. Her 30 minute video from 2012 is my main go-to workout when I don't have a lot of time.
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Thank you! Really like your teaching style. Perfect way to start my day!
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this is going to be the perfect work out for me come February, One of my very nice clients is taking me on an eight day cruise to the Caribbean on a 150 foot yacht! I feel so blessed to have such great loyal clients and to have the gift of Pilates anytime! Thank you Meredith ! And I'm sure all of my loyal clients are so loyal because of all the wonderful work outs I get from Pilates anytime.
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I "take" Meredith with me on travels all over the world Connie Murtaugh. LOL Today we were in San Francisco and she "travels" with me to Mexico every few months. "We" were together in Croatia and Scotland last year. Hope you'll enjoy being "with" me and Michelle in Italy in the spring Meri!
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Connie and Joni, I am in this, too
We moved to Europe half a year ago and amidst all the chaos, I still have Meri and Pilates Anytime, my virtual second home, wherever I go.
This was a great class, the first I did with a towel actually, and I really loved the sense of resistance it added to the exercises.
Thank you, Meredith!
Kimber D
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Wonderful class. Great transitions. Smooth and very precise. Thank you Meredith
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I understand Viola. I "met" Meredith before moving to the US from Mexico. The Pilates Anytime community is a vital one that accompanies me no matter where in the world I am and with this class, no matter how reduced the space to practice may be!!
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I love, love the way you move and teach. You keep me inspired as a student of Pilates as well as a teacher.
Many, Many THANKS!!!
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Meredith, I love every workout you teach. I am always challenged and never bored. You have a true gift.
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