Melted Pilates Tower<br>Hallee Altman<br>Class 3745

Melted Pilates Tower
Hallee Altman
Class 3745

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Thank you so much Catherine!
Faye S
great class, thank you!

Thank you Faye!
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That was great. Now I'll have to explore the MELT method more!
Yes! Check out Sue Hitzmann’s Lecture and classes on PA! will help you find an instructor near you. 
Hi....I don’t mean to be negative but its just a lot of talking :( sorry but this seems like a workshop type of thing...not a class. I couldn’t get through it bc it was just a lot of talking. I like doing :) which PA usually does a great job! No disrespect for the instructors. The info is valuable but just packaged in a different place. Now off to find a class to work out.
Thank you for your feedback. It’s always a balance between flow and form while keeping pace- I hope you’ll be back when the time is right!
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Hallee, can you do more Melted Tower classes? I love this so much!
If there is someone I can email At PA letting them know I want more MELT? Let me know and I’ll tell them how much I love this series!
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Thank you Hallee!  Love your teaching style.  I am a retired certified MELT instructor and certified STOTT  instructor and studio owner.   This class was great to do at home on my STOTT Rehab reformer.   I remember talking to Sue 10 years ago about combining Pilates with MELT.
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