Gait Patterning Exploration<br>Tom McCook<br>Class 5109

Gait Patterning Exploration
Tom McCook
Class 5109

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Zeren Joy
Tom Thank you!!
Soooooo happy that you’re back! Love love love your lessons. Thank you for being so generous about sharing your knowledge. Can’t wait for more.xx
Exquisite work.  Thank you so much!  I will be sharing with my clients:)
Thank you Zeren, Colette and Mindi!
I appreciate your feedback, it’s great to be back with new offerings at PilatesAnytime!!❤️🙏
Absolutely wonderful thank you Tom 🙏❤️
Wow - so much to learn still! Loved your calm delivery of understanding better the most basic functional movement of all. Brilliant Tom, thank you
Dear Renee MurphyLesley PowellAnne L,
Thank you so much!🙏
Loved it!
Bravo, thanks Tom for sharing your knowledge, and such calm and brilliant cueing! Love the integration of all the modalities- Franklin Method, pilates and Anatomy in Motion, a trio of zesty offerings that enhance the movement quality and experience whilst also focusing on breath and releasing areas of tension. Look forward to some more of your classes. 
1-10 of 46

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