Strength and Stability<br>Amy Havens<br>Class 3030

Strength and Stability
Amy Havens
Class 3030

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That was great! Got everything all fired up! I forget sometimes how using the band ups the intensity and provides support. Love it! 😊
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Thank you so much Amy! I really enjoyed doing the mat exercises with the band, some I have never done before. I liked the Open Leg Rocker with no arms (another new one for me). Thank you for all of your hard work and dedication.
Glad you're with me here gals and I appreciate all these comments!! The band is a wonderful, wonderful 'tool' for us and provides an incredible environment for upping the challenge too. See you in the next class!
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Fantastic class Amy Havens. Made me giggle with rolling ball into squat. Loved it. Thank you
Hi Mary , nice to have you here in the challenge! Ah yes, the Rolling Like a Ball into the squat, always a crowd pleaser!
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Wow! I loved this challenge! I use therabands in bbarreless and in bootybarre. I found this version to be intense in teaser and side stretch. Open leg rocker = Awesome challange! I'm still in the modified version. Its a work in progress! Ty for a great challenge, Amy Havens!
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Well Amy I dont mind telling you its been such fun doing this. I delicately suggested to my hubby that he try them. I will keep you posted on that subject.
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Anther great class! A couple favorites that stood out for me were double leg stretch with the band and kneeling punches...the cue of the back arm being the higher arm was great!
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Another great one. Thank you Amy Havens . Love your queuing.
Sue B
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day 3 , thank you ! MMM rollover with the band needs some practice i think . Loved it , thank you .
11-20 of 107

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