Full-Body Magic Circle<br>Laura Hanlon<br>Class 5415

Full-Body Magic Circle
Laura Hanlon
Class 5415

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2 people like this.
Fantastic class
2 people like this.
Thanks for this challenging and fun class! Your energy motivated me to keep going! I feel completely "wrung out"!
AColleen Thank you! I am so happy to hear that you enjoyed class :)
Wonderful and very challenging class with calm and lovely cues. Thank you Laura!
Julie Lloyd
Wow, what a class!! thank you!
Waller M
Fabulous workout! Feels long and strong front and back body! Thanks!! 
Gisela G
Great class - love it!!
Anna H
Loved the sequence of this class! Magic circle adds the perfect amount of challenge for exercises, making you feel strong by the end of the workout
I just came back to this feeling stronger. The teasers are still very challenging! Thanks again for a great class!
Little bit stronger, teasers still super hard. Thankful.
11-20 of 31

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