Lengthening Tower<br>Michael F. & Ton V.<br>Class 3371

Lengthening Tower
Michael F. & Ton V.
Class 3371

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Fantastic fun functional precision! Thanks guys.
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So much fun! Precise cues, creative variations, and yes, very lengthening!
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Awesome class! My legs feel so much longer now:) Thank you!
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Glorious--yummy stretches and connections with the trunk/serape. merci!
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Nice workout....love the rotations!
3 people like this.
Is there another class by you guys that more deeply explains the rotational hip stretch within the forward push through with rotation? I was feeling the stretch on internal hip rotation and you were cueing it on external so I’m thinking I missed something.
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Love this one...such wonderful rotating...loved the end sequence w all that balance! Thank you...so grateful for you 2 , a fresh tower workout and of course, PA
Hi Honorine Thank you for your comments. We apologize if we were not clear. You might want to check out our classes #2271, 3370 and/or 3373. Hopefully they will give you more insight. If not, please let us know and we will answer your question the best way we can.
Alisha R
Thank you again for another fabulous class! After spending last year studying Bartenieff Fundamentals and Laban Movement Analysis, I really appreciate the clarity you are sharing with moving the spine in these exercises and in your tutorial. The rotation work is so important. Hope to see you soon.
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go to 6:22min and watch that bird dive in the ocean. Great class!
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