Class #201

Mat with Modifications

45 min - Class


Adrianne teaches an intermediate class to two instructors, each working through specific physical challenges - one modifying for an injury; the other working through some recurring patterns that have returned on this day. Adrianne does a good job offering modifications for the shoulder injury present and tips and challenges for people with tight low backs. This class is a good reminder for all long-time Pilates enthusiasts that the lessons never stop coming!
What You'll Need: Mat

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Jun 28, 2010
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Well, good morning. Have you guys actually start at the front of your mat and we'll go ahead and sit down. And if you don't know how, you'll just cross your legs, cross your arms, and try to sit down without using your arms. So go ahead and begin and then you're going to go ahead and lie down. Make sure you're centered on your mats. Both of you look pretty good and we'll begin with our hundreds.

So you're going to slide your knees into your chest, take your legs up to 90 degrees and the plotty stands. So you're wrapping the thighs and begin to lower your legs. Lift your heads and stretch your arms out long. Take your legs to a level that's comfortable for you. In other words, your backs are nice and supported and begin your breathing. So it's a long breath in, breath out.

And the arms are pretty vigorous. Exhale, 22 four five except for 500 really trying to curl into your sternum. So just the tips of the shoulders are on the mat. So a little bit lower, that's it. Deeper into the sternum. [inaudible] lower your legs and squeeze your bottom six to bar x out of time. Alright fine. By pulling the shoulder wings down, keep the legs stretching out long.

Oh, last one to four [inaudible] exhale. [inaudible] bend your knees, drop your feet, drop your head. Go ahead and extend your legs that long. Well, we're going to go into our roll ups, so still getting that consciousness of wrapping the thighs. You're trying to imprint your spines into the mat as well so there's no gapping between your back and the mat. So take a nice deep breath in and start to peel off that man. That's it. Nice soft feet stretched to the toes, still scooping in. Shoulders are relaxed. You're going to lie back down, articulating one vertebrae at a time. So nice wrapping the size.

No knees. You want to keep your knees really soft. Nice deep breath in. Exhale over. And the arm shouldn't be wider than your shoulders. So bring the arms in a bit. There you go. So we're a little bit quicker now. Nice deep breath in. Chins to the chest and stretch and bring that down.

Keep going to really long. That's it. Three more. Nice deep breath in or up your thighs. Exhale, bringing that back down really soft to nice deep breath in. Peel off that mat. Really scoop as you come up over, nose between your knees if you can. And last one your head will touch. She'll come up stretched over and then I'll have you lie down and we'll take your right knee into your chest. Going into your leg circles.

Give that like a little stretch. Take your leg up. Now from here you want to rotate the knee out from the inner thigh so it's not the knee turning. It's really working. Your bottom and inner thigh. Go ahead and begin to circle. You can make these big or small. What you're trying to do though is keep those hips from moving three for getting those roots to pushed back together. Five and now have you reversed that five time up to the nose.

Get your ribs to push in. Now hold that down and pull up. There you go. And three, four, very good. Last one and five. Bend your knee. Get the leg, a little stretch and switch legs. So Nice. Quiet hips. Nice soft feet. Yes, you are working this leg. You want to squeeze your bottom of, reach the leg out. Take your left leg up.

So both legs are are working. Their long, your ribs are down, your tummies are up. Begin to circle up to the nose. Don't let your belly button pop up though. Try to keep pulling it in. Three. Touch your nose and pause for just a half a second. That's it. One more. Pause and hold. Now reverse up in hold up and hold. Do Cross indoors. That right shoulder. Three. That's it. Long legs.

Four and last one. Five. Bend your leg. Good. Okay, I'm going to have you guys sit up. You place your hands at your hips. Lift your bottoms to sit at your heels. You're going to grab onto your ankles going into a rolling exercise, rolling like a ball. Take your feet off of the mat. You're trying to keep your heads as close to inside those knees as you can. So really scooping in.

Begin to squeeze your bottoms and go ahead and roll back. Exhale. Keep your heads between the knees. Good. Four more. Try to come up to balance. Exhale three. So no momentum, nice and easy, and only rock to the tips of the shoulders. So try not to go too far back either and do one more nice deep breath in. Exhale, come up, place your feet down. Put your hands back at your hips, lift your bottoms to lie back down. Bringing the right in hand, right hand on your ankle, left hand on her knee, going into your single leg stretch.

You'll take your left leg up and lift your head. So here you've got that slight turnout by wrapping the thigh. The leg is stretch and your curl into those sternums. Who are you really scooped up? And now switch legs. Hold the position and then just check your alignment.

Make sure your heel is lined up with your knee, that you're not crunching that knee and pulling the knee in as deep as you can and scooping and switch on hold. So a little bit higher with the leg and out. Curl into it. There you go. And switch and hold that and switch. Scoop knee to your ear. Go ahead, get a nice stretch on both sides or one leg is long. The other is pulling in and switch. And now three fast one, one. Let me see those belly buttons pulling in to switch three, switch three into your double leg. So both knees in, arms, legs out. Nice deep breath in and exhale. So once you get out there, hold it and fix it right to longer stretch and circle.

Inhale. Now feel what's happening in here. Anchored. And exhale, keep going. Nice. Deep breath in stretch and exhale, stretch long. Reach for the back of the room and bring it together for more. Nice deep breath in. Squeeze your bottoms and excellent. Three deep breath and out. Exhale too. So the wrap is from the bottom to the inner thigh for and last one restaurant x for just a moment. Take one leg up, going into your single leg pool and it's not a big movement with the arm so much as it is with the powerhouse. So you're going to lift, lift her head, shoulders down, and lightly post the leg towards you to time and switch. Pull. Pull, so you're not yanking the leg.

You're really scooping scope and scope. Scope. Get this shoulders down though. That's it. So those ribs pull in apple pull, Chin's cruel to your chest and Paul Paul, pull, pull. I know a little bit quicker. One, one, one, one, two shoulders. Keep pushing them. Now three switch three, three, last set four and rest your heads. Drop your legs. This time your hands can go behind your head.

You're going to take both like straight up. Add your head again. So here you can bring the elbows in if you'd like, but you really want to curl up. So you get those upper abdominals working. Now the legs are going to start to drop a little bit and lift. And as those legs drop, your chest tends to drop down. So you want to keep that curl up in the sternum too.

You want to reach the arms out long. You can do that as well. Three really lift up here for soft feet. Soft knees, five a little bit higher. Six and don't lose that lower back. So you go right here, you to push that back in, up, up, up, up to 90 and two more. Down and up. Last one, curling up.

Yes. Bend your knee. Go into the crisscross of both knees are bent when it comes in and the other leg goes out and switch. And I want you to hold that for just a moment. Thank of that elbow tapping the crease of the niece away. Up here, there, and now switch. Good. Now hold that. But don't let this leg drop so much that you lose that powerhouse. Now can you get your shoulder off the mat? More up, up, up. Good switch.

So really get that deep sense of scoop. [inaudible] so work right there and lift your shoulder up. More. Good. Switch and hold. Now for fast switch one switch, one, two, two, three, three and rest. All right. And have you guys sit up and we'll go into a spine stretch. So your legs are apart, theatre apart, and flexed. And you're going to sit as tall as you can.

Begin by squeezing your bottoms and you're going to round forward. So yes, the energy is out from the heels. I know. Still wrapping the thighs. Go as low as you can. And then articulate the spine by stacking one vertebra on top of the other to sit up tall. So now we'll go a little bit quicker. Nice deep breath in lifting and exhale. Take that over. Par to keep that, the ribs lifting up as you go down.

But that's the idea and tall and three more nice deep breath in and exhale and up tall and too nice. Deep breath in. I might grab you here, maybe really deep here and now go down more. That's it. That's it. It's still squeezing there. That's it. And I come up and too careful not to turn out too much. So don't let your feet rotate out.

You want to keep them lined up with your knee and hip that at very good address. Okay, go ahead and move forward. Let's go into your open like rockers next. So let's see how you're feel here. But you're gonna take a hold of the legs or the ankles, and then you're gonna try to take those legs up and drop your head. You might want to start a little bit closer to the knees so you can slide your hands down here to begin. And then eventually we'll move up.

So tucking your chin to your chest, get a good seat. So you've got to start to rotate those hips under tucking the Chins, and then you're going to roll back. And then you're like lightly, come up, nicely controlled. Then try to lift as tall as you can. So find that seat and just hold on really lightly with your hands. And inhale, go back, use the breathing. Exhale, lift. That's it. Three more. C curve. Stay in that. See? So Chin state, curl to your chest. Then you left. Now you can walk up a little bit higher if you'd like. More challenge.

Otherwise stay where you are to more see curve and go back. Exhale round. So there's no hopping, right? Two more. See Curve, take it back. Keep those shoulder wings pushing down. Come up and last one c curve. Take it back. Exhale, come up, find your balance, keeping the legs up. You're going to bring those legs together. I won't slide down.

Keeping the leg straight up, going into a corkscrew so your arms are down, your legs are zipped up and your turnout shouldn't be so turned out that you're not working those inner thighs. So squeeze your bottom still. Circle legs to the right. Come back to center as you're circling. Keep your hips very still and don't let the heel shift. Now these can get big, but make sure you're not using your necks and shoulders. So let's go ahead and make it a little bit bigger.

So go to the right down around the left and center. Eventually you want to be able to go so far down that your powerhouse is really stable and strong. And if you want to add a lift, let's go ahead and add a little lift to the right around then a little lift. So just about two to four vertebras and lift, controlling the down. One more set, right and left and left articulating the spine to come down. Go ahead and sit up, feet apart and arms out to the side. Flex. Again, going into a saw, you're going to turn to the right route for your toe. And as you reach, keep those hips still sit. Sit on that left hip or excuse me, your right hip, more on come up and center and turn, stretch and center and continue. Turn and reach.

This arm can't come all way up here and you wanna really scope. There you go, Eh, center out and turn and stretch. Good. Really Scoop into here. That's it. And Center and lots. Enough, go ahead and flip over to your stomachs. Go into a little neck roll. So you're going to first lie all the way down, four heads are down, palms are underneath your shoulders and you want to get a good sense of your alignment, making sure your heels are together. All right, and you're still lifting your tummies up. So let's just breathe for a second. Take a nice deep breath in. Fill up your lungs, diaphragm, fill it up and then exhale. Bring that out. Two more. Nice deep breath in, lifting up and exhale.

Last one. Nice deep breath in. Lift. Kind of squeeze your bottoms and push your hips deeper into the mat. Still lifting your tummies. Good. Now you'll go into your neck roll. So you're going to begin by pushing into the palms. Come up off the chest, but keep lifting that powerhouse at Tammy's up. You'll come to where you want. Ideally you'll come all the way off the mat so the elbows are off and up here, but you have to make sure that your backs aren't collapsing.

You're lifting your stomachs. Okay, your heel. Look to the right massaging the neck down, left and center. Now if that's too much on your, you can stay down on the elbows and center. One more time. Look right rule the head left and center. Last one left, right and center lie all the way down. There's time you'll come up onto the elbows, into a sphinx position and automatically most people will forget about that powerhouse. Say you want to, once again, lift your tummies, squeeze your bottoms, get those ribs up, keeping the next long and take your right heel and kick your bottom. Two types.

Kick. Kick. Now as you kicked on that those backs collapse who get those ribs to pull back up and kick, kick and right kick, kick, kick, kick, kick, kick, kick, kick and lie all the way down. Hands come behind your back. AA Kick. You clasp your fingers if that's comfortable. Otherwise you can just, Christie, you can keep your hands at your side today. Since your shoulder a little off today. All right, you're going to take your heels and kick your bottom three times.

So three kicks, one, two, three. So if you have any shoulders issues, you can just keep your hands at your side. Otherwise like Amy, you can clasp your fingers and stretch back and switch cheeks and kick one, two, three and stretch. So you're trying to reach those arms back and try to touch the heels. Lifting your backs and switched chicks. So now we'll go a little bit quicker. Kick one, two, three and stretch. [inaudible] switch chicks and kick. One, two, three. Soft feet though.

You're not pointing the toes so much lift there. You good. It always feels good and lasts at one, two, three stretch. Yeah. Having somebody fix you. And last one and one, two, three eds. Stretch and hold. Hold her to lift a little bit higher and you know, sit back on your heels and give your backs a little break. A little stretch. Okay, good. All right, we're going to have you guys flip over onto your backs.

Okay. Going into a neck pool. So your f like your roll-ups, you're going to be straight. Always Kinda checking your box, making sure your hips are square off with your shoulders, hands behind your heads. And let's start with your elbows in toward your ears. All right. Before you start those, slide those shoulders down and then start to imprint those backs. Wrap the thighs.

So a lot's happening before you even begin energy out of the heels. So the stretches from your bottom all the way down to those heels, you're going to take a nice deep breath in and try to peel off them. Exhale. Of course, the slower you go, the harder this is. And then in, especially the first one, sit as tall as you can. Now let's start from the articulation top. So Chin to the chest, so from your neck you're going to start your curl in your upper back, middle back, lower back. Now you're trying to get that tailbones. Push those heels out. Careful not to lock your knees.

Take that energy out of there and Tuck your hips and then lie down. Now we'll go just a little bit quicker. Nice deep breath in, right when you get to that rib cage point is where it gets very hard to scoop, but that's what you have to really work on over and sit up tall. You can open up the elbows if you like. That becomes a little bit more challenging and start to round down. So curling the chin, middle back, hoe lower back.

Push those heels out, soften your knees. That's it. Keep those knees a little bit softer. Uh Huh. Yeah, absolutely. If you need to bend your knees in order to get into that back, that's what you need to do. So listen to your body's nice deep breath in. We're going to go a little bit quicker now and exhale. Oh stack one vertebra on top of the other.

Sit Up tall and round back down. So let's do three more soon as your head touch them at this time, we're going to come back up. Push those heels out. Nice deep breath in. Exhale. That's it. Over, around, up and around them too. We'll add hinges to the next to take it over. Sit up tall. Stay tall, hinge, hinge and, and curl. Oh, last one. Oh, lift your backs up. Stay tall, hinge and rips together though. Good.

And then round down and then you'll stay down. All right, we're gonna lie on your left side. Lining yourselves up with the back of your mat. Now you can lie on your how. Whatever's comfortable for your shoulder. Otherwise, if you have no shoulder issues and come up onto the today, up onto the palm and you want to keep your gaze forward. Okay. So rather than me kicking you, I'm going to move out of the way.

Do Swing your legs in almost in front of your mat. Your feet are soft. So in classical PyLadies, we work from the hip to the top of the nace. Who from the knee to the foot is relaxed. So as though it's just your thigh, you're going to take your right leg about hip level, rotate your knee towards the ceiling so you are turned out. You begin to squeeze your bottoms already. So both legs are still working here. So the bottom leg is working too by keeping that stretch happening.

Shoulder, chest open. Your right palm is on the mat for support. Ribs pulled together and you want to make sure those types of on top of each other, which for you is right there. All right, so your leg has hip level begin. You're going to kick two times towards your nose and as you expend sten back, I want you to hold that. So take the leg back and hold. Take that into an extra stretch by reaching that leg out loud. Now drop that tailbone. Yes.

So your tailbone is flat and two kicks rung. Kick, kick. Take the stretch back. Hip on top of hip, which is here. And drop this down. Yes. And kick, kick, lengthen, kick, kick. Here comes the stretch. All powerhouse, kick, kick, shoulders and chest should still be open. So even pull that right shoulder back, kick, kick and back. Two more kick. Kick to the nose and stretch. Last one, kick, kick and rest your leg on top of the other. Getting ready for the up and downs. So now you'll take that right, like once again, a pip level, chess open, gazes forward. Begin by pulling those ribs together.

Now take the legs up. All right, so here you are up. Push those hips forward a little bit more. Pulling your tummies up. There you go. Now you're going to start to stretch the leg out as you bring it down. Heel to heel. Kick it up, control the movement coming down by squeezing or wrapping those thighs and kick it up. Stretch the leg out. Now make that like longer.

Try to touch the opposite side of the room and up. So reach those toes out long. Let's add a flex in points so can flex up and point down. Really stretch, stretch, stretch. Don't forget that right shoulder. Keep pulling it back and kick up. Point down and five more and flex up. Point down.

So a little bit quicker now. Flex and point. So let me see that control on the down, especially stretching, stretching, stretching. So squeeze and stretch and three stretch. Shoulders relaxed and stretch, Eh, last one, right into little circles. Five each way. And circling down around one, two. No, soften those knees. Three, four, almost bend those knees and reverse even even softer knees too. That's it. Three, four and five. And rest your legs.

All right, let's go into a bicycle. You'll take your right leg up, pip level. So it's going to start straight. And once again, it's slightly rotated. So it turned out you're gonna take your leg forward towards your nose, bend your knee, try to get that knee as close to your nose or your shoulder as you can and check that your knee stays lined up with the hip. So don't let your knee drop lower than your hip bone. That's good. And then pull it in as much as you can. Now you're going to start to bring the knee back, soft feet. There you go.

And as right here, that once you get back when the knees pulling back that you keep that leg bend, still go as far back as you can to get the stretch on the top of that without the knee pulling up. Good. Push your tummy in belly button enabled the spine. Then stretch that leg back as far as you can and reach it even longer. Stretch ribs in good and leg forward as far up as you can. Bend your knee to your shoulder, bring the knee to your knee, keep that knee bent. Keep pushing the leg back as far as you can.

Stretch the leg out long. Very nice. So you're challenging the stretch. Make sure your knee doesn't go so far up that it's above your hip bone, so you make sure that alignment still there. Kind of feel it leg up. Bend your knee, knee to knee. Here comes the strat and the powerhouse is really important. So keep those ribs together so you don't fall. Stretch, stretch, stretch, and take the leg up. Bend Journey. Need to knee.

So many little things going on here. Your left. Yeah, your left leg should be straight. You know when you're working so hard, so many little things will start to fall apart. So it's just connecting all of those all at one moment and stretch back in last one and straight up to the nose. Bend your knee, need to knee powerhouse, solid stretch, reversing the bicycle. You're going to take the leg backwards. Bring your heel to your bottom before you let that knee move. Now bring the knee to knee, knee to shoulder.

Try to keep that tailbone from moving and the straighten the leg long, long, long. That's it, Kristy and straight back. So the leg should almost shake a little bit cause you're really getting a deep stretch. Knee to knee. Need to shoulder. Bring that knee all the way up. Now try to straighten the leg. That's it. Really Long. Very nice. And take it back as far back as you can. Keep that knee still heel to your bottom.

Squeeze your bottoms and get that tailed on platter. Yes, there's the stretch. You feel that now and knee to knee, knee to shoulders stretch. Let's do one more. Take it back. Heel to your bottom, knee to knee, knee to shoulder, and lengthen. Rest and leg on top of the other. Well, um, go into a hot potato. Next you're doing okay on your shoulder there. All right.

You're going to take your right heel and the knees turned out hip on top of hip and you're going to take that leg in front of you and tap the heel lightly on the mat. Five Times. One, two, three, four, five. Accent the leg up and behind you like tapping. One, two, four, five and they accents up. So now it's going to get quicker. Four taps. One, two, three, four up behind your heel. One, two, three, four, up. Three, one, two, three, up. One, two, three, up. Hips stay on top of each other. Two Up, one, two, up, one up. So I shouldn't hear the top up and last set and up and rust. Let's go ahead and lie into your stomach for some transition. Beets, you can put your hands right at your side. If that feels better than Mo, why don't you go ahead and put both hands back so you're at least I'm working the same on both sides for head down.

Otherwise I'm go ahead and put your hands underneath your shoulders. Either one, it doesn't matter. All right, so we're going to, excuse me, I'm sorry. Palm on top of palm. Forehead on your hands. Good. All right, so there's two different ways for your shoulder. Snake legs are long. Begin that wrapping the size and kind of pushed the hips into the mat. Lift those ribs up. Okay. You're gonna start to stretch the legs out and I lift them off the mat so your knees will actually come off the mat because the legs are reaching out so long and you're going to begin to clap the heels together for 20 counts.

So big open and close. One, two, three. Exactly. Four, five, six, seven, eight longer from the hip bone to the top of the knee. Really stretch. And now 10 fast and one, two, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10 and enough in a lie on to the other side. Prepping for the opposite side for lakes lake kicks. Sure. Or you can face forward. It's up to you. Go ahead and stick with the same side. Yeah. All right.

Swinging your legs forward, palm on the Mat for support. Now a more advanced version would be your hand behind your head, so both hands would be like that and that's very challenging just to get the the shoulders from rolling. All right, so let's just work on keeping the hand down for now. Hip on top of hip. It's pretty close. A little bit further back. There you go. And ribs together. It looks good. And Christy, if you want lie on your arm like you did before, that's fine. All right, so you're gonna so it depending on your neck or shoulder, you can lie all the way down. All right, ribs together as deep as you can. Belly buttons up, take your leg, hip level, rotate the knee out so you're always slightly turned out or wrapping that thigh.

So you're really working in here. Inner and outer thigh, taking the leg, two kicks forward, kick, kick, lengthen, stretch and strength and control. Here's this. The control two is getting those rib deep and kick, kick length it really deep. Good and kick kick. So about eight times three and kick kick long leg for kick kicked to the nose. Five. Careful with those shoulders. When you take the leg back that your left shoulder doesn't roll with you.

Six and kick kick seven hip on top of hip. Don't let those hips to rollback either. Last one and leg on top of leg. Take your left leg up, hip level, getting ready for your up and downs. You're gonna start with your leg [inaudible] exactly where it is. Lengthening out both legs are long, knees are soft.

Take that left leg up to the ceiling and stretch it out. That's it. Resisting the down. Now I should also see a stretch on the down so you're, you might even feel a stretch through the sides if you're really taking that left leg and reaching it. So right here, long, long push your hips forward into it. There you go. See your bottom is working and that left leg down. There it is. Yes, and kick it up.

Lengthen at the flex. And points. So you flex to go up, you point to go down to this can be reversed. It's just a variation at length and watch that left shoulder done. Don't let it rule forward. Always working the powerhouse and up and long. Add two more and flex and lengthen and last one and flex and long rest the leg for just a moment. Taking that left leg up, hip level, going into your leg circles five each way. Circling what?

And here's where you want to brush those knees together and really soften that left knee even more. You me five times. One, two. There you go. So it's right in the hip. Three, four, five and enough rest the leg. All right, going into your bicycles five each way. You'll start with the leg, hip level. Watching that you're lined up with the hip the whole time so you don't go low with the knee. Take your leg forward towards your nose as far up towards your nose as you can with that, your tailbone moving. Good. Bring your knee to your shoulder as much as you can. Bring that knee up.

Now Tara, take the knee, start to bring it back. And here's where you've got to watch your hips. You want to make sure they stay on top of each other, belly button in and nice days, hip level. And then try to stretch that leg out, feeling that resistance in the top of the thigh and take the leg up. That's what it's bicycle. It's a stretch knee to shoulder. Good.

Need a knee stretch back and you can move your left hand around for support. Left leg long. Yeah. Well in the beginning especially, that's fine. Eh, like forward bend the knee need to me stretch back. Powerhouse ribs stay together. Long, long, long, long, long leg. Every right there. You're just a little bit above the hip.

So right there is your hip level and it's hard to feel. It's hard to see that because your, you can't see yourself unless you're in front of a mirror and stretch back. Good. And now we'll, let's reverse it. So you take the leg back, bend your heel to your bottom without knee, that knee moving. Now Christie, drop your knee. Good. And exactly. You could look at your leg to visualize it. Watch where your knee is. It's below your hip. Yes. And now take the leg back.

That's it. Heel to your bottom. Very nice. So there's that stretch on the top of the thigh and knee to knee, knee to shoulder. Try to touch your shoulder. Now Amy, watch your knee. We'll want to drop here. It all. Everybody's knee will tend to drop. Rotate out a little bit. Yes. And two more. Take it back. Bend your knee, knee to shoulder. You're fine, Christie.

Just your knees a little bit lower than your hip. Yes. And last one, take the leg back. Bend your heel to your bottom. Looks good. You kind of got that feeling of where it is now Christy, need a knee. Need a shoulder. Here comes this stretch and you enough rush the leg for just a moment. Okay, so those are work. And take your left leg, getting ready for your hot potatoes.

So you start with your heel in front of the other foot. They, NRG is in your bottom, not your knees or your feet. Here we go. You're going to tap five times. One, two, three, four, five, accent top and one, two, three, four, five up. Watch that your hips. Don't start to roll. Two, four up or one, two, three, four, up. Three, one, two, three, up, getting quicker. One, two, three, up. Two, one, two, up. One, two, up. No knees. One Up, one up. Last set up and up. And Russ, the leg. Okay, I'm gonna have you guys lie on your backs getting ready for your probably most favorite, your teasers. So yeah, you can face each other. Someone is smile at when you come up. Okay. Both legs long to start, let's just kinda get centered on your mat. All right, so for your shoulder said, you can just start with your arms down and Amy, you'll start with your arms all the way back.

Do bring your knees into your chest. We're going to start with teaser one, which is where you'll end up taking the legs to 90 degrees. You're going to end up lowering them to 45 and then you'll start to come up. So take the legs straight up first. Then you're going to start to lift your arms into an imaginary window. So there's your window, and now start to lower your legs to about 45 degrees as you start to curl or peel off that mat to your toes. So a little bit higher with your legs.

If you can get, try to touch those toes way up with your upper body. Now take your arms straight up, reach for the ceiling if you'd like, and then start to lie back down. Keeping the leg still. So now you'd Tuck your chin, lie back down. So soft feet. Get that energy out of there. Drop your head and then come back up to the toast. And let's not pause too long. They're cub up. Reach for those.

Just get out of your knees. [inaudible] yeah, reach for yours for the year and Tuck your chin. Lie Back Down. So a little bit quicker. Head touches. Come back up to the toes to the years. Lie Back Down. One more time. Out of those knees. Bend them a little bit. Tell you, yeah, tell it. Don't even think about it up, Eh, lie back down. Last one. I'm going to have you come back up. Stay up there this time.

And now just the leg. So reach for the toes, drop the legs, lift the legs. One, three times. Way Up to the nose to upper body stays tall. Three everything lies down. So upper body and legs go down at the same time. Now we're going to go into, that was teaser two. You're going to come all the way up into teaser three. So this is articulation to the finest.

So you really start with your arms at 90 degrees. Want to fill this in as you come up. So you might have to bend those knees cause this is your roll up to start with. You're going to start to roll up AAHA and here's where you might bend the knees so you can really get that work in there. And then you're in your teaser. So now you're up, you reach for the back of the room, lifting your backs tolerant, and then the lie back down, had touch shoe, come back up right away to the toes, reach for the ceiling and lie back down to more arms and legs down. No knees, no toes lift, lie back down. And last one, exhale to come up to the toes to the years and everything rests.

Very nice. Good demonstrators. Alright, I'm going to have you, you don't feel like you are, but you are pure. It's work. It doesn't matter how advanced you are. It's always going to be uh, an exercise. All right, so go ahead and sit up and you're going to move to the front of your mat for your seals and just, you know, check to see if that's comfortable for your shoulder. Otherwise you just hold onto the back of your thighs like rolling like ball. All right, so curl your chin to your chest and I'm going to have you guys work a little bit harder on this by trying to hold onto the top of your arches. Exactly.

Yeah. All right. So that's going to make you have to round that lower back a lot more, which is going to be that much harder to get up. So Tucking your Chins, here we go. Three claps before you go back. So heels open and close. Sorry, didn't warn yet and then come up. Okay. Here we go. Three claps. One, two, three. Go back. And one, two, three, up. Now control it. Only will to here. And inhale, go back. Exhale, come back up. So even less of a roll back. Inhale, go back. One, two, three. One, two, three. Exhale. One, two, three. Back. One, two, three. Right, back up. Head between the knees as much as you can. So keep that gap. Curl, that c curve.

And two more. One, two, three, back. One, two, three, up. Last one, one, two, three back. And one, two, three, all the way up. Drop your legs. Okay, good, good. Work for lower backs to really work there. All right, let them go ahead and straighten your legs and we'll just go into a rowing stretch. So you're gonna sit as tall as you can. Might have to bend your knees, depending on your flexibility. Take your arms here and you'll do what you can. You don't have to make the range. So beg you. Inhale up, exhale down. Now Amy, you'll go all the way up with the arms to the ceiling. And Christie, you're just going to go here and you can just go straight down Christie and grow taller. Lift your back. Okay, so modified for her shoulder is just, we're going to, I'm going to show the modification. Inhale up, exhale down. Inhale up. And as though you're pushing through some thick gear, lift your value exactly. So you're lifting up, up, up, up. All right, so here we go for you. You follow my arms, which you might already know. These.

Inhale up. Exhale down. Inhale, lift. And the resistance is here. You want to lift your back and grow taller and inhale up. Exhale down. Inhale, lift. Careful not to lock your knees here. Yes, and one more time. Inhale and exhale.

Inhale and exhale. Now drop your heads round your backs and flex your feet parallel so your legs aren't together, but flexed heads are down and you want to like your roll up. You're rounding over to your toes, stretching those lower backs in the legs. Then you're going to stack by pulling your stomach in navel to spine, one vertebra on top, the other to sit up tall. Now there deep breath in. Modified is you just grow back tall again. Okay, so you'll just come straight down. So don't take your arms up.

So hands at your hips, heads down, Amy. We're going to add on to that. You're going to inhale and stretch forward. Exhale, sit up tall. This time your arms go straight up. So you're squeezing your bottoms and now your lift your back. Exhale. Now we're going to go a little bit quicker. Inhale, stretch. ALCL sit up tall.

Inhale and exhale. Two more in stretch. Exhale, tall, deep breath in. And exhale. Last one. Really take advantage of that stretch forward. Then sit up tall, squeeze your seats and excellent. Okay, let's go ahead and stand up and you can face me, but step off your mat. Probably feel a little bit more stable. Heels together, toes apart, weight towards your toes, and you're gonna circle the arms three times. And for you can just take your arms up and straight down. So nice deep breath in and lift your backs.

Lift your tummy tumor. Still wrapped the thighs, getting that tailbone to really drop straight down like an arrow. So you might have to soften your knees in order to get that extra drop. A Huh? One more time and room spool together. Reverse that. So their arms are just going like this. You are working them. You're lifting your back up and the weight up.

One more time or two more times. Exhale. You should feel that pinch in the inner thigh still. Last one. Exhale. Let's just let your arms relax. Drop your Chin surge around forward. You're trying to keep the way towards your toes and your hips right on top of your ankles so you don't want your weight to start to fall back as you drop your heads to round in. And let's just go to the top of your hips.

That's far enough for both of you. Actually, Christie, you come up a little bit and Amy, you're good. Drop your head. Let everything just kind of relax. Alright, give your arms a little push and no work from, you know, energy. Just let them hang as it just to let them dangle even less energy. I see what you're talking about here and overtly, I know a little pushed river. Sure, sir. Course. So keep a little weight over here. That's it.

You just have to stretch this down. [inaudible] all right. Just relax. Everything you're going to start to come up and I want you to pull into this side is come on now. Both sides. Yes. Push into both heels, but shift those hips on top of your ankles. So if I were standing behind you, you shouldn't touch me to get out of your knees. Yes, there you go.

Good. Soft shoulders. Soft knees. Okay. And that just a gesture a little bit. Yeah. Okay. And [inaudible] Amy, you'll take your arm until all the way up the Christy go just to here. Take a deep breath in and you can just drop your arms straight down. Come up to your toes. Softies that's it.

Get that Tamela dropped up to up, lifting your navels up and exhale. Drop to a flat foot. Shake yourselves out. Nice job, ladies. Thanks. [inaudible].


This is a great matt workout to do at the end of a long day to stretch everything out!
That was hard! But I think I got out of my knees!
awesome stretch!! love it!
Thanks Adrianne, Awesome class...perfect for when my baby is having his morning nap!

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