Reformer Stretch<br>Amy Havens<br>Class 491

Reformer Stretch
Amy Havens
Class 491

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I woke up this morning very sore in hips and glutes from a tough workout yesterday, logged into PA and waalaa there was Amy with this fantastic stretch series! Just what the doctor ordered.. wonderful stretch series Amy and I can incorporate alot of these moves in my teaching. I have several clients that are runners so just KNOW they will love these!
BTW ,where oh where did u get the great shirt? I am learning the Barre workouts and just love that.
Thanks Amy!! Jamie
Hi Jamie! Yay, so glad these stretches came at a good time for you. They will absolutely be easy in incorporate into any Reformer session and can be a nice break from the 'norm' of stretches we typically do. Regarding the shirt....! I'm a Booty Barre teacher also and this is one of their shirts. It's really comfy, check it out!
Thanks Amy! Anytime you wanna teach BootyBarre here I am with ya.
Thanks Jamie!
Perfect after your jumpboard session....this will be awesome after a bike to the beach too! Thank you thank you thank you! PA is one of the best "investments" I've made! Cheers
Thanks for your wonderful feedback Jennifer!
Lisa Hubbard
Thank you Amy, I love this stretch series and have incorporated it into my repertoire!
Thank you Lisa!!
Around the world rocked my world! That felt great after a long day of teaching. Thanks Amy! I love your insight.
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Hi Sarah!! Glad you liked the 'round the world'!! It is a nice little series isn't it?!! Thanks for your comments!
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