Spine Safe Mat<br>Erin Wilson<br>Class 5246

Spine Safe Mat
Erin Wilson
Class 5246

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That was really very lovely, nice for starting the day. Thank you.
1 person likes this.
Lisette-Anne V I am so happy you enjoyed this class! Thank you for your wonderful feedback 🙏🏻💜
Gabrielle V
Wonderful class, my back feels better
Gabrielle V nice! I am so happy this class was helpful for your back! Thank you for your feedback!
Great class to start the day. Important connections to be made here. I have scoliosis also and find internal rotation so so difficult on one side. Thank you for this short and effective lesson. 
Lacey thank you for your feedback! My pleasure!
Marie D
I loved this class which covers so much at a perfect pace, thank you! Just a question: is it safe to make it a daily routine, one year after a hip replacement? (I'm 58). Thank you again. Marie
Amanda O
Great spine stretch! I have a neck injury but found this to be nice and delicate. I experienced no pain 
Marie D I am so sorry! I do not know how I missed your comment! The answer is/was yes 😊 I hope you have had a smooth recovery and are enjoying life with your new hip!
Amanda O wonderful! I am so happy this class allowed you to move without disturbing your neck 🙏🏻 Hope your injury is continuing to heal 
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