Weight Shift Exploration<br>Alycea Ungaro<br>Class 2594

Weight Shift Exploration
Alycea Ungaro
Class 2594

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shes great!
Lorie H
Always a good workout w Alycea!
Amazing! Alycea, I worked with you at a conference in Toronto and you are by far one of my favorite instructors. Love all your cues and feedback!
I'm a better teacher because of you! You know how to pull every ounce out of your people and your precision to detail is unwavering. I love watching you!!
love your work
Please remember to cue spring changes so we can follow along
So great!
Fantastic!! Your sense of humor really helps me feel at ease with this challenging workout! Thank you!
Great class Alycea Ungaro loved the cues and explantion. Collen is a beautiful assistant.
Amazing!!! Thank you Alycea for the excellent class!!!
21-30 of 34

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