Class #2255

Enrich your Practice

45 min - Class


Enrich your Pilates practice with this Reformer workout with Deborah Harris. She includes variations to keep the exercises fresh and to help you take each exercise to the next level. She teaches a One-Arm Knee Stretch series, Elephant Around the World, and so much more!
What You'll Need: Reformer w/Box, Pilates Pole

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Hi, my name is Deborah Harris and I am so honored to be here at Peloton. Anytime today I will be teaching an intermediate reformer class with variations. Now I've been teaching Pele's for almost 15 years now and I am forever odd by the variety of polarities exercises and the permutations thereof. As soon as you master an exercise, there's always a variation to learn to help you take that exercise to the next level. Variations enrich our plateaus experience and they help keep our plot, these practice fresh and forever challenging sprinkled throughout today's intermediate reformer class, our many variations on the potties exercises such as the one army series elephant around the world and many more.

I really hope you enjoy today's class participating. Today I have Christie and we will be working on a garage reformers. So let's get started. We're gonna start with our foot work and traditionally on the garage we start with four springs, but if you're working on another performer at home, feel free to adjust the springs to the level of springs that you would use for your foot work. Starting with your heels together and lift them up as high as you can.

Keep the knees in line with your shoulders. Drop the rib cage. Go ahead and press the carriage out. Nice and long lengthening and Ben to come back on and drop those rooms a little bit more. MPRs on out. Squeeze the inner thighs and bend in, harass out and in lengthening long, keeping the shoulders relaxed. Good. And we'll do five more. Five, four, three, two, one. Come all the way back on and draw your knees together. Come on to the arches. Knees are drawn tightly. The shoulders are relaxed.

Go ahead and press on out. Stretching, long lengthen and resistance. Springs did you come back in and press out and Ben to come back in. Prs Out and in prs out and in five, four more. Three more, two more, one more and all the way in. Come up to your heels, push your heels firmly into Garmin, really press back those feet. Go ahead and press back out. Resist on that in and harass out to resist in for us out three her ass sound for her ass out.

Five sing long was fine for us out six squeezing the inner thighs. Seven, eight, nine, and 10 are really getting that length. Come all the way back on and come back down to your original position. Heels together, toes apart. Get the heels up a little bit higher. Keep the knees in line with the Palati box. Press straight on out.

Stay out or tendon stretch lower, lower, lower and one count up and again, lower, lower, lower one. Count up. Really working the muscles through the feet. Good. Getting that nice stretch from back behind the leg or arming up. Nice. Let's do two more lower, lower, lower and lift. One more. Lower, lower and hold. Take a deep breath in and how exhale. Give that lovely, stern hatch. Lift up nice and high. Bend the knees to come all the way back in.

We'll be taking our foot bar down now. Go ahead. Reach around. Grab a hold of your handles, preparing for your hundred before we get started, our hundreds going to be a little bit different today. You'll inhale for five, exhale for five. That's normal. Pumping the arms halfway through. You'll stop pumping the arms and you'll lower the legs down for five counts. Lifting the legs up for five counts. Urrico bending the knees in. Reach the arms straight on up. Press the arms down, curling up and extend the legs out to about a 45 degree angle.

Reach long through those arms and begin to pump in two, three, four, five out to four. Five in two, three, four or five out, two, three, four, five. Navel to spine ed out to four. Five into three. Four, five out, two, three, four, five arms are still in. Do Four, five out, two, three, four, five in do three, four, five out to four. Five into three. Four, five hours, four or five inches. Do three, four, or five out to four. Five into three. Four, five and out. Two, three. [inaudible]. Hold. Curl up a little higher.

Drop your legs a little lower. Squeeze the inner thighs and then bend everything back on and take the straps into to one hand and teaser up and take two springs off for me. Lie Back Down. We'll prepare for a shoulder correct or short spine prep. Excuse me, because it's a prep. Um, we're going to keep the head rest up for this part. We're gonna thread the leather through the handle and then hold onto the leather straps and simultaneously bend the knees in at the same time to place your feet into the straps and I can help you with that.

Even with the strap just a little bit above those heels, bend the heels down towards the glutes. Stretch the arms long space for the neck. Does that feel okay? You want to adjust it? All right. Pulling everything in and up. Press your legs out. Squeeze. We start with a couple of frogs and then Ben back in prs out.

Keep the legs a little bit higher so the straps don't touch the shoulder blocks and then back in PRRS out. Stay out. Aim your glutes down and hinge from the hips. Allow the legs to come to 90 degrees. Now handle a little bit further and get a little bit of a deeper stretch from the backside of the leg. Maybe it wraps around the seat grill area. Bend the knees back down. Squeeze the stomach, press out to a 45 degree angle.

Pull in up through the powerhouse. Anchor the glutes down. Lengthen the legs hanging from the hips. It should feel nice. Then the knees. Let's do one more. Press legs out nice and long. Squeeze the inner thighs. Lengthen up. Anchor the hips down, and then bend the knees back in. Drop the heels down towards the glutes and pause.

We want to take the head rest down for safety since that's okay. Since we're lifting up in over Persil legs out nice and long length legs. Reach all the way on up. Soften the knees down. Keep the heels behind and slowly roll down one vertebrae at a time. Get that stretch. When you no longer can go down.

That's when you bend the heels down towards the glutes. Pause for one second. So the out the dynamics are a little faster. It's out and up and over. The actual short spy massage massages. When you're ruling down and that's where you want to go. Nice and slow, press the legs out. Nice long squeezing the inner thighs and like the knee up and over. Beautiful.

Soften the knees down to the shoulder blocks. Keep the heels behind and very slowly. Roll down one vertebrae at a time. Get that lovely stretch and draw the heels down towards the glutes. Relax the shoulders, prs on out nice and long. Reach the legs up and over. Beautiful. Stay lifted.

Soften the knees down and very slowly. Rule back down. Pause, grab ahold of the handles. Let the leather slide off of the feet and we get ready for our coordination. Now, coordination. Inhale, exhale, and the legs open. Once they close, you bend the knees, you curl higher. Every time you go out though, you add an open. So the second time you go out, we have two opens. The third time you go out, three opens and so forth.

Keep the elbows by your side. Curl up nice and high. Look at your powerhouse. Press out, arms and legs. Inhale, exhale, open the legs, close legs. Inhale, bend the elbows. Curl higher, pressing on out. Stretch long open twice. Open one, open two. Bend the knees. Bend the elbows. Curl higher per rs out. Stretch open one, open two, open three. Bend the knees. Bend the elbows. Curl higher for us out. Stretch for we open. One, open two, open three, open four. Bend the knees. Curl higher. Bend the arms. Fifth one. Press out.

Keep them sharp. One to stretch those arms. Five, bend the knees. Bend the arms. Hold relaxed. Back Down. Now we're going to go in reverse. Five, four, three, two, one of your coordination. Ah, keep the elbows by your side. Pull deep into your powerhouse. Lift your head up. Press out those arms. Keep the legs sharp. Open one, open. Two, three, four, five. Bend the knees. Curl higher. Bend the arms for us out. Stretch open one, open two, open three, open four, bend the knees, bend the arms, curl higher. Press out. Stretch with those fingers. Belong Open. One, two, three. Bend the knees, bend the arms, curl higher. Press out, stretch to open, open.

Bend the knees. Then the arms sharp one. Press out, open, closed. Then the knees Curleigh higher. Bend those elbows and relax back down. That warms up that powerhouse. Hook your handles on to the metal hooks. Carefully step off. We're going to keep the carriage on two springs and we're going to get ready for our heel presses. So walk around, grab a hold of your long box, you're gonna place it down lengthwise.

Perfect. And Christy, I'm going have you take a seat on your box facing this direction. Okay. Sometimes getting into this exercise can be a little tricky. So what I'm going to have you do is we're going to thread the leather through the handle and then you're going to cross it over. So if we have our strap a right strap, it's going to go into our arch of our left foot. Okay.

And then our left trach goes on the arch of the right foot. Now whichever strap is on top, which happens to be our left right now. That's the side you turn towards. So carefully turn over onto your stomach. Yup. And it should stay. And if not I'll get it for you. And perfect. I want you to go ahead and cross your arms over your pulling up through your powerhouse and pressing down through your hips. Now we are on two springs, but if you find that it's too difficult, you can always drop it down.

One spring the heels are together in plotty stance. Toes are apart. Bend your knees more to a 90 degree angle. From here, squeezing the powerhouse. Store your heels in towards your glutes. Squeeze in hold two, three and release and again, draw the heels in towards your glutes. Hold two, three and released for us in squeeze and hold two three and release. We're going to add on, bring those legs again to a 90 degree angle. From here, lift your quads up off the Mat and draw your heels in towards your glutes. Precedent and hold to three and release. Keep your feet flex.

Oh little lift on up. Nice and high presence. Squeeze. Hold two, three and release one more time and lifting on up for us on in scoop and squeeze. Hold two, three and releases a deep glute exercise. Allow your right leg to go straight, but you're not going to drop the strap. What you are going to do is take one spring off please. So we're down to one spring working with our left leg. You're gonna bend that knee into a 90 degree angle.

Lift the quad up off and draw the heel in towards your glute. Press on and squeeze and hold. Oh yes, two three and release. Not just giving a little bit of assistance. Lift up presence, squeeze. Hold to flurry and release. Lift up. Then draw and hold to three and release. We're going to switch legs.

Now Christy is doing an excellent job of keeping our hips glue down onto that box. You want to make sure that they don't lift up. Lifting up, draw in towards your glute. Hold to three and release. Lift up towards the ceiling. Draw the heel in towards the gluten. Hold to three. Stay long in the sides and release. One more time. Lift up, draw and squeeze and hold two, three and release and I can let the strap just slide off your feet. Perfect. Carefully step off. We're already on one spring for our arm series here for our pool straps one and two.

So you're going to lie down two fingers from the top of your machine and then you walk your hands up nice and high on the leather. The legs are drawn together, the powerhouse is pulling in an up. And just wait one second. You're a little crick crooked for me, so I'm just gonna straighten you out a little bit. The palms and the knuckles are facing the side of the reformer. I want you to think that your arms can go right through the floor so you're gonna pull up through stomach.

Press those arms down through the floor and reach them all the way back when your shoulder blades back. Squeeze and hold two, three and exhale. Come all the way back down. Keeping long through the lower lumbar area. Engage the glutes again. Press straight down, slide the shoulder blades back, reach the arms back, see if you can rotate through the shores. Yes, hold two, three and release. Beautiful. One more time. Inhale, press down. Nice. Long Spine. Hold to three. Now bend the elbows for tricep work. Press the arms back out and hold two, three bend back on and keep the elbows lifted. Press back out and hold two, three neck as long. Bend back on in for us. Back out and hold two, three, lower all the way back down.

Walk the hands down to the end of the leather, reaching the arms out into a t position. The palms are facing down and you're really reaching your pinky finger towards the side of your glutes. Stay long in the side of your body. Go ahead and reach those arms back. Lengthen in your neck. Pull the shoulder blades back, hold two, three. Reach back out to the side and again, reach the arms back to the side.

Open through the chest, hold two, three. Reach back on out. Be careful of hyperextending and the elbows a straight back and hold two, three and exhale and release. Take a straps into one hand and carefully step off. Keep holding onto those straps. We turn around, we put one more spring back on, so a total of two and I'm just going to straighten this box a little bit and we're gonna get ready for our backstroke. So uncross those straps. You want to take a seat close to the edge of your box.

Then carefully lie back down. Bend the knees back in, knuckles over the eyes, but the arms are going to be up a little bit higher so you already have tension on those straps. Inhale, arms and legs. Press straight up towards the ceiling. Exhale, open. Inhale, scoop and reach and hold two, three, bend everything back in keeping tension in the straps. Inhale, press the arms into the straps. Exhale, open. Inhale, squeeze and hold to drop that right shoulder a little bit, three than the knees back on. And inhale, arms and legs. Press up. Exhale, open scoop and squeeze. Hold yes with the shoulders. Two, three and then back in. We're going to reverse it. Inhale, exhale, hold two, three. Open the arms out and around. Bend back in. One more. Inhale, press out long, hold two, three, exhale, open out and around them. Back in transition. Take your straps into one hand, come up and find a teaser positioned to the side. Take one spring off. Carefully lower back down. Very nice.

We're going to get ready for our teasers now keeping gauging those inner thighs. Make sure the ribs are dropping down. Put a little bit of pressure into the palms of the hands. Inhale. Exhale. Come all the way up into your teaser position. Good. You've got it. You've got it from here. Allow the arms to drop down, but keep the legs still.

Reach the arms back up and hold. Let the arms come down as those arms reach up. Slide the shoulder blades down the back or reach the arms down. Lift up. Find that balance hold and everything goes down. Ideally your head in your heel arriving at the same time. Okay, and again, teaser on up. Pull everything enough. Find that balance hold.

When you are ready, we will do circles. You're going to open out and around. Draw to center and hold. Open out and around. Draw to center and hold. Open out and around and hold. Everything goes back down. Good length and longer out of those hips. Inhale, exhale, everything comes all the way up. Okay?

We're going to reverse those circles. Drop the arms down, open out and around. Drop down, open out and around. Drop down, open out and around. Hold and everything goes back down with control. Drop the straps into the wall. Carefully step off. You'll place one more spring, so a total of two springs are on. We'll prepare our short box so you bring the box up and over and grab ahold of your pole and your pad. Your pad goes about four fingers from the back of your box.

Okay? Your Pool, you're going to take a seat on top. Your feet go underneath the black strap. Now I really want you to take these feet and pressed to the sides of that strap is if you could break that strap. It's really going to engage the outer thigh and we're actually going to use our pool for around back, so keep holding onto the pole. It can rest on the legs.

Begin to Tuck the tailbone under. Really scooped deep and round and yourself. Get your four loads vertebrae onto that box, good hold. Then exhale round into yourself to come all the way up, keep putting pressure onto the side of the straps. You're really pulling out from the Pinky side. And again, Tuck the tailbone under a little bit slower scoop. Try and get one vertebrae down at a time. Good.

And then exhale round into yourself to come up. It's like you're doing your roll up on the mat and again, Tuck the tailbone under round backs. You can go back a little bit deeper to where you can control it. Perfect. And if you want to may release the head that's up to you. Exhale, round forward. We'll do one more. So our final one, rounding back this time, if you want to go all the way into the, well you may, but you do not need to.

Good. If you do, make sure the head comes up first, then round into yourself. Get this part down then this part. Yes. Good. Keep reaching down towards your toes and your ankles with the bar. So keep going. Give yourself a stretch when you're ready. Round all the way back on up and you can just yourself back onto the mat, which I think you slid off of there. Go. Okay, keep that pressure. Good.

Reach the arm straight on up towards the ceiling for flat back. Now flat back isn't just about keeping the spine nice and tall. It's also about keeping equal link on both sides of your body. So keep that, lift it an anchor your glutes and hinge back on one straight line and then come all the way back up. Go ahead and bring your hands and also in a little bit closer and let your fingers reach up. Have that energy reaching towards the ceiling. But the shoulder blades dropping down, lift from your lowest ribbon, your hip hinge back one straight line and all the way up.

And I should clarify that you want that separation from the lowest ribbon. The hip, the hip is staying down. So lift up nice and tall, hinge back one straight line and come all the way back up. We have one more. Make sure the right shoulder drops. Last one, hedging back and come all the way up. Pinch slightly forward. Bring your collarbones in front of your hips for side to side, side to side as a pure tilt to the side. So keep equal length on both sides. Here we go. Ground those glutes until slightly towards the minimum. Good.

Put a little bit more pressure in that left hip and then come all the way up. Lift up tall first. Yes, anchor the right hip and then hinge slightly over. There we go. So you're reaching, reaching to where the ceiling and the wall meet and come all the way up. And again, lift up til it's like the side. Yes, that's it. Now pull the ribs in and come back up and lift up tall.

Tilt slightly to the side, the ribs in Angling, anchoring the opposite hip. Come all the way back up. Relax the arms. I'm going to adjust you. I want you to move back just a little bit more on your mat. Have a little bit more tension. Again, put pressure into the side of the straps. Twist. Twist is next. So sit up nice and tall or twist and reach.

I want you to lift up tall. Out of the waist. Now the pelvis stays where it is, but you twist from the waist. Twist towards right now. Pause. See if you can pull back more through the right ribcage. Pause. Keep that position. Press down the left glute and now hinge back in a long diagonal. Stay to the side. Come all the way back up and back to center.

Sit up tall. Twist towards the left. Pause. Pull back more through the left rib cage. Anchor the right hip down and hinge back on a long diagonal. Lengthen out of your hip. Stay to the side. Come all the way up. Back to center with those fingers belong and again, lift up tall.

Twist through the right pause. Pull back a little bit more. Yes, hinge back. Press down that left hip. Stay to the side. Come all the way back up. Back to center. Keeping beautiful length in the side of your body. Lift up tall. Twist, pause, pull back more through the left. Rip Hinge back on a long diagonal. Stay long out to the side.

Come all the way back up and back to center and relax. We're going to do around the world. So I'm again, I'm going to adjust you back a little bit more on your mat. Perfect. Well you can bring this forward then by all means, I just wanna make sure you're, you're on the mat air we go. So reach the arms straight on, up towards the ceiling. Lift up tall, twist towards the right pause. Pull back a little bit more in that right ribcage.

Hinge back on a long diagonal. Bring your chest to the ceiling. Twist towards the left. Stay to the left as you come all the way up and back to center. Lift up tall. Twist towards the left, hinge back, pressing down the right hip. Bring your chest to the ceiling, twist towards the right.

Stay to the side all the way up and back to center. Go ahead and around. Over Nice. Give yourself that well deserved stretch. And when you're ready, store the pool underneath your legs. Tree is next. Grab over to the right leg. The left foot stays secure underneath the strap. Now the most important part of this exercise is keeping straight back. It's not about how high you can get that like, but can you keep that lift lift?

Excuse me. As you extend the leg, so extend the leg out and been backing, lifting tall, extend out and in. Extend out. Stay out. Walk one hand over the other to the cap or the ankle. Elbows pull out to the side. Round your nose towards your knee. Now slide your shoulder blades down. Pull back more through your left hip and start to roll back in one unit, keeping that head glued to that knee.

Let the leg go all the way up to 90 and pause. Start to walk down your tree, pushed your leg, or do you need to adjust this? Okay. Press your leg into my hand and roll back down. So few head engagement behind the back of the leg with adding pressure into me. Start to roll all the way up. Engaging the powers the powerhouse brings you up that leg. Once you're up, allow the leg to drop. Good. And again, rounding towards your knee.

Roll back one unit. Feel that beautiful stretch. Then walk down pressing your leg into my hand. You feel that deep engagement. Good. And then come all the way up scooping deep into your powerhouse. Let the leg Jura up, down. Sit up as tall as you can picking me apples. So you're going to point your toes first. And Flex.

Relax your shoulder and flexible leg and point and flex and point and flex. Grab a hold. Elbows out to the sides to the little taller hold. Shorters don't and get crushed. Your foot over for figure four. Stretch hands. Go back behind your box. Rounding forward, you should feel a nice stretch into your hips into that performance.

Just make sure both hips stay glued on that box. Sit Up nice and tall. You gotta do the other leg. Alright, flex. Now the bottom foot is still very active as well. So you're really flexing through this foot. You're lengthening long through the leg. Sit up as tall as you can.

Keep the lift as you extend the leg out and been back in. Extend out and in. Extend out. Keep it out. Walk one hand over the other, towards the ankle, elbows out to the side round. Intuit yourself. Now. Keep the shoulders down. Keep this position as you round back. Bring the leg to 90 start to walk down your tree. Pressing your leg into my hand. Good.

Pull deep into that powerhouse head comes up first. Keep your pressure come all the way up. It's okay to let the leg drop here a little bit and again around into yourself. The shoulder blades down, roll back. Put a little bit more through the right hip. That will help square you.

Walk down. Press your leg into my hand and then come all the way back on up. Go ahead, stretch the spine tall. Let the leg drop a little bit. Get more lift in that spine. Shoulders are down. Point your toes and flex it. A little taller point. Beautiful and flex point and flex.

Grab Ahold, elbows out to the side, step tossed or Rach and cross your leg over. Figure four hands come back behind you on the box. Round Ford, you want to keep your hips square. You should feel a nice deep stretch. Now if this were to bother anybody's knee or hip, you could also take this leg and do the stretch by crossing it down at your ankle. Okay. Maybe you still feel it in the hip. Yeah. Perfect. Carefully step on off. We're going to bring our foot bar back on up for a second, and then we're going to bring our pat in our box back.

We'll put our pole into the well, we'll flip our head rest up and actually I lied about your pad. I'm going to take it. Um, we're gonna use it for our long stretch. Unless you prefer not to use the pad for the long stretch, it would go right here. Okay, perfect. So we're going to get ready for the long stretch. When you're stepping on your machine, make sure you're always pressing down on the bar.

You don't want to pull up on it because it can fall forward. All right, I'll go ahead and place your hand foot immediately onto the pad, hand and foot. One long line pulling everything in and up. Engage the glutes, prs out with those arms. Pull in with the powerhouse that you sled, the shorter place back in down. Keep forward on your toes. Don't let the heels drop and again, press out and come all the way back on in. Squeeze the inner thighs, Pur us out and come all the way in. Stay in variation. Lift your right foot slightly off the mat. Good. Press out.

Keep the hips even and then bring it all the way in. Pulling in through that powerhouse again, prs out and bring it all the way in and hold exchange legs. Try not to drop down that heel, so lifting up the left leg, stay high on the right foot. Press on out. Stretch along from the arms. Pull in through the powerhouse and again, press out and then pull it all the way in. Place your foot down. Hold three pushups, keeping the elbows close to the side of your body.

Then one good Ben, to keep your neck long, Ben, three and good hold. Bend and gently bring your knees down for the down stretch. Bring the feet in front of the shorter blocks. Really press those feet firmly into the shoulder box and get that stretch in that Achilles tendon. You want to press the hip support, pull up through the powerhouse. You don't shift in the lower back. Inhale, expand the lungs as you press the carriage all the way out. Exhale, empty the lungs as you bring the chest towards the ceiling. Beautiful in how porous out. So this is a breathing exercise.

Make sure you're breathing. Exhale on the end. Inhale, press out. Bring the front of the thigh down to the mat. Exhale, come all the way and state in. Increase that stretch by coming to your fingertips on the bar. Good. You may lift those arms if you want. Beautiful, Nice. But in the hands back down, we get ready for our up stretch so that the heels into the middle of your shoulder rest.

So going to come all the way up to standing and the heels are in the middle. You're in a nice rounded position and this exercise really works on strengthening your hips. Lift. Bring this hit a little bit more in there we go. Stay around it. Press out from the hips. Curl the tailbone under, come back in one long line keeping the head dropped, and again, round prs out. Juror up that tailbone down. Bring it all the way in. It's like you're making a wave with the body. Round up. Prs Out, sliding the shorter blades down. One more round. Press out from the hips. Curl the tailbone under. Come all the way in and hold please.

The feet down flat for your elephant. Now I want you to stay nice and rounded. I want you to think that you're pressing that bar apart as if you could break it on either side so you're really engaging from the top. The other thing is you will have one count out and three counts to come in where you're pulling deeper into that powerhouse. Did the heels down. Lift the toes up, press the carriage out and bring it in one. Bring it into, bring it in. Three beautiful. Press out. Bring it in one.

Bring it in to bring in a three new banging for us out. Bring it in one, bring it into, bring it in. Three hold. Elephant around the world. Bend in your right knee and extend it back behind you. We're going to keep the hips level and you can flex this foot and really press your foot into my hands. So feel that engagement. Stay rounded and press the carriage out and then bring it right back in. Perez out, and bring it in. Perez out.

Bring it in hold. Bring your leg out to the side. Keep your hips even. Keep it even on both shoulders. Press out and bring it in per s out. Bring it in. Stay Watt. Press out, bring in hole. This is the tricky one. Bring it to the front. Flex your foot.

Try not to let it rest on the carriage us out. Bring it in. Hips are square Perez out. Burning it in one more time. Perez out. Bring it in and hold and then bring your foot back down. Nice. You made that look easy, but it's very hard. So stay nice and rounded. Pull in and let's bend the left leg into the chest and then extend it out again.

Flex your foot. Put pressure. So keep this energy going. Keep the hips even and press out. And bring it in one per us out. Bring it into roundup a little bit more Perez out. Bring it in. Three. Open the leg out to the side.

Keep your pressure or even on both shoulders and press out one and bring it in. Drop your hip down a little bit per us out to and bring it in for us out three, bring it in. Bring it to the front. Flex your toes and press out one yes for us out to pool up. Perez, out three polit and good. Bring your foot back down and carefully step up.

The one to the front is so hard you want to relax it down, but that was very good. We're going to take this pack, we're going to slot it straight on down and get ready for a stomach massage series. We go back to the numbers springs you did your footwork on. Christy did hers on four so go ahead and put your other two on. Okay. You want to sit close to the end of your machine or to wherever you can go. Heels are together, toes are part and you're lifting your heels up as high as you can so we can get deep into that Achilles tendon. You're in a strong c curve, pressing the carriage out. Lower the heels down, lift the heels up and bend to come back in. PRRS out lower. Lift on the ink.

Keep lifting the sealed higher. Yes cause then that Achilles press on out and lower lift and in Porres out lower lift. And then we speed the tempo. Now progressing on out. Lower down, lifted up and in Perris out lower lift and and relax the shoulders. Press out. Lower lift, add in, squeezing or thighs. Lower lift, add in one more time for us out. Lower lifts. Stay in, take one of the middle springs off. Bring your hands back on top of the shoulder blocks. Is that okay on your shoulder? Cause we can also do a different position.

If it feels funny, you can at whatever you do on the one side you have to do on the other set as well. Just to stay even. You want to sit up as tall as you can. You're opening up the chest, go ahead and press the carriage out. Squeeze the inner thighs, lower the heels, lift the heels, bend to come back in for us out lower lift. Keep the heels high, press out, make sure you're not hyperextending your elbows. Good for us out. Lower lifted. And now we speed it up. We press out lower lift and in progress out lower lift and in chest is open.

Lower lift and in Lamar out lower lifts. Stay in, take one of the other middle springs offer the last middle spring that's on, I should say, reach your arms up high towards my shoulders. But then imagine I'm taller. Yes. So you're reaching out nice and long. Now on this, the exercise is really the end. This is what you're, where you're reaching and getting your [inaudible] from. So go ahead and press on out and then come all the way in and reach tall towards my imaginary height and for us back on out and come all the way in. Stretch Perez out, squeezing their size. Hinge forward. One more time.

Relax the right shoulder down. Come all the way in. Stay in hold. We're going to add a twist and reach, pressing out, twist towards the window. Now pause. I'm going to give it a little stretch. Is that okay? And then Ben, to come all the way in, make sure you're twisting from your waist. Go ahead and twist. So anchor those hips down. Come a little bit more forward. That's it. And then back on inn. And again, twist, sitting up tall and come back in. One more time. Twists, squeeze the inner thighs, come all the way back on in.

We're gonna do a monkey stretch here. So turn your feet parallel, have them touch the toes. And if you can, you either grab a to the side on the top, if that's too high, you can also grab down below one a and you're actually very flexible. So if you want, you can also grab right on top where the feet are. So there's three different hand positions down, up or right on top. Press the carriage out, keep the carriage out. Drop that head. Bend your right knee towards your nose and lower your left heel.

You should feel this lovely stretch of the it band from the side of the hip to the side of the knee. Maybe goes right into the calf, maybe you feel everything stretching. It's going to go wherever you need it the most. And then exchange legs. And again, really drop that heel down as low as it'll go. Get that deep stretch. I know when I do it, I do feel the Ho so rewarding and good. Bend the knee back in. Come all the way back on in.

We're actually going to keep our foot bar up for a variation on our, um oh semicircle. I lost the name for a second, the semicircle. But before we do that, we're going to step off and set up for leg circles and our frogs. So we're gonna come back here and I'll hit in 51 and I'll do one as well. What we're going to do is we're going to take our handle and our leather strap and we're going to line them up together. And then we're going to take our black strap and thread it through.

Good. Then we're going to hook it. And you want to make sure that you keep the hardware on the outside. I'm going to go ahead and place it now. You can either place it on the metal loop that's behind. If it's easier though to grab in front of the shoulder rest, you can have it in front. Where do you prefer it? Okay, perfect. Just make sure, again, the hardware stays on the outside.

We can get rid of this pad at this time, and this sometimes can be very difficult to get into because at this point of the exercise, you're a little sweaty, so you're going to lie all the way down to your feet are going to come up here onto the bar. Typically this exercise is done with the bar down. All right, so you gonna lift your hips up as high as you can impress all the way down, which is why one of those two middle springs off on the end. It is a great stretch for our hips in the front of our thighs. From here, you want to roll down one vertebrae at a time, dropping your hips evenly into the well good. And I want you to actually feel the springs on either side of the hips. From here, press the carriage out halfway and pause. Don't move the carriage, but lift the hips up nice and high. So articulate through the spinal.

Try not to move that carriage and then bring it all the way back and getting that lovely stretch through the hips. And again, roll back down evenly into the well. It's a lovely stretch. Press on out halfway hold and on the out. It's a stretch for our chest. Lift up the hips nice and high. Keep the carriage still. Don't let it move. And then lengthen all the way back on in. We're going to reverse it. So you're gonna press out now, nice and law and keep the carriage to those your roll down into the well.

We really open up, hang that pelvis, feel that stretch. Then bring the carriage all the way back on in. Lift all the way back on up, coming forward. And again, press out long. Keep the carriage sill roll down, hang into the well, enjoy the stretch and then bring it all the way back on in. Lifting all the way up now to deepen that stretch. You can grab ahold of the ankles. Good.

And then give yourself a stretch forward. So it's lengthening. It's so rewarding. It's so nice. When you're ready, you're going to pull yourself back. Oh good. And you're going to bring your foot bar back down. Good. And now we have our straps. We're going to grab ahold of our straps, place them on our feet. And again, checking to make sure the hardware is on the outside. Yes, perfect. From here, press the legs back on out. We're gonna start with leg lifts.

So some of the legs all the way up. Right about here. I want you to anchor your glutes down to the mat. Stretch your arms down. Nice and long. Seat creates space for your neck and your shoulders, squeezing your stomach press and to the straps to length in the legs away right to their, you never want the straps to touch the shoulder blocks, and then start to anchor your glutes down, hinge from your hips, and let the legs come a little bit more. Four towards you. And again, you can fill this nice hamstring to heal, stretch, and again, press into the straps in. Lengthen, lengthen long out of the hips and bring it back on up. And we'll do one more. Go ahead and lengthen down, dropping your ribs down, dropping the glutes down, and bring it all the way back up. Leg circles are next. Lengthening legs down. Open.

Lift up and zip together. So keep going. Really working for symmetry of motion, making sure both legs are working equally. They both lower the same amount, open the same amount, lift and arrive at the same time. Well more in length and down. Open lift and zip. Reverse open. Lengthen. Zip. Bring it up to the rock. Those ribs open. Drop the glutes down a little bit more to zip and lift up again. Open, lengthen, zip and lift up. Open. Lengthen, zip. Lift up. One more open. Lengthen, Zip and lift up. Good. Let the legs come all the way up. Drop your tailbone down and I'll give a little stretch here. Good. Okay.

When you're ready, bend your knees in and carefully take the straps off your feet, drop them into the well. Okay. Carefully step off. You're going to step off. Bring your foot bar back up and we get ready for our knee stretch series. Okay, we're on two springs.

Just gonna pull that there and it come down onto your knees. And we're going to do our knee stretch series with one arm. So make sure that the knees are in line with your hips. Your feet are firmly against the shorter blocks. Okay? You're sitting close to your heels and keeping a round position with your torso.

Bring one arm back behind you. Okay. Your goal is to keep both shoulders in alignment. Don't move your upper body. It's only the lower part of your body that's working. So here we go, pulling in through the Paris, press out and bring it under. Press out and in and out and under an app and in and out. And in. Three more out and in two more hours and in one more out and hold exchange hands.

Flatten your back for the flat back and bring the other hand back behind you. The s the hips are square, the shoulders are square. Tell me is tight. Sit a little closer towards your heels at press out and under and out. And in an m and e and out and in, out and in. Three more. Out and into more out and in.

One more out and hold hand goes onto the bar and I want you to lift your knees slightly. I'm going to take your torso first, slightly forward, lift your knees slightly off the carrots and the knee is in line with your ankle. So lift those knees up. And from here we press out one and bring it in. Press out to all the way in. Three good four conformed more with the torso. Five, six, good. Seven eight, nine 10 come all the way in. Hold and carefully come back down. It's very common when doing the knee stretch series to shift back. So really try and keep the torso forward as you do that. Nice.

Carefully step off. We put back the numbers. Springs we started with, so Christie started with force. We go back to four. We get ready for our running. You're like all the way back down. Head, back and feet. The feet go parallel. They arms are long down by your side. Good. Press the carriage out. Keep the carriage out. Bend one. Kneeler the other heel and exchange. Now this is called running, so you are going in a fast pace. You want to squeeze the stomach nice and deep.

If the carriage frame starts to move, that means that you're releasing a little bit in the stomach. Make sure that the knees are pointing upwards towards the ceiling. Let's do 10 more. Here we go. Going 10, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one and Ben to come all the way back in. It's good feet. Come to the side for a pelvic lift. Go ahead and lift your glutes up and you can measure with your own fifth to make sure it's the right distance. Bring your hands back down. Stay long in the side.

Go ahead and press out equally through both sides. Drawing your inner thighs towards each other as if they could touch. And then Ben to come back in and press out, and Ben to come back in variation. Flex those feet, press out as you press out, squeeze deeper into the glutes. It goes right into that side of that dimple. And then back in on the glute and press out length and long and then back in per us out and stretch and then back in per us out stretch long. And then back in. Let's do one more. Press out and stretch.

Come all the way back in. Stay in, keep the hips lifted, take a deep breath in. Exhale, roll down through the ribs through the ways there, the hips. Get that lovely stretch and good carefully step off. Sides splits are next. So we go back to two springs. Carefully bring your foot bar down. You can use an anti-slip pad if you want to, but if you do use your supply pad on your machine, please make sure that you place it underneath the foot bar so it stays secure.

So it doesn't slide away. But this is again a preference thing. Um, so we used no, no pad for today. Okay, so come onto your machine. You always step onto the machine, into the center and and move over just a little bit. And when you're ready, you bring the outside foot to the outside ledge and then to heel toe heel outward towards the shorter block. If you need to stop a little bit before, that's fine too. The hands reach out to the side. Now this is done in a three counts, three counts out, three count hold, three counts in, three count hold. So try and stay with the counting. Keep long on both sides. Tuck the tailbone under. Here we go. Press out. Two, three, hold two, three in two, three, hold two, three. Press out. Two, three.

Tailbone under hold. Two, three in two, three, hold two, three. One more. Press out. Two. Three. Hold two, three in, two, three. Hold two, three staff and your knees slightly till heel till heel into the center of your reformer or a little closer. Once your weight is firm on that foot, you can bring the outside foot to meet it on the reformer. Turn around and face me. Always placing the outside foot onto the outside ledge first and then from there Yuto he'll wait. Before you do that, bring that foot all the way back against the a block so it lines up right with your shoulder block. All right. Toe, heel, toe, heel. There we go. To the shoulder. Block. Arms are out to the side. Tummy is nice and tight.

Engaging through the inner thighs. Lift up out of the waist. Counter threes. Here we go. First out, two, three. Hold two, three in two, three, stay. Two, three out. Two, three, hold two, three, eight, two, three. Stay. Two, three. Last, set out. Two, three. Hold two, three in, two, three, stay. You three. Bend your knee, toe, heel, toe, heel. And when you're ready, bring your other foot to meet and carefully step off your reformer. Let's bring our foot bar back up and we'll get ready for Eve's lunch.

So go ahead and bring one knee down and the other foot flat against the shorter block. So it's your right knee and then your left foot is going to come all the way up here with the edge. I want you to bend that left knee but not past your toes. Both hands can go onto that bar if you like it. Don't do anything yet. Let me check the back. This backward is still pressing into that children. And let me adjust your knee.

You want that knee right in line with your toes from here. Press the carriage out. Keep the carriage out. Good. Yes. So you want to stay forward now press more through the back of that right hip. Yes. And you feel like if more through the front of the hip, hold it good. And then bring it back on and this should feel lovely. And again, press back on out, opening across the chest.

Hold and bring it back in. I'm going to switch to the other side ending. So I still like you. It is a nice ending, right? A hop this foot up right in line with the edge of your reformer. Bend your knee again, never letting the knee go past the toe.

Take a second to make sure that you're back with the heels pressing firmly into the shorter block and the knees in line with your heel. Press on out. Good. Keep your weight forward. Now press a little bit more through the left hip to press the carriage out. Yes, there it is. Hold, and then bring it back on him. And one more time. Go ahead and press out. Opening across the chest hold. Bring it all the way back on in. Carefully step off your machine.

That finishes our intermediate reformer with variations. Thank you so much, Christie. I hope people, thank you. I hope you've had fun.


Wow! Thank you for another terrific video, Deborah! Please keep them coming.
1 person likes this.
I did this workout today. I loved it! I wish i were as flexible as Kristy!
2 people like this.
Your class is wonderful but I wish you would say what color your springs you are using throughout your session it would be more helpful. I use the same reformer.
Dianne ~ Thank you for your feedback. The type of Reformer Deborah is using in this class actually doesn't have different color springs. All of the springs on this Gratz Reformer are the same strength. This blog post may help you understand how your springs match up to these. I hope this helps!
1 person likes this.
Loved it as I like all your workouts! Your cueing is precise and short. Especially liked the one-arm knee stretch series and the elephant around the world... great.
1 person likes this.
Loved the semi circle variation. The one-armed knee stretches, though, almost did me in!??
Beautiful class Deborah! Thank you! Loving the energy and the way you sing Kristi through the exercises! Kristi you are my heroine!
Thank you everyone for your wonderful feed back. I am so glad that you enjoyed the class :)
Alina N
super fun
I really enjoyed this class, thank you Ladies!

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