The Dance of the Clavicle!<br>Tom McCook<br>Tutorial 3627

The Dance of the Clavicle!
Tom McCook
Tutorial 3627

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Loved this!  I found focusing on the clavicle so much easier than the scapula (which sometimes feel like they belong to someone else!) because I could touch it.  Thank you, I always enjoy your teaching.
ML, thank you for your comments! Thanks great to hear, the clavicle is the first bone of the shoulder girdle connected to the skeleton. Keep enjoying your practice while focusing on function!! Kind regards 🙏
Cheryl Z
Great class made chest expansion  so effortless. I added a few extra triceps. Love the all four thoracic  stretch and wringing our of trap Thank You
Cheryl Z , that’s great to hear, thank you so much for sharing your experience!! Wishing you many more movement discoveries!🤗🙏
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