Barre Inspired Reformer<br>Laura Hanlon<br>Class 5629

Barre Inspired Reformer
Laura Hanlon
Class 5629

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Charlotte H thank you for your kind words! xx
Dawvyn W
So fun! I loved how you extended your free leg under the foot bar in single leg and footwork. Also enjoyed knee stretch series with the short box for support. 
Jacqueline S
Solid workout thank you! I did have have take out the last ten minutes. I'm too short, and too new to work out mods on the fly. But, I'm definitely going to do this session again. 
Jen U
Great workout!  Challenging! 
Mark Hamilton
Thanks Laura, great usual. Reverse planking series on short box was a humbling experience which I need. Will have to repeat this series with a few spring weight options. Hope you're well. Best wishes in 2025.
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