BOSU Pilates Fusion and Flow<br>Erika Quest<br>Workshop 5371

BOSU Pilates Fusion and Flow
Erika Quest
Workshop 5371

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Adriann S
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Such a great workshop! I feel so inspired to incorporate more Bosu exercises into my classes. I really appreciate the PDF handout. Thank you so much, Erika!! 
Erika Quest
Adriann S Woohoo, you're so welcome Adriann! I love the BOSU so much and glad to bring this to PA. Hop over and take FUSE, the companion class to this workshop where we put it all together in a class format. Much love, Erika
1 person likes this.
Thank you for some wonderful new ideas Erika!
Erika Quest
Rena S You bet, Rena! I'm so glad you liked them and will use. Much love, Erika
Taryn Upchurch
This was a very insightful session. Thank you, Erika!
Erika Quest
Taryn Upchurch Oh Taryn, I'm so glad and thanks for joining in this workshop! Much love, Erika
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