Thank You for another Fab Class Courtney :) Awesome Flow (as usual!!) and yes, for me that is important~ having to constantly change positions, springs and props disrupts the beauty originally intended (my opinion only) Moving smoothly from series to series with prop change allowed a short rest which I needed ;)
Another great class Courtney! thanks I do have a question, many clients have a hard time kneeling for their arm work, have you taught that series on the box?
Hi Courtney I totally relate to the way you format your classes. I use your choreography alot to add a more challenge for my seasoned clients.You are the best instructor on this site by far! Keep them coming they are as good if not better than many of then workshops out there and are perfect for busy trainers like myself who have no time to take continuing ed workshops.
This such an awesome workout! It flows perfectly and it isn't the typical routine of exercises. My clients are going to LOVE this. Keep the videos coming :))