Strength + Cardio<br>Andrea Speir<br>Class 5749

Strength + Cardio
Andrea Speir
Class 5749

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Really great class. The ab series with the ball and strap was killer. I can see why it’s your favorite. I think I have an 8 pack after that 😆
Thank you Andrea for this great class! I LOVED the abs series with the ball, and despite the class was hard that feet in the straps ending really helped release the tension in my legs. Thanks soooo much!
Omg that was tough! Loved it
Jess D
Loved this one! Great cueing - not too much talking (I’m an instructor too and can’t handle too much talk when I’m just trying to work out!). It was perfect. Will do all of your classes!
Love the abs cluster and the rest flowed into an amazing strength cardio session. Great instructor this one is saved as a favourite
Question for you. I had a C-section 7 years ago. Teasers are very hard for me. I managed this class fairly well, but I had to modify the section with the strap around my thigh. That type of move is so hard for me. Is that damage from the C-section?
Chanda Hinman
Yvonne W Chanda Hinman from Pilates Anytime here! That section is difficult for me too! It's not easy to know why exercises are more or less difficult for each of us, and you did the right thing by modifying for your body. Congratulations on working through a tough workout! Please let us know if you have additional questions!
2 people like this.
Yvonne W Hi Yvonne! Great to meet you, and thank you for asking this questions, it's so valid and I'm sure other women who might be experiencing the same would love to chat about this as well. I also had a C-Section 7 years ago, so I totally get it. Teasers are super tough for me know as well (as is a full roll up). I only like doing any form of teaser post C with a ball at my back, and my first suggestion to you would be to bring the ball a bit closer to your shoulder blades. If it's too low, it will push you forward into a little bit of flatter, or even arched, back, which makes it harder for the core to find that deep connection. If it's still tough, keep your legs in a high diamond position (legs in tabletop with the knees apart and feet together, feet higher than knees) and just hold them there. The 3rd suggestion if you still are not feeling connected to your abs would be to just focus on the upper body flys with the knees bent and feet flat on the headrest! Keep me updated! XX
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