Pre - Postnatal

About This Playlist


This pre and post natal series allows you to continue your Pilates practice as you advance in your pregnancy while recognizing and addressing the myriad of changes you are going through. If you are in your first trimester, we recommend starting with class number one. If you are in your 3rd trimester please begin at class number 2. Always listen to your body while participating in class. Should you feel dizzy or uncomfortable, stop exercising and consult help right away.

Suitable For

Pilates enthusiasts who have already been practicing Pilates prior to becoming pregnant and who have been cleared by their doctors to continue working out.



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Thank you for this playlist! I am loving these classes. They are fun, creative with the perfect amount of challenge. I truly enjoy your teaching style. They have not only helped me within my own current pregnancy, but have also inspired me within my personal class planning. I appreciate your work! Thanks!

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