with Tash Barnard (Beginner)

with Tash Barnard (Beginner)

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Shona Croft
Love love Tash’s classes so excited for this! 
Tash Barnard
Kate V 
Hello Kate - let's hear more on your progress xx Youve got this! 
Tash Barnard
Maria P 
Your messages are my best !  Thank you Maria xx 
Tash Barnard
Taghrid K 
Hello Taghrid - let's hear more on your progress in the challenge xx
Tash Barnard
Smiles for days!  How did the rest go Joanie?
Tash Barnard
1 person likes this.
Julia S 
Come alive!  2024 is here and you started on the front foot Julia! xx
Can’t say how glad I am to find Tash again! I was missing you! This challenge just fall perfect in my new January personal challenge.
Tanja B
Love it, thank you Tash!
Marta S
Love it! So good, each 30 min well spent.
11-19 of 19

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