Susan J This is for you to decide. Try before and or after a p[ilates session to see your preference. its very personal. you can do this work daily, unless you have a reaction ( rare unless your tissue is very tight) just trust your own body to answer these questions. and roll out....
I love this one I've watched it many times I have a big butt lol and this makes me love it more and maybe it will get smaller if I commit! I can feel how it would! also very relaxing on a yoga level
Elizabeth D your post made me laugh. I love that you are getting to love you butt ! and are enjoyign the rolling and release of the muscle patterns. who knows? we are all the shape we are for a reason. and if we learn and appreciate - that's the gift and the joy.
Destiny R thrilled for you reading your post > This work can be a wild ride - sometimes better than therapy as whatever is really locked into our bodies.