Mat/Barre Fusion<br>Cecile Bankston<br>Class 1080

Mat/Barre Fusion
Cecile Bankston
Class 1080

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I am so glad that you all like it so much, I hope to continue to create more like this!
1 person likes this.
Excellent class... Was definitely a level 3 for me. Will be one of my favorite classes. Will be looking forward to more such classes from you, Cecille. Thank you to you and Pilates Anytime!
Hi Ceclie, Just a quick clarifying question. :) During the frappes, you instructed to do the movement with the hip joint, and not just from the knee. Can you expand on this? I thought the idea was to keep the upper leg as quiet as possible, so just the movement would only be below the knee. Can you maybe give me a visual image of what to think about? Thanks! Love the class, and look forward to more barre mat classes!
Hi Adam, you are right. In Frappes you are supposed to move mostly from the foot and the lower part of the leg. I think what happened was that I meant to say that the leg needs to turn out from the hip and not from the knee, meaning that when the foot comes back in, the knee should be open and turned out , but from the hip and just said the wrong thing. So thank you for pointing that out.
There was a lot I liked about this class, but I get really turned off when instructors describe challenging movements negatively, using words like "horrible" or "terrible"— I know it's meant to be in fun, but I was enjoying those bits!
I'm sorry if you were "turned of" as I honestly was joking! I enjoy them myself very much, and besides joking, was really trying to let people know that some of the movements are difficult even for the best of us! But I will definitely keep that in mind next time.
When are you coming back? I love all your stuff, don't mind the useless "nitpicky" stuff people comment on. besides you cant please everyone. Please don't stay away long. Cant wait for your return! Thanks for sharing your knowledge and talent!
Denee ~ Thank you for your forum post. Cecile had new classes published in May that you may have missed. You can see all of her classes here. I hope you enjoy them too.
Great Class Cecile!
BRILLIANT lesson Cecile. I love your moves and way of delivering the class. You deliver it in a super fun way. You have truely inspired me and I am Soooo looking forward to more classes from you.
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