Tash's Personal Workout<br>Tash Barnard<br>Class 3496

Tash's Personal Workout
Tash Barnard
Class 3496

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Will be trying this later today. Love the circles with straps on elbows! I have enjoyed your classes, your warmth, your laugh and the happiness radiating from you. Kristi Cooper will always have my immense gratitude for the changes she has brought to my life and mobility and for the access she gives me to wonderful teachers like you!

I look forward to more classes with you! Thank you.
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Thank you! That felt awesome!
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Thanks Trish, lovely even elegant workout. Beautifully simple but very effective . Thankyou
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Hi. I enjoyed your class especially the last two stretches. I have one comment. I would recommend more queues as I had to turn my head a lot while I was doing the workout to actually watch what you were doing rather than just listening. I've been doing Pilates anytime for about 2 years and it's easier to do the workouts without turning my head because I'm afraid to strain my neck. Please offer more verbal instruction.But I really enjoyed your workout thank you.
Kate V
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Thank you Tash, for a lovely, heartfelt, respectful workout. Reminded me that I don't have to beat myself up to effectively work my body well! As teachers we sometimes we sometimes take better care of others than ourselves. Thank you again to the reminder to be kinder!
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Loved it Tash !! Thanks so much
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This was simply marvelous! Loved it and I will do it myself as often as I can. Love and share your passion for Pilates. Thank you. Can't wait to watch more from you.
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I've taken all of your latest classes! I've also taken so many of your other ones as well. I just love them and your teaching. I know I'll be getting a great workout and feel strong! Keep coming back!! Thank you again and again:)
Feeling longer and stronger this morning because of this class! Thank you Tash - I felt your passion and related to your body struggles....the journey continues!!
Loved this and I love YOU Tashie!! ❤️💥😘
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