I also like this class, the cues are great, but I guess since you talk in such a floating way, you can not stop and ask for a better form when your students would need it. The lady in yellow had her elbow joints locked and her shoulders forward and up, when you did plank and swan and you looked at it, but didnĀ“t say anything! Sorry to critize but this surprised me!?
This is exactly what I have been waiting for from PA. Agree with other commentator that I would love to see Christi do a series of beginners classes. There are just not enough level1/2 classes of this type with this great cueing!
Thank you everyone! I would love to teach a beginner's series! @Silke, you're absolutely right. There were mixed levels in the class and I could have broken the movement down more. With the pressure of the camera and the expectation of offering a flowing mat class I chose to keep moving. I really appreciate the feedback!