Fluid Spine Corrector<br>Michael King<br>Class 465

Fluid Spine Corrector
Michael King
Class 465

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what was the great soundtrack that you used??
Awesome class!
Awesome flow, great energy and great hit Thank you.
Thorough workout and fun! Loved it.
First time I did Pilates to music!
Beautiful! Created so much fluidity, loved it! Been a long time since Michael was here...when is he coming back??!!
Kerry~ He is actually scheduled to return in November. We are very excited for his return and grateful that he made time in his schedule!
Yes I am looking forward to a few days of filming and sharing some new classes !
Great! I love you, Michael!
would also like to know where the music comes from or where to get it please. Loved the class it is fun and uplifting as well as challenging. Please can we have more classes like this!
Wonderful. Loved the fact that it was 30 mins and I could take a break in my work day and get everything feeling better. Thanks!
11-20 of 38

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