Total Body Jump Board<br>Amy Havens<br>Class 5649

Total Body Jump Board
Amy Havens
Class 5649

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Maryna Z
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so creative! Thank you, Amy!
Shona Croft
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I love all your classes. And you could be the only pilates instructor who can count!  (I include me in the non counting number) 😂👍❤️
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I can’t wait to try this great flow 
Robin S
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as always great! nice to have a "new " jump board fun time!
1 person likes this.
Lots of fun, great leg work!
Angeline R
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Love this jump series and will teach it next week @ EveryBodyPilates MC, LA Thanks!
So lovely. Thank you for the empowering and clear class. 
1 person likes this.
So energizing. with great organizing cues. Five Star class!!!
Jen U
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Thank you Amy!  Jumping was just what I needed today!  xo
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This would be a great class for someone I know, Amy.    You know her too!  Thank-you!  This truly revealed how asymmetrical my left ankle is from my right!  woza!
1-10 of 20

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