Tension Release Mat<br>Debora Kolwey<br>Class 3065

Tension Release Mat
Debora Kolwey
Class 3065

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Kimberley Michelle
LOVE your teaching style. Thank you. I love the constant connection into the back of the legs and hips.
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Love you Deborah....going to get my backpack on!
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Thank you very much, Debora, the your own backpack image is so smart. Loved it.
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another super great class to enjoy, and who could ever forget that backpack? :) I love you teaching, it is a gift to us all!
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That was a very informative class, Debora. Thank you!!
Debora Kolwey
I had fun with this one, too! So pleased you all enjoyed it
1 person likes this.
loved, loved, loved the fabulous cuing - made it very easy to get the back of the legs of working. More please!!
Too much talking, can't finish.
Such a nice class
1 person likes this.
Love the imagery cueing thank you!
1-10 of 24

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