All Hands On Deck<br>Jenna Zaffino<br>Tutorial 1338

All Hands On Deck
Jenna Zaffino
Tutorial 1338

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Jenna Zaffino
Shannon  Thank you so much! For my hands, I try to do something before a larger workout and even after.  In addition, because of all of the typing we do in general and lately, I would do something daily - choose the move that feels good and go with that :) 
Wow, Thank you, Loved this. will be using this lots in my sessions
Claudia K
Thank you, that`s really helpful strenghtening my fingers and hands. I suffer from rhizarthosis and that forces me to change and rethink my workouts. 
Jenna Zaffino
Claudia K Thank you for this comment. It means so much to me when a class can help someone build new strategies. I’m happy that this one helped! 
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