Class #490

Marathon Mat Remix

70 min - Class


For the person who doesn't have two hours to work out but would still like to take a class from Rael Isacowitz, we have condensed (with permission) his legendary Marathon Mat class down to 72 minutes. After eliminating some of the inspired pauses and most of the advanced-level exercises, this class still has all the energy and inspiration of the original but may be a more suitable length of time for those on the go. Do yourself a favor and watch the original Marathon class. Rael is a most inspiring teacher and delivers insightful cues from start to finish that will make this class even more meaningful.
What You'll Need: Mat

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Jul 23, 2011
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Okay. So let us begin. [inaudible] creating a good foundation for the work by placing our feet firmly on the ground, our hands behind our ties and use your arms for support. Your arms are the structure. They, they, the structure of the bridge. They are holding you up. And let us build the spine from the pelvis, from its foundation upwards. Move through your sacred, through your lumbar spine, through the thoracic spine sense where your scapular sitting, floating freely on the rib cage up through the neck to the tip of your head.

And we inhaled together and exhale and we inhaled together. Excellent. With each breath. Feel how the energy gushes into the body, nourishing each cell. Uh, become aware of your bodies. Feel the balance between the two sides of your body, between the front and the back, since the still within your body.

And we inhale again. And as you exhale, slowly round the spine, leaving the shoulders above your hip joints. So it's truly a sense of feeling your sacrum pulling under the tip of your head, reaching forward and your back being pulled away and allow it to straighten up again. As it recoil. Yes. And exhale as you draw deep into the center of your body and inhale feeling like rubber and exhale as you draw deep. Inhale using your arms, using that power of your upper girdle to support the spine.

As we again round and we inhale and this time we go a little deeper and feel the back thinking towards the Mat. As you feel the lumbar spine imprinting into the mat and like a wave, we roll up into that straight back position and exhale as we float down. Beautiful Work and rolling up again. Allow the arms to follow the line of the back and exhale as you first round and feel that little breath as the arms reach out and then take you up. This is all about breadth. Don't think of strain.

Don't think of this as a domino. Notice how we built it from the breath. Don't think of going to fall. There's no strain in this. It is just about feeling that energy rolling through the body like a wave. And one more. And this time we straighten the legs with us. Ah, and Ben and reaching up and rounding and reaching up and rounding and pause, just the, and draw your heels in to just touch your hands.

Are you feeling joyful? Yes. And we slowly lower down. I'm just going to sink a little further down the mat and we relax the spine into its natural position. As you inhale and we call the pelvis, as we exhale, rolling and we inhale and we exhale as we call the pelvis rolling down the should truly feel like a massage for the back. Inhale and exhale as you roll up. Feel how the backs of the legs, the hamstrings, complete the movement. Inhale while you're up there and exhale. Don't rush it.

Enjoy it. Relish each vertebrae, each moment, all the way down to that neutral natural position. Inhale and exhale as you roll up and inhale and exhale, rolling through the spine all the way down to the pelvis and inhale and feel how the abdominals work to call the pelvis up and then the hamstrings. Engage together with some gluteal work at the end. Make sure that there's a long line. Feel that line. Feel your thighs, feel that there's this long line stretching out the hip flexes at the top, drawing in the abdominals, pressing gently with your arms down into the ground to engage those shoulder extensors, the triceps, and feel the scapular.

Inhale and exhale as you roll down and lift your right leg just off the ground. Inhale. And the same thing with one leg. Exhale as you roll up and inhale, but you are so balanced that it doesn't make any difference that you are on one lego two. And exhale as you roll down through the spine and inhale [inaudible] sale as you roll up and inhale and exhale as you wrote down and inhale and that too, rolling up through the spine and inhale and exhale. One more, one more, and inhale and exhale, curling up. Hold it up there, hold it up there. Feel the stability. Feel how the pelvis is floating in space, absolute sense of balance and we inhale and we exhale as we rode down with minimal transfer of weight. We placed the other foot down. Gently lift, inhale and exhale as you roll up and inhale and exhale.

Rolling down through the spine. Inhale and exhale and inhale and exhale and inhale and exhale. Sam, as you roll up and inhale, we'll do one more for good measure and exhale as you roll down and in the hill [inaudible] and Xcel rolling. Hold it up there again. Feel the back of the legs, feel the stability of the pelvis, some on support and slowly rolling down, keeping that leg there as the other leg joins it, reaching the fingertips to the ceiling, palms facing each other and we open the arms out to a big t position and exhale as you squeeze a big air cushion and reaching out with your fingertips and exhale, feel the stability of the scapular and exhale the shoulder blades are absolutely still as those arms reach out, stretch across the chest and reach out hovering just above the ground and place the arms down. If you could bring the legs towards me as you inhale and you exhale and you inhale to the opposite side and it's too, and inhale, the legs are in that table top position, 90 degrees in the hip joint, 90 degrees in the knee joint. And inhale, reaching over and exhale.

Those arms are energized. Do not forget the arms. They are energized. They provide stability for the upper body which in fact provides the mobility for the lower body. Exhale and inhale as you reach over and exhale and inhale and exhale and inhale and exhale. Place your right foot down and your left.

Glide the hands behind the head. Interlace the fingers so the fingers are interlaced and the headsets in the hand as if it's sitting in a hammock and you inhale, start drawing the abdominals in the spine, sinks towards the floor as you exhale to lift and you inhale. That is beautiful work. That is beautiful work. Let's come up a little high. Yes and don't be shy to come up high.

Inhale and exhale. A great way of getting a little high as to put your hands behind your thighs and just use those arms again. Use your arms. You can see I'm using my arms now. Hold that height. That is beautiful. Beautiful Lisa. Beautiful Mary, Great Christy. Lift the arms up [inaudible] and relish that feeling and inhale and exhale as you lift. It's do it once more. Inhale, exhale as you lift. Just a little higher.

Yes. Good man. And don't forget you in a thighs. They are important. And exhale and inhale and exhale. Inhale and exhale. In this position, I want you to call the pelvis up.

Literally curl it up, roll it down. Now take the hands behind the head and um, and inhale and exhale as you lift. Inhale. Exhale, curl that pelvis. That gives the back. Such a wonderful stretch.

We go back into that neutral pelvic position. Feel out the sacrum sinks like an anchor into the ground. Let's hold it up just a little higher. There's no rush. We've got a lot of time together. Time is on our side for one. And Ah, and inhale and exhale. Inhale and exhale. Gorgeous. Great work.

Great work. Let me just see what's going on yet. I like it. I like it. Like it a lot. Did you call the pelvis up yet? Okay, let's call up. Get that beautiful. Reaching that sacrum to the ceiling. Take it down again and hands up towards the Celio. I'm sorry, I lift a little higher. Ah, I feel we are waking up and inhale and exhale as we live. Yeah, we can adjust. Achieve that position one more time by curling up.

Yeah. Really like that Christian. Great work. Like beautiful. Now lower the sacrum again. Reach those arms to the ceiling has beyond dead and rotate toward me and [inaudible]. Exhale, inhale and exhale and inhale and exhale and inhale and exhale and inhale and exhale and inhale and exhale and with arm and exhale and inhale and reach over and inhale and reach over and inhale and reach and inhale and reach and inhale and reach and hold. Hold it. Let's take one more little stretch up.

[inaudible] I'm liking what I'm seeing. Liking a lot what I'm seeing and take the arms above reaching towards the ceiling towards the ceiling and take the arms back. I want you to create a diamond shape with your arms behind your head and put your elbows. Press your elbows a little deeper into the ground. Stretch your left leg as your right leg elongates towards the ceiling so we can give those abdominals. They still working, they stabilizing the pelvis, but a little bit of a rest. As we inhale, circling with an exhale, circling towards the other leg, inhale and circle and exhale and circle and inhaling.

Circle and exhale in circle and inhaling. Circle and exhale and circle other direction and inhale and exhale and inhale. So the top part is flexed with the heel, reaching towards the ceiling. The other leg is pointed, keeping the legs stable, the pelvis, Stowe, and one more. An inhale and exhale. Reach that foot to the ceiling. Ben, stretch it out, reaching the other one up.

Flexing and inhale, freeing up that hip joint. Exhale and inhale and exhale and inhale and exhale and inhale and exhale and inhale and exhale other directions and inhale and around and inhale and around and inhale and around and inhale and around. One more to feel the freedom in that hip joint and around and points. Bend the knee, stretch the leg and stretch the arms, palms facing each other. We do a roll up. We inhale, exhale, and in this roll up, I want you today to think of this beautiful sea shape.

What's important to me is that I don't lose sight of your faces. If I can see your faces, the alignment of your cervical spine is good. So from here we inhale again and exhale as you roll down and inhale, exhale and inhale and exhale. And I'm going to say this again and again. I want you to feel the beauty in this line.

I want you to feel the joy in this movement. It's not an exercise. You are doing a beautiful movement, coordination of body, mind and spirit. There's concentration, there's control. They center, you feel the flow of the movement, the efficiency of the movement. Inhale the precision and inhale and exhale.

One last one and inhale and exhale. And I want you to open out, flex the feet. Tosi flex the feet. Feel that elevation, elevation of the body, elevation of the mind, elevation of the spirit. As you open out, bringing the arms up and with your right leg you just go ah, and, and two and, and three. And uh, that's nice. [inaudible] it's low, it's not big. Other side don't. Hopeful. Two foot of lift. The, we told them about two inches and deep into the spine and Ah, and Ah, reaching up and I've got something special for you today as we round up rolling down and just where you reach that chest, the position it's draw the legs in and let's take them up and draw the legs in and out and draw the legs in and take them up and draw the legs in and a feel the critical moment right there as there is to a few, even without straightening in the air, we just draw in and in and there and then draw in and draw towards the chest. Call that pelvis up just like the Andrew in.

Curl the pelvis up just slightly grow in and up. Draw it in, curl it up just slightly, but this time take it back to neutral and shoot it out there. What? Where are we hungry? Duh, Duh, Duh. Yeah. Everyone looked to your right.

Look to your left stretch at Nica. Look to your right and tool and come to center drawer in. Curl up a little higher cooler and stretch it out. Palms facing each other. Let's do one more roll up and now we're ready for roll. Likable. Not a moment too soon. Okay, so I want the hands a little lower. Mandy.

Good. I like it. I like it. [inaudible] feel the ocean breeze and inhale and exhale. Balance and inhale and exhale. Balance. And in here it's new balance.

They look, keep the legs nice and tight together. Good, good, beautiful. Inhale and balance and inhale and balance and inhale and balance. Keep it nice and small and inhale and balanced. Stay there. Take the sides of your legs and stretch. Feel that elongation of the legs, the elongation of the back, holding on with the arms, stretching out balance. It's all about balance. Bend the knees, hands on the knees. And we go into an abdominal section.

Not that they've been asleep until now, but we now do the double leg stretch. So let's get ready. And Ellen hair. Oh yes. Now we are talking. Yeah, and reach and reach and beautiful martyr and reach and there. And we really roll up. Absolutely gorgeous.

That was beautiful. We wrote down, now we have earned some more. So we get to the single extra inch and and three, six and seven and eight and be hands behind the head to the crisc of us and two and three and four and five and reach and seven and eight and nine and 10. Rotate. Stay there. Stay there. Put the hand on your knee and left a little higher, little higher. Try and get that scapular off the ground. Now put your hand against your knee and push against your hand.

Push against that hand. Good. Had back behind your head. Rotate to the other side. Hand on your knee. Lift up a little higher. Sorry, I should have had your facing the same way, but will not in time to repeat the whole s theories. Now [inaudible] and now the inside of your knee and push against your hand. Push against your hand with your knee, but the inside of your knee as you rotate in the opposite direction with your body, uh, and back behind the leg. And two more to each side and war and two and three and four hands behind the knees. Don't go down. Don't go down. Call the pelvis up again and um, and call the pelvis up and uh, and call the pelvis up and, and [inaudible] cool the pelvis up.

Stretch the legs up so you get that height. Call the pelvis up. We're going to come back to this position in a while, but for now we're going to put our feet down, body down, [inaudible] and let's stretch those hip flexes a little. Get some extensor work in the body as we roll up through the spine, preparing for the shoulder bridge, I want you to push your arms into the mat. The leg that is closest to me goes up, reaching to the ceiling and down and up and down and up and down and up and [inaudible]. Exhale and inhale and points and flex and exhale and inhale and exhale and inhale and exhale. Stay up.

And I want five pulses with the heel to the ceiling, reach and two and three and four and five. Hold it up, hold it up, point the foot, reaching a little higher, bend the knee, taking it down, bend the other, stretch up and exhale and inhale and exhale and inhale. Try and touch the ground with the foot and reach and up and reach and up and reach and reach and up and reach and up, up, up and down and up. One more. Down and up. Stay up there, the heels going to the ceiling and five little pulses with your opposite hamstring as you push up and two and three and four and five point the foot. Stay there with that leg as you roll down, lift up, take that leg and stretch the opposite leg. Shoulders, relaxed. Hamstring pool as we go. Manny, can you relax a show to the lid? That's it.

I can see your face and pool. Oh, Eh, yeah. Absolute stability. As you change and hands behind the head with the rotation. [inaudible] more rotation and stay there. Stay there. Stay. They left a little higher, little higher, little higher. Take the foot. Give yourselves a little stretch. Bend the knee and stretch the leg and bend the knee and stretch the leg.

Hold it, hold it. Point the leg. Now you're a little more relaxed. I want you to engage those abdominals again to prepare for that change of the legs as you change. Take the foot. Yeah, and Ben. Knee and stretch. Lisa, look a little more over to get. Don't forget you're in rotation.

Don't forget you're in rotation. You're in rotation. You can rotate even more. I like it. Good. Manny, look out out to the side, arts into the distance and point the foot. Bring the other leg up so you're right there. No better position to go into your rollover. Then putting your hands down, lowering the legs.

Two 60 degrees, preparing. Inhale, flex the feet. Fix the feet. Open the legs likely lower the feet toward the ground. You don't have to touch and exhale as you come around and around. Inhale, Chin 90 exhale. Oh, flex the feet while the legs are parallel. Open the legs down the roll and inhale. Exhale, flexing the feet, opening and rolling.

We'll now reverse the direction of the legs as we opened. Slightly. Lift two 90 exhale. As you roll over, flex the feet, bring the legs together and rolling through the spy legs. Come around. Inhale to 90 exhale as you roll over next the feet, legs come together and then rolling down. [inaudible] take the hands behind the head, place the toes on the ground and stretch out. We lift the chest up. Instead of going straight into nick boo, we'll reach the arms forward and immediately put the hands back behind the head.

Oh the roll up. [inaudible] the spine, lunge back and then down. Inhale, reach and immediately put it behind. [inaudible] roll up through the spine, back and lunch. And inhale, boom, and back. Rolling up. Lunging back. Last one, lifting, boom, and over. Rolling up, lifting, lifting, lifting, lifting.

Flex the feet. Open the legs. Reach the arms forward and organize your pants. Okay, good. You're doing well. You're looking great. Everyone's with me. Everyone's focused. I'm loving your energy. Loving the quality of your work.

Let's get a little yes. So we are going into the spine storage. We are into sitting. Ah, finally we wrap right in here. We made it and exhale as we roll down the spine and inhale and exhale as you roll up the spine. Keep your arms just a little lower. That's nice. That's nice. Inhale and exhale as we roll down, inhale and exhale an inhale and exhale as we roll down, Sarah, straighten your arms a little more.

Inhale and exhale as you roll up. We added back extension to that. As we inhale and we exhale as we roll down, we inhale as we reach the back arms alongside your ears and we exhale and up to city and exhale as we roll down and inhale and exhale and inhale to elevate the spine and exhale and inhale as you reach out and exhale and up and inhale and exhale as you roll down. And inhale as you reach out, reach out, reach out, reach, and just the arms go up and two and three and boom and five and rotate to your right, right. You like a little spiraling top and to your left and as you rotate again to the right, drop your arm and give yourselves a little stretch as your bottom on goes against the leg and the top arm. Open that open a little more later.

Yes, not too much. There we go. And Boom, I find you in the center other side and open out, oh, the joy. Oh, the joy of feeling our spine, the live and boom. I can't resist. One more time and opening up, reaching Manny, keep the arm a little higher, reaching on, reaching. You can even look at their backhand and say reach for the sky and boom and going over again and reaching for the sky, reaching for the sky, reaching for the sky. Come to center and slowly take your ankles and just check behind you that you aren't going to kick anyone.

Good. Oh, okay. Lift your chest. Reaching out. Openly rocker. We round the back and up we come and we lift and we round and up. We can and we lift and we round and up.

We can and we lift round up with com. [inaudible] we lift, hang round and up we come a lift and round up we come. And if we're going to do one more and I want you to focus with the termination directly forward, not to the up to the heavens, but directly forward. At this point here, we soften the lowest by we roll, we'll lifting the head should not touch the ground, bring the legs together. And then we find those deep hip flexes. They are holding us, they supporting us, they supporting us, they supporting us, right? Christie? Yes. Rail they are, and open the legs wide.

And that was the little Blas, wasn't that okay, let's prepare for that soul. So we rotate to the right. Let's definitive directions. So those at home can no right or left rather than towards me, away from me and rotate to the right and reaching over eh, up and since rotate to the left and reaching over and up and see and [inaudible] and reaching over. Now I want you to reach with that back arm.

It's internally rotated, meaning the palm is facing the body. A not over the internally rotated you just so the palm faces the buddy. I want you to feel the energy reaching back. The energy with the front arm reaching forward. Your back is as flat as possible. I know mine doesn't look flat, but I'm trying.

I promise you. And they lived up and center, Eh, over. Now feel that opposition energy taking you over that leg, reaching over, reaching over and then reaching up again and we're center feel it's spiraling through the spine and reaching over. Okay. And then up and center, spiraling through the spine and reaching out and up. And one last time, but this time I'm going to give you a little support of your back arm to help you put it on the ground. Put your back on the graph.

Four hand on the ground and give yourselves a little stretch. Well, the hamstring for the back. Allow your front, um, to rest on your leg. Just opposite your foot. Yes. Yeah. And lift up. And then center. I want to go back with Sarah because what happened to Sarah is she came up and she kind of did something in between. So for my idea, Sarah, we are going to be very defined and we are going to come up on the diagonally look proud. We come up and we rotate to the round, the longer juvenile access, Sarah. And then we come to center.

And while you made that fatal mistake, reaching over, reaching of feeling [inaudible] and then we reach and Sara will not make that mistake again. She is on that upright poles, spiraled around the pole, lifting up, feeling the joy Sarah and bring the legs together just so that you don't hit each other. I want your arms, I go posts. If you do have enough room, keeping the arms reaching out like that, palms facing the ceiling, I'll do it like this. You will do it like that. That's fine. Going to your right. Uh, and, and boom, boom and boom, boom and boom, boom. And boom.

Let's put our hands, we should, we put them here so we know we've got room cause I feel some of you are being limited by the space. Ready arms a little closer together. Let's hold them. That's going to make it really nice. And, and, and, and straight on. And, and, and, and, and now behind your head and go and one Duh and Duh, Duh, Duh Duh and Duh, Duh and Duh, Duh, Duh. Reaching up, reaching up, reaching up, reaching up and forward. [inaudible] bending your knees.

Just so we can stretch hip flexors. I have Domino's. You rotate towards your right. Take your left arm in the center of your body, lifting up in the chest. I want you to lift first and foremost, establish a table top with your pelvis. Then look up towards that arm as it reaches for the sky and I look down towards your lower arm as you get a little more rotation, a little more height in the pelvis, and slowly come down to center and the other side and we lift up.

Looking up towards that arm. The only difference between the two sides slowly transfer your gaze to the back, looking down, lift the pelvis, lessen high and slowly, slowly, slowly, slowly down. If you can face that way exactly on your sides, you all face that way, but when do you looking that way? Your head going in that direction. Perfect. We're going down and outside. Exactly.

Okay, so placing the arm just on the floor in front of you for some support. We now start warming up those lateral flexors of the trunk, squeezing the legs together as you exhale, lift and inhale down, and exhale, lift and inhale and exhale. Lift an inhale down and exhale, lift and inhale down and exhale, lift. Inhale down and exhale, lift. Take the hand to the ceiling directly up to the ceiling, squeezing the legs together. Just the top leg goes up and and two and and three and four and a and stay there. Stay there, stay there.

The bottom leg goes up and two and three, four and five. Stay there, squeezing the legs together like a Dolphin on its side or mermaid or any such ocean creature. Yeah, bend the knees and you flip. Boom. Propel yourself through the water. Boom and propel and propel and propel and the beautiful and stay there. [inaudible] bring the top leg in, whoops, and put it on the floor.

I want you to externally rotate the legs. That knee is going backwards and the foot is alongside your leg. And I want you to hold on to the leg that's going to give you a nice stretch for that upper trapezius side of the neck as you lift the leg up and down and two and, and three and uh, and full. And stay up little circles, inwards, Dow and two and three and four and five circles the other direction down and two and three and four and five. Flexible lookbook, little beats upwards, one in two and three. And and hold it up.

Point the foot and slew [inaudible], taking the other leg out and lift up onto your Elvis. And we go pool and pool and back and pool and back. And watch that you don't kick each other at back or kick the furniture and back minimizing the movement of your trunk. Whoa. And back and pool and stay back. Stay back, really reaching with this arm, reaching forward, putting the other arm down on the floor so you can lift yourselves a little higher and that leg goes up.

And two and three. Meredith, I want you a little more straightforward, so not up to there but directly forward there. That's it. Even lower that arm a little more good. And Ah, now they, they would add leg, bring the leg all the way over and all the way back. And this is where a short legged people have an advantage and you're long legged people have to suffer for your blessings. Have Long Lens and over and over and over and over and over and over and over. Good. And now bring the legs together, lifting that leg up.

Lifting I'm about to fall off for. That's okay. Really Odi Holding, holding. You feel that they lift the legs a little higher and feel it more? Yes, yes. Take the legs forward and then to the other side. [inaudible] you're perfect.

And lift and lift and lift and down and lift and Lyft and Lyft and Lyft and Lyft and Uber and Lyft and uh, and stay up taking that arm up to the ceiling. Top Lake goes up and down and two and, and three and four and a buy and down. Stay up. The other leg goes. Lifting and lifting and lifting and lifting and lifting and stay and bring the top leg over so and squeezed the leg up and to [inaudible] and using those hip adductors. Three, the inner thighs. Four and stay up there circles in one direction so it doesn't really matter.

I want five circles. Two and three and four and five and the other direction. One and two and three and four and five. And flex the foot. Little beats one and two and three and four with that flex foot.

Five. Hold it up there. Hold it up there and in the other leg and lifting up into your sidekick. Ready? That's beautiful. Beautiful. So much nicer. Yeah. Good. And Pool. Nice Mandy. Boom and pool and back and pull and back and pool and back and pool and back and pool and back and poor and stay back.

Lovely. Now take that on forward and the leg. So I like it just to be, that's been a mater. Pure. Perfect. Perfect. They, it's, it's reaching forward. It's, it's, it's to give you the apposition line for the leg.

So the leg is here. And this is here. You feel that the arms pulling that direction and the legs pulling across the body. Now put the arm down to feel it go even further. And then this is where we had our own. Okay. And I'm sorry. Take the leg from the back over to the front and then from the front over to the back, from the back feeling those gluteals working to the front, over and back and over to the front and over to the backstay.

They reaching it even further, reaching it even further, pushing into your elbows, pushing into your scapular, pushing it. You don't want you to do now in this position, just lift the pelvis off there. That's towels supported. You are so you can just lift the pelvis off. You didn't even know it was there, but it is there. Beautiful. Now bring the legs together and, Oh, I'm sorry. I'm sorry that we missed before the Dolphin kick our mermaid.

So you know, let's do it right over here is too, right over here. We created a little new one. So let's put our hand here and our dolphin kick and a dolphin kick. It feels a little different in this position, but it works just the same. Working those obliques and dolphin kick reach and open kick reach and dolphin kick reach. Good, good.

Okay, sorry. Now we've got the, almost forgot that. Now it's just like a teaser, but you're on a slight diagonal so you're literally, your pelvis is rotated slightly, so you're biasing towards your obliques. Let the almond little higher overhead. That's where you are lifting the legs, lifting the arms. You're on one side of your pelvis, one side of your pelvis, one side of your pelvis. Okay. And roll onto your stomachs. Good, good.

I'm liking that a lot. Thank you Christie for reminding me about the mermaid and [inaudible]. What I'd like to do is just warm up the backs a little by placing your hands by your sides, squeezing your arms against your side. [inaudible] drawing your pubic symphysis slightly into the floor. So you rounding your pelvis, rounding the lower back, slightly using your abdominals and feel, put your hands under the abdominal area to feel that you've got a bit of a space there that keep that space as you squeeze your arms together, squeeze the arms against the sides of your body. Sorry, legs are down. And that's important for me, reaching the tip of your head.

So the distance as you lift up, keeping the legs down, keeping the legs down, the thighs are actually pushing slightly into the ground. And then slowly there. Okay. And pushing the thighs slightly into the ground. Lifting up on the inhale, squeezing the arms by the sides of the body and exhale, squeezing the arms and inhale and exhale and inhale and XL [inaudible] and inhale, take the arms out to the tee position.

[inaudible] oh, that's difficult, isn't it? Uh, you know it real do take the hands behind under your forehead and I want you to lift your elbows up and slowly down like little bats up and, and elbows, elbows, elbows, or the scapula glides slightly towards each other. And uh, and up and down and up. Hold them there. Placing the hands under your shoulders, lower the backs. [inaudible] keeping that same abdominal support. You lift the back and you glide the hands forward so the elbows are directly under your shoulders.

Lifting the legs just off the ground. When you bring your elbows a little closer together. Just the elbows. Good feeling good support from the elbows. You know how I know that you've got support. Put your hands on your shoulders now, push into your elbows and look directly forward with the termination focus and determination, we now are going into some of the back extensor work. It's difficult, it's focused and it's important. Very important.

Putting the hands down. We do the single leg kick as we go. Pool, pool, pool, pool, Duh, Duh, Duh, Duh. Keep your abdominal support. Focus directly forward. Focus forward. Wendy, focus forward. Duh Duh, Duh, Duh, Duh, Duh, Duh. Let's pause for a minute.

No better time to do the famous [inaudible]. So lifting just off the ground, left arm, right day, right on. Left knee, left arm, right leg, right arm, left leg. And that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that the five counts to inhale and five cans to exhale just like the a hundred [inaudible]. It's flying through the air. Take the arms around. [inaudible] take your right cheek down.

Your legs are still in the air. We worked hard to get that height. We now do three little kicks. One, two, three, lifting and stretching and other cheek. One to three, lifting and stretching. And one, two, three, lifting and stretching, eh, one. Hm.

Three lifting and stretching and what to three, lifting and stretching and one. Hm. Three and stretching, stretching, stretching straight. Just the arms go up and uh, and two and, and three and a and four and a [inaudible]. Your legs down. Just your legs. Bring the arms out. And I know you don't have much room. Bring them directly in from this position.

Lower the back and just lift the back halfway up. And now please keep the shoulders in place as you straight and your elbows only as far as you feel comfortable. Let's all only come halfway. Oh boy. Oh boy. Layla. Drop the shoulders just a little. Yes. Relax them. Do we love this position? Yes, we do rail elbows tight by your side, Sarah.

Thank you. And slowly elbows down and all the way down and reaching out and slowly those at home should all know that Sarah is a dear friend of mine and slowly straighten up a little further. Good man. Yeah. I love your focus. Yes. And then Ben, just to the elbows close by your side and then yeah. And one more as we reach up and elbows pressing into the mat and take it up. Bending to the elbows from here. Push into your elbows. Draw the abdominals in. Don't move your knees though.

Just rich the back. Because what we're going to do, we want in the wrist position quite yet. We're going to transfer the body through the elbows directly back to where we were. Nice. Christie. Beautiful. Draw the elbow, the abdominals in keeping the hands where they are. Stretch away from the hands and transfer back to the elbows. Back to that little bit of back extension. Nice Meredith. Nice. Everyone's looking good back into the abdominals and stretch, stretching, stretching and into the rest position.

[inaudible] relaxing the backs, relaxing the shoulders, [inaudible] taking the right arm and your left arm. Two, three to through and did the shoulder is stretch the back of switch [inaudible] and lifting up to the other side. [inaudible] facing the center of the room, reaching over the top. Okay. Allowing the arms to relax, allowing the neck to relax.

Just let all tension seep out of your body. [inaudible] take your fingers and gently massage the neck [inaudible] and then slowly allow the arms just to relax in front of you and roll up. Roll up, roll up [inaudible] through the spine. [inaudible] [inaudible] the spine, vertebrae by vertebrae. [inaudible] supporting with your arms as you did in the beginning of the class, feeling your pelvis like a rock of stability. The spine rising from that foundation [inaudible] and slowly roll down again through the spine [inaudible] and reaching the arms forward to get a little extra stretch.

Allow the spine to open the vertebrae to open the back, the hip joints, the knees and the eyes gently open as you roll up and gaze directly in front of you. [inaudible] I went is just to spend this moment focusing, breathing, feeling that joy in movement. Join having worked hard, the privilege for being able to move, and we inhale opening the arms, rang in the arms all the way around to the chest and pressing on hands against each other, broadening the back, and a big inhale. Same thing, the arms up, opening out, opening out, opening. And thank you very much. [inaudible] beautiful.



Fantastic full body workout! All my muscles feel lengthened and revitalized....WOW! Thanks Rael!
Extreme! Loved every bit of it! Thank you!
If you both loved this and haven't checked out the original class, we highly recommend it. Fair warning though it is two hours long and most, if not all, of the advanced repertoire is included.

To view the original class click here Marathon Mat
Fantastic! I love the joy you bring to the movement Thank you Suzanne Carvalho
Wow. Wonderful.
Mind, body and spirit. Yessss!
Thank you so much Rael Isacowitz and Pilates Anytime for this great class! Marie-Josée Packwood, Sherbrooke, Qc. Canada
Wow, lovely transitions and super workout!
Absolutely love it! Miss our mat workouts with Rael during our Modules in Costa Mesa! Thx you Kristi for having such a great tool for us, as individuals & for our clients :)
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