I.C. Rapoport<br>Chuck Rapoport<br>Discussion 817

I.C. Rapoport
Chuck Rapoport
Discussion 817

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Thank You Inga and everyone for taking the time to listen and watch. I enjoyed talking to Chuck so much! It was a bonus that he had so many great stories beyond just that famous day in 1961.
Anna Hartman
Wow, what an amazing interview of an amazing man! Thank you for sharing!
Fantastic interview! Beautiful stories! Amazing pics! Thank you!
Makes me want to get a pair of Janzens! :D
You could sport Janzens Heikki! Go for it!
Merci beaucoup. Such a great interview.
Every weekday morning I teach at 5:45am. while Im getting ready for my day I choose a discussion. I am never disappointed. I start my day having learned something new and each day I begin with renewed respect for my craft. Thank you PA.
I love that Denee! Before long we're going to have a lot more reasons for you to get up at 5:45 too! Stay tuned!
Isn't Chuck a great storyteller?
Yes, he is. He's definitely had some unique experiences. I enjoyed hearing about them.
Wow!! What an incredible story. Thank you for sharing a compelling interview!
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