Straight Forward Reformer<br>Amy Havens<br>Class 5543

Straight Forward Reformer
Amy Havens
Class 5543

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Amy, this went right into my favorites! I’m 39 working through some hand, wrist and now knee issues and this was excellent for my own body. I also teach many of the 60 and above crowd and this be will be fantastic for them as well. Thank you for the well thought out class. 
Catherine H
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Fantastic class. Amy, your instructions and cues are so helpful and clear.
Sara P
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nice class, a lot's of ideas

1 person likes this.
Some great ideas thank you can’t wait to use them on my cllients 
Kerry M
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Amy, you are a maestro on the reformer.  I felt everything and it was smooth and intuitive.  Just perfect for this over 60 body.  Hand gripping is a must for me.  Thank you for the much needed therapy there.  Although while I was doing it I wanted to stop and go back to other things--which tells me I need to get a grip--literally!  Thank you xoxo
Heather S
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Great options for balance and grip-strength! Thanks so much, Amy!
1 person likes this.
It went so quick! Some good options to add in for my clients. Thank you 🤩
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Wonderful class, Amy. This 69-yr-old body is thanking you!!  My new favorite!
Lisa F
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This is such a welcome variation from the standard straightforward reformer class. BRAVO for this one! More like this please!!!
Jeannie H
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Amy, I really enjoy your pilates classes--clear, effective directions and adequate time for set ups for me to follow.  After my pilates studio closed (following the 8 years I enjoyed it) at age 70 I'm working on my reformer at home.  I love the way you incorporate many yoga stretches and alternate strength with stretch!  Thank you. Jeannie
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