Class #628

Progress to Intermediate

40 min - Class


Join Adrianne for this self-paced class geared toward the individual just entering or newly beginning intermediate level. Exercises included are traditional intermediate with some modifications, such as Neck Pull with bent knees, and Back Extensions. Enjoy!
What You'll Need: Mat

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Feb 14, 2012
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Okay. Well, welcome. Um, my name is Adrian. I'm going to teach your class today. I'll have you guys go ahead and start by lying down. So you're, you're alone. Your backs with your knees bent. Uh, let's have your feet heels together, toes apart in your plotty stance. So heels together and toes turned out good. Let's just make sure everybody's nice and centered.

It looks pretty good. You can actually let your knees open, hip with the part. Okay, let's do this. I'm going to start you with an imprinting exercise. You're going to take your arm straight up to 90 degrees, take a nice deep breath in, and then start to lower your arms straight down to the mat and exhale. And as you exhale is where you want to start to imprint your spine and to the mat through thinking of your enabled pulling in and up again. Take the arms up, stretch back a little bit further.

This time you can let your arms come towards your ears and then exhale. And as you exhale, try to get those ribs to sink down. Exhale, exhale, exhale. Good. Last one, arms up. Nice. Deep breath in. Stretch back a little bit further. Good. And then arms. Once again, coming back to your side, you can rust the mountain, the mat. Once again, imprinting and holding for about three counts, two, three. Let's just go right into it. Bring your knees into your chest. If at all, you come to an exercise that becomes too challenging.

Leave it out and just join us on the next exercise. Okay, arms are going to be long at your side and up above the hips. You're going to start by curling or chins towards your chest, lengthening the back of the next and getting those shoulders pulled down. Begin to take the legs straight up to 90 degrees. Keep your turnout and begin to lower your legs to about 45 degrees. Heels together, toes apart, and begin breathing. Pumping the arms up and down.

Turn out Richard likes really long. Are you able to straighten them? Good. And exhale. Two, three, four, five. So this is a breathing exercise you're trying to inhale. Fill up the lungs and it wring them out. Exhale, two, five, getting oxygen into the body and squeeze your bottoms. Exhale, two, three, five. Keep the breathing going. If this is too challenging, just bend your knees. If it's not and you want more challenge, lower your legs. Exhale, two, three, four, five. You'll still feel it. Knees bent, or leg straight. Exhale, two, three, four, five big arms.

Let those arms really move and exhale. Two, five, wrap the thighs, so the outer sizers wrapping and squeezing the inner thigh. Exhale, two, five 72 five. Exhale, sinking deeper into your powerhouse would enable to spine. One more time and exhale. Exhale, bend your knees, rest or heads. Very nice. Place your feet down onto the mat. Let's sit up quickly and you're going to hold onto the back of your thighs. With your heads forward. We're going to go into a half roll back, so let's have your feet together. Heels together, toes apart. You're in what's called your seat curve, so your heads are down. Shoulders are relaxed. In your back surrounding, you're going to begin to round backwards. Kind of like you're going to lie down.

Your feet stay right where they are. Curl your hips. Stop when your arms are straight, squeeze your bottoms. Take a nice deep breath in. Pull your navel in. Come back up. Sit up tall. Good. Let's do that one more time. Then we're going to add on heads down, shoulders down, squeeze your seats, take a nice deep breath and pull your tummies in. Exhale, come on up. Setup up. Tolerate your arms out long this time. Now we're going to go all the way to the mat, so heads down.

Start around backwards. Stop about when the pelvis hits the floor. So go a little bit further, little bit further. Squeeze your bottoms and then lie all the way down and arrest. Good. Nice deep breath, man. Feel free to grab onto your thighs if you need to.

Squeeze your bottoms and Exhale, scoop your tummies round up. Sit up tall. All right, so let's do that again as you go back, if you need to grab onto the thighs, do so. Stop a little bit, squeeze your seats, lie on down. If you'd like to challenge these, you may straighten the legs. Otherwise keep the knees bent. You can take your arms up, take a nice deep breath in if you need to. Grab onto those thighs do so exhale round by peeling off the mat.

You may straighten the legs at this point in reach for the toes. As you come back, you can bend your knees. Otherwise, if you're used to this exercise, the full roll. If you can keep the legs straight and lie down. Okay, good. So now we're going to pick the pace up a little bit. All together. Deep breath in, arms come up. Exhale, scoop.

Reach for the thigh, stretch the legs out and reach the toes and start to come back down. As you round backwards, you're getting the outer thighs. Once again to wrap. Say those inner thighs are working. That's going to help the control and arms up. Deep breath in. Curl your chin to your chest. You can soften your knees. Good.

Drop your head so you keep rounding. Shoulders relax. Come on down and wrap the size. Arms come up. Nice. Deep breath in. Two more. Right through the center. Nose follows the middle of the body as you stretch forward and come right back down. So a little bit quicker now. Okay. Try to keep those heels together. That's tough.

That'll get you to work the inner thighs a little bit more and forward and come back down, heels together and that's enough. Let's stay down. Bring your right knee into your chest, give it a nice little stretch. Heads are on the mat still. You're going to take your right leg up, reach it long out of the hip and plays both hands at your side. And I circle your leg towards your right shoulder. So it's kind of like your big toe is going right shoulder.

Now it goes to the right hip, left hip, left shoulder, finishing it your nose. So it's kind of like you're doing a little circle inside your shoulders and hips. Finishing at the nose, being your center. Now we're going to make it a little, give it a little accent coming up. So circle the leg and lift it to the nose. That's it. Keep going. Keeping your hips as quiet as possible so both legs are reaching up along.

One more. Then you'll reverse. It doesn't have to be big. We reversed in come up oh five times to try to stretch your leg out long. Three for the last one. Bend that knee. Give your leg a little stretch. Hold onto your side. A stretch switch legs. So when you stretch, you want to grab onto the back of the thigh? Go ahead. Okay, so same thing, other leg.

You're going to extend the left leg up. You want to anchor those hips, keep them nice and still and begin to circle. So going to the right and up and around and up to the nose too, and keeping your hips and Heisen. Still trying not to tense your shoulders as you do this for last one and five, reverse your circles. Try to stretch the leg. One. Don't go too far over that. Your hips move. Three. So inside your box, inside the shoulders and hips is your circle.

Three and up to the nose for one more and up. Bend your knee. Once again, give the leg a little stretch. Let's go ahead and hold onto that same leg and curl yourselves up and stretch to your toes. Okay. Put your hands at your hips.

Lift your bottoms and sit at your heels and then start by holding onto the back of the thighs. With your heads down. You're going into what's called your rolling like a ball. So taking your feet off of the mat heads are forward. Try to get your shoulders over your hips. Tummies are in. Begin to roll back. So you literally roll back.

You try to roll back up into the same spot and balance. So head, stay forward. Keep the chin tucked and roll back. Come up. And so try to hold it up and hold two more. Inhale, go back. Think of your heads between your knees. Exhale, come up, let your knees and to one more. Sorry, I said two and then I'm at one. Place your feet down for just a moment. Slide your heels a little bit closer towards your bottoms.

Grab onto your ankles, making a little bit more challenged. This is a centering exercise, so you want to focus on coming up to the same spot. So heels together, toes apart. You're still in your Plati stance and your knees are slightly open so your head can fall between the knees. All right, you're gonna let's have you hold onto the top of your knees. So move your hands up here. That's it. All right. And you're gonna hold onto your ankles.

Find your balance by taking both feet once again, off of the mat, and just balance [inaudible]. Then you're going to roll. Inhale. As you roll back, exhale. As you roll up, try to balance each time you come up, inhale on the back, exhale on the end. Try to hold onto those ankles or the top of the navies. And two more. Back up and balance.

One more. Inhale back. Exhale up and balance. Place your feet down. Place your hands at your side. You're gonna lift your bottoms and try to stretch back. And then you're gonna lie down onto your mat, right? Bring your right knee into your chest, right hand on the ankle, left hand on the knee, and the other leg is going to be up. So that's just practice the arms right hand on the aix.

Cole on the outside. [inaudible] left-hand on the knee. Go ahead and rest your head while we do this. Switch legs left hand on the ankle. So it's always the outside hand on the ankle and switch hands. So the arbs are kind of mechanical, the opposite and left hand left ankles.

So they are just like this and all right. Handwriting, Ankle. Good. Left hand. Left ankle. All right, so now we're going to begin the exercise. Heads up. Look at your tummies. Right hand on the ankle. Left hand on the knee. So same movement. This leg is long, soft, soft feet. Ready, switch legs, switch hands and hold. Scooped your Tommy's in as deep as you can and curl your sternums switch hands and hold and switch.

Don't let that bottom like go so low that you lose the wrap and switch ed whole. Now you may move. Switch one. So now a little bit quicker. Switch one, switch two a little bit higher. Hair switch to switch three soft, soft feet. Switch three. One more set. Switch for switch four and restaurant.

Next rest your legs. Take a break in between. Make sure you're centered. Sometimes we'll move our hips around, hopefully not. So okay, now bring your knees back into your chest. Two ways to do this. You can either hold onto the back of your thighs or onto your ankles.

You're still in that Plati stance though. Heels together, toes apart. All right, let's just practice the arms and legs, arms and legs go straight up. You're gonna circle just the arms and exhale. Grab onto the ankles. So inhale as the arms and legs reach up high. Exhale, circle, grab again onto the thighs or the ankles. Now lift your heads, look at your stomachs. Same thing, but your heads are up and hail. Arm to legs up. Exhale, arms and legs. Comment tradish to the arms and stretched the legs and then come back in to challenge that only if you want, you can lower the legs, reach them out and come back in. Now we're going to pick it up. Inhale, stretch. Exhale. N Inhale out. Exhale in.

Try to keep the heads up the whole time so your chests aren't coming up and down. Exhale, heels together, stretch and common, so don't let your head drop. Two more. Inhale out. Keep the head lifted and exhale. One more time. Inhale out and exhale. Rest for just a moment by dropping your heads in your feet. Okay?

Warm it up. Take one leg up. You're gonna go walk up that leg. The higher you rate, more flexibility. Left leg is up both legs. You're trying to straighten them. Keep them really long so they're stretching the loosen up the feet. They should be soft here. You're going to pulse the leg towards you two times.

Paul Paul. Then you're going to scissor. The leg. Pull. Pull. Both legs are straight. Pool Pool. It's a light pole. Poor, poor. The real pool is the scoop into the tummy. Scoop, scoop and switch. Scoop, scoop. And now quickly switch Paul and Paul. Paul, keep going. Pulse. Puff. Paul Haas, curl into it'll, there you go. Paul. Pulse. Reach for your ankle. You've got long arms.

[inaudible] good scoop. Scoop. One more set, right, right, left, left. Bend your knees. Restaurant X. Okay. How are you guys doing? Hanging in there. Okay. Move your hips a little to the left. Your upper body's okay? Yeah. Okay. Take your hands behind your heads this time.

Bring your elbows into your, keep the back of your next long, but keep your feet planted. Take a nice deep breath in and I want you to try to lengthen the back of the neck as you exhale on cruel. Just your sternum up until the tips of the shoulders are on the mat. And then rest two or more like that. Nice deep breath in. And exhale.

So you're trying to get those roots to really sink down by lifting the chest and come back down. One more. Nice deep breath in. And exhale, looking at your belly button and breath. Place your hands at your side for a little pelvic lift. Feet are now hip with the park, right? And then you're gonna squeeze your bottoms and kind of tilt the hips up.

Come up to about the first four vertebra off the mat, and then you're in a roll the hips down and keep the knees from moving. So just both hips are working together, curl up and then rural. Articulate down and curl up and roll down. Well more like that. Curl up and down this time bringing the knees and feet together. Glue, the knees and feet together. Feet as well are together. Good.

Make sure your toes are matching that not one foot is in front of the other, that they're, they feel even good. Squeeze your bottoms, curl the hips up, but keep the knees pinching. Try to come up as high as you can with your bottoms and then keep those knees together and rolling. Rebecca do last thing down is the tailbone. So you're articulating the spine. Arms are active, they're reaching out long in. Squeeze your bottoms and curl up as high as you can. Get those hips away, up off the mat, and they were rolled down. Upper back, middle, back, lower back, tailbone and up.

Hard thing is to keep those knees pinching together. As you're moving. Keep pinching those knees together and now push the rib cage down the shoulders down as you come down. Three more and up, knees together. That's it. And ribcage pushes down, middle back, lower back, tailbone and last one and hips up knees. And now start to exhale upper back that this squish my hand, middle back, lower back, and hit. Bring your knees into your chest. Take your hands behind your head, bring your elbows into the ears, you're going to take those legs up. All right, now lift your head and look at your stomach. Push your shoulder wings down.

Try to zip those legs up really, really long. Lower the legs just a little bit and come up. Don't let the bottom lift with you. So just the legs, they're your weight. Try to curl your sternum up though your chest and uh, failure Tammy's pulling in. Let's try to get your legs really straight there. Now keep the long end lift. Just the legs. That's it.

Pull up towards my hand and up. There you go. Keep your chest up and up. Last one and your knees. Keep your hands where they are. You can rest your heads if you like going into a crisscross. So now you're going to take one leg out and try to tap the knee.

Look toward your back elbow. So you're opening up the side and switch sides. Make sure you come all the way down with the head and then transition. Stretch your left leg or right lay, whichever leg you have extended out, long and switch. Push your tummies back in and switch.

Work on getting your elbow to touch the knee. Separating that like eh and switch. Bring the leg way in here. Now get your elbow away over to the knee and switch layer is they're not rolling on those hips and hold and one more and whole. And that's enough. Okay, let's have you both sit up. We're going to open up our feet, flex them.

Take your arms in front of you and sit as tall as you can. Take a nice deep breath in. You're going to round forward. You're stretching, but as you're stretching, you're still working that powerhouse. So another words, squeeze your bottoms and scoop your tummies. Try to get your heads as low to the mat as you can. Drop those shoulders and now round up.

Activate those feet. Push the heels out. Take a nice deep breaths, breath in and exit. Keep pushing your heels away. Go as low as you can. Soften here, but still wrapping. Good and come right back up. Really tall at your chest. Open. Feel the nice stretch. Getting that back to really lift and deep breath in. Exhale, drop your Chin around.

Forward shoulders nice and soft. Pull into here, into that powerhouse navel to spine and sit up tall. Let's do one more nice flex feet to push those heels away and pull the toes back. Exhale, stretch forward. Get those feet to really flex leg slugs. Come back up tall. All right, bend your knees. You're gonna roll yet again. This time though, your feet are apart and you'll hold onto the back of your casts. You're going into like a tabletop position your heads or forward head or shoulders are down and just practice that movement.

Roll back and then you're going to try to come back up through your middle and you're just gonna Balance. Then add a little stretch for your back. Try to get those backs to really lift and in. Find your seeker. Inhale, go back, exhale around up. Find the balance and lift. Now to challenge that. If it's not challenging enough, you stretch the legs. Long legs are straight.

Only do that if you feel like you've got that. The capability of coming up. So control it back, control it up, and then try to lift, lift, lift your back. So seeker, start with the knees. Ben, heads forward. Drop Your Chin. There you go. Now roll back. Keep Your Chin tucked, then find your balance. Then lift your back up. Really get your back tall. So not to eye with the legs. And now a little bit quicker. Tuck your chin an inhale back. Exhale up. Find the balance.

Lift. One more. Tuck your chin, drop your chin, your head. There you go. Inhale back. Exhale. Come on up and stretch. Place your feet down. Straighten your legs and just stretch to your toes for a moment.

So it's a good one to work on for centering as well. Good. Alright, let's lie down in the way you want to lie down as you still want to activate by wrapping the size and articulating your smile. Bring both knees back into your chest. Take the leg straight up. Next are long so your gay should be down towards your stomachs. Chest is open and you're going to circle just the legs so the heels stay glued.

You don't want the feet shifting around, and then you're going to reverse your circle. They're called corkscrews. Come back to center. Circle to the right, finish at your center. Circle to the left, finish it the center. Try to zip up the legs. That's the toughest part. And you'll feel these one mart each side. Don't let those hips move and rest.

Bend those knees back and grab onto your sides. Give yourself a little stretch. Good. Sit back up. Place your feet on the outside of the Mat. Your feet are once again flexed like you were a little while ago. You can keep your knees a little bit soft. Ideally the legs are straight, but for flexibility you might have to bend your knees a little bit.

Most important thing is getting your backs to lift up tall, okay? And the feet nice and even. All right, so feet are flexed. Pull your toes back. Good. You're twisting from the waist and then you're going to reach for your toe to try to saw it off. So think of your pinkie sighing off the baby toe.

Shoulders down. The hardest thing here is keeping weight. Even on both hips round up. And as you round up, you were pulling back into your stomach's, into your powerhouse. Center yourself back out. Opposite way. Twist rich for the tail. Stay on that opposite hip stretch.

Come back up tall. So if you're inflexible, bend those knees a little bit and turn and reach stretched to the toe. Round up and sit up tall and turn and stretch. Scoop and tall. One more time. Turn and scoop your tummies in and pull those hips back up and center. Last one. Keep the feet flexed. Stretch up, center out. Hey, let's flip over to your stomach for a little back exercises.

Yeah, there you lie all the way down. Place your palms underneath your shoulders and your foreheads down. Your legs are nice and long. So elbows are into the ribs and one hand underneath, she'll eat shoulder. Okay, so you're just going to hover. You're gonna start by lifting your head, then your chest. Then they hearing.

Take both hands off of the mat and just hold your chest up. So take your hands off the mat. That's it. That's all I want you to do. Hold one, two, three, come back down and arrest. Okay, so ready head, chest, hands. Come up, hold your position and try to lift your tummies a little bit more relaxed those legs so they don't come off the mat, the leg. Stay down and come down. Rest. So I try to keep those feet on the mat and work on squeezing your bottoms. Head up, chest up, tummies up.

Come up a little bit higher and hold to three rest. Last one. Head, chest, hands, scoop, two, three, add, rest. Alright, this time let's take your hands straight back. At your side. You're going to turn your right cheek to the mat, heels together, toes apart. And what I'd like you to do is kick your bottom three times with your feet.

But as you kick, as your heels come to your bottom, you want to kind of squeeze your bottoms and push your hips down. So ready to your backs on an Archie. Kick your bottom three times one good. Two, three. Drop the feet, lift your head and stretch the arms back. You can either hold onto the hands or keep them right at your side. Either one is fine. Drop your forehead though and really lift.

And then switch cheeks. Left cheek on the mat. Both feet. Kick three times and kick one. Keeping those hips down to three and then lift your head. Straightened your neck. Your foreheads are down, your tummies are up. Dry. The lift, lift, lift and come back down. Now grab onto the fingers.

So the handles or class, you slide your hands up towards your shoulder blade through. Your elbows are bent. So slide your hands. It's way up here. Now you're going to do this same movement. Ready? Three kicks. Kick one, two, three. Drop your feet. Take those hands and reach for your ankles. Way Back. Give you an extra little stretch. And now quickly switched cheeks. Elbows come back up.

Three kicks and kick. One squeeze, two, three, stretch back. Try to touch those heels way back there and heels together. Come back down. Sit on your heels. Give yourselves a stretch. You can open up the knees if that's too much pressure on your knees. Good. You lift your stomachs. Alright.

And I have you guys turn around here. I'll give you a quick stretch just to be fair. And you're going to sit back down on your bottoms sitting up though. So go ahead and turn around sitting on our bottoms, the hip with the park. Route your arms forward, you're going to round back into your seekers and we're going to lie down on the Mat. So feet are apart for this one and you're going to slowly lie down. Remember it's about articulation.

So you want to articulate from the lower spine up to your upper spine as you lie down. So you're literally placing one vertebra on the mat at a time. Deep breath in, soft feet, tight bottoms. Exhale, come on up. Sit up tall. Okay, let's do that again. Heads forward. Theatre, relaxed around down, nice and controlled to not straining and deep breath in. Exhale forward. Sit up tall. It's challenged that a little bit by taking your hands behind your head and your elbows in round. Start to lie down.

Go slow. Find that control. Exactly. If that happens where you need to use your hands and move them, do so, but try to do what you can without any force. Sit up tall and around. Back Down. We're going to add one thing. Once you come up, nice deep breath in. Exhale, peel off that mat.

Straighten the legs, flex your feet around up. Sit up tall. You can bend the knees as you come down. Curl the hips if you need to reach your hands up. That's fine. And deep breath in. Keep the feet or knees bent. Exhale, come up.

So another way to do this is straight leg for her, but you do what your body will allow you to do without forcing it. Sit up tall. Come back down. Hey, last one. When your heads touch, we're coming up. Deep breath in. Use The exhale. Stretch forward. Sit up tall and around, back down again.

If you need to bend those knees and reach the arms out. That's what you do. And rest. Okay, let's lie on your left side. Your right leg is on top. Get yourself lined with the back of your mat. You're getting ready for some sidekicks. Good.

You're going to arrest your palm or your head on your palm, I should say. Good. And you want to literally line bodies with the back of the Mat. So move your hips way back here and then move your shoulders just as far back. So this one, keep going and you can check by taking your right hand. Find the back of the mat and just follow it up towards your shoulders to see if you're, you're lined with [inaudible] the mat and the mat will tell you if you're straight. Okay, now put your right palm back on the mat in front of your rib cage to remind you to push those roots back. Take both legs forward. So you're in a nice v. Good.

All right, so you're going to start with your right leg up hip level and it's slightly turned out. So you wanna get the outer side of wrap. So your bottom is doing the rap. Good. A little bit more turned out for you. Good. Alright, so only hip level, that's it. And then you're going to swing your leg towards your nose. So it's literally turn your leg out as well.

[inaudible] and take your leg up and then swing it about two to three inches past the back foot and forward and back. So let's just take talking front and back. Keep your turnout. Your knee is going to want to roll down. Try to keep the knee turned up towards the ceiling or toes to the ceiling. Forward. Back. You're going to add two kicks.

So this time two kicks front little one big one back. A little big turn out though. Turn the knee up. Yes. And now kick, kick back. Tommy's up there. Now a little bit quicker. Kick kick up. Sometimes people might feel clicks in their hips and that just means you need to stretch the leg from the hip fell and kick, kick.

Push me back with your bottom and kick kick. So that was a little bit knee hip on top of the hip. Kick kick soon. Soft knee, tight bottoms. So squeeze down here. There you go. Kick, kick and back. One more kick. Kick forward and back. Both legs back on of the other. So yeah, not too far forward. Sorry. No. Take your leg up, hip level, going into an up and down. So now, once again, your turned out your intake, your leg towards the ceiling. And as you lower your leg down, you wrap the thighs.

So you want to feel a squeeze between the inner thighs like comes up and like comes down. You want to think of the leg lengthening so it's really stretching from the hip out, long and up. And Tommy's up. Pull up in here and lift and push me down. Squeeze. There you go. Up and lower. Squeeze back here. Two more up. No knee soft.

Last one up and lower into little circles. Five each way. Circling one not too big to three. Keeping those hips at right on top of each other for five reverse five times one, soft feet, two, three, four, five, rushed your leg. Let's go ahead and flip to your stomach's palm on top of palm and four hit on your hands. All right, so you're going to transition beads palm on top of palm, so hand on top of hand and your forehead is on your hand to drop your forehead. That's it. All right. Very true. Legs out long or you know, lift those legs off the mat so they're really stretching.

And then you clap the heels together for 20 counts. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10 and quickly to six long legs. Seven, eight, nine, 10 and that's enough. Now you may flip over to the other leg. So same thing. Other side, get yourselves in line once again with the back of the Mat. So always check to ensure you're really lined with the math. Huh? Good. You take you light up pip level, you gaze forward to the next are long. So the left leg is now hip level and turned out to your squeeze your bottoms.

All right. Taking the left leg, hip level. Uh Huh. You're going to take that leg and kick it forward. Swing it back. Just starting with tick-tock, forward and back and forward and back at the second kick. Two kicks forward. Kick, kick front like comes back and you scoop and kick kicks it. Pull your navel back in as the leg goes back. Kick, kick. Well, ideally keep it in the whole time, but it wouldn't right come out.

You got to remind yourself to pull it back and kick it forward. And you want to make sure your legs to his hip level, that it doesn't go too high. Turned out and kick. Kick out. Two more times. Kick, kick and one more kick. Kick and back. All right. Both legs back on top of each other. Getting ready for the up and down. So now you take your leg. Once again, hip level, ribs or back. Tummies are up, legs are turned out. Take your leg towards the ceiling.

Keep those hips on top of each other. Lengthen your leg as it comes back down and up and reach the leg and squeeze your seat. Two up three. So there should be some resistance as you come down three and reach that leg out long. Squeeze your bottom more. Yes, four and up and five about eight times six. Let's just work on those ribs a little bit. Getting them to push back more. Yes. Seven. One more up and little circles. Five and five.

So you reverse them. So five times one way, two, three, brush your knees together. Four, five, reverse your circles. We want to really try to get those knees to brush. Three, four, and five. Rusk both legs. Flip to your back. Say you're lying back down like you started back on your back. The other one.

Good. All right, so what I'd like to do is have you go back into that single leg, stretch your stomach series. But this time I'd like to put it together where you don't actually stop. So this is that coordination. One right hand on the ankle, left hand on the knee. Take the left leg up. You want to make sure that your extended leg doesn't come way down here, cause then you stop working in your powerhouse.

So get that left leg up pretty high. And when you transition, keep the right leg up. So just practice the legs for just a second. Keep them up high. Okay. All right, rest your next. We're going to begin starting with the right leg and left like out. Work on pulling your stomachs and squeezing your seats. Lift your head. We're going to do set of six each and begin. Well, that is one switch to switch to pull in those tummies.

Three, three, four, four, five thought work on the scoop. Six both legs in arms and legs up and pull it all together. Inhale out. Exhale in two and three Oh four oh and five. If your neck gets tired, you can put it down. Six rest your neck. Lift one leg, lift your head yet again. Reach up for the ankle or the cab and pulse.

Pulse in switch one one like scissors. Two, two, two, two. Tell me, Zinn shoulders down. Three, four, four, five, five, six, six both legs, up, hands behind your head and lower the legs. Lift the legs. This is very hard. Try to get those legs straight. Chest up. Four, five, six. Bend your knees. Crisscross also hard the hips roll with you. Keep those hips still. Two, three paper scoping in four, four, five, five, six and six.

Grab onto your thighs if you'd like. Sit Up, stretch forward. Push the heels away. Sit up tall. Do that two more times. Deep breath in. Exhale around up top. Last month and excellent. Bring your feet together. Keep the feet flex. Put your hands at your hips. Stretch forward. Take the arm straight up.

Sit on top of the hips and circle the arms and grow tall. Do that two more times. Two feet. Stay flexed. Your heels are pushing out and your toes are pulling back. Heads down. Try to put your nose between your knees. Inhale, exhale. Sit Up. Tall. Nice, deep breath in. And exhale. Last one. Heads down.

Stretch forward, round up. Lift their arms. Try to touch the ceiling. Lifting your backs a little bit more and exhale. Okay. Flip over to your subjects for just a moment and I come up onto your toes, into a push up position. Very little pushups you'll do, but you'll still feel them. You're going to try to get your hands underneath your shoulders a little bit more. Bring your hands towards you more. Come down to your knees for a second.

There you go. Shift your forward. Good. Now come up to your toes. All right, so you're going to lower your hips. Squeeze your bottom. Very small. Don't have to be big. Bend your elbows towards your ribs just a little bit. Yeah, and come back up. Elbows in towards the ribs inside. There you go. And come up and bend and up. One more.

Head up a little bit higher and drop to your knees. Stretch back to your heels. That's it. Good. Okay. I'm going to have you guys round up. Start to stand up a bed with your heads down. Good. Very good. Walk towards your feet. Try to get those hips to shift on top of the ankles as you come up. Soft in the knees. As you do that, take both arms up and circle them and lift your tummies three times.

Come up deep breath in. Pull up, squeeze. Good, and exhale. One more time. Inhale, arms up. Exhale. Shake yourselves out. You guys are done. You do great.


Thank You ~ Happy Valentines Day :)
Beginners need to know where they are moving from in terms of which muscles are contracting. Also its easier for people to take information in if you get them moving first, then cue the breath, then do any finite adjustments.
Thanks Adrienne, great, no nonsense class. Really enjoyed that.
Glad you enjoyed it!

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