Spiraling Reformer<br>Madeline Black<br>Class 3021

Spiraling Reformer
Madeline Black
Class 3021

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Wonderful class. Thank you
So many wonderful nuanced variations and approaches to traditional movements! Will definitely do again~
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What a difference!!! Thank you very much!!! Need to do this class again to catch on every detail. So valuable!!!
1 person likes this.
Very different class, but an important one. Learned a bunch and feel great afterwards. Thank you! 
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I come back this class often, especially when my ribs are feeling stuck. I feel so open now! Thanks for your brilliance, Madeline!
Madeline Black
Thanks for sharing how you feel Stacy!
Sofie van der Sommen
I really like your explanation of the ribcage in the scapula in stead of cueing from the serrated, thank you!
11-17 of 17

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