Quick and Vigorous Mat<br>Blossom L.<br>Class 1478

Quick and Vigorous Mat
Blossom L.
Class 1478

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Kate V
1 person likes this.
What a fun,incredibly hard, motivating, uplifting class. I was wonderfully tired & exhilarated! I hope you offer a workshop here in the Midwest again sometime soon. Thank you Blossom!
Katarina S
1 person likes this.
Blossom, you are an absolutely beautiful teacher. I love your cueing that makes me to feel the actual moves in my body without doing it. Thank you for a great class.
Another fantastic clear, smooth, fast, and invigorating workout!! Thanks, Blossom
2 people like this.
I love being able to hang with Blossom everyday through her mat work. I've taken several Blossom workshops and these mat classes deepen my practice and truly help me connect to my deep powerhouse muscles. Woot!! Love the faster pace of this class that still includes breakdowns. I love those true Blossom moments that make me chuckle and remind me of the true joy of her practice.
I would love a 25 minute "warm-up" video. All those lovely cats, twists, and ab work would be great way to start my day before the family wakes up. :)
Much love to you Blossom!
I've never done a mat inspired by Kathy Grant. Awesome. Blossom, you are so on top of the flow while still increasing/keeping the depth during the session through all the extra little preps you add just before executing the main excercise.
2 thumbs up and 2 snaps with circles! I hope there are many more videos to come from you on PilatesAnytime.
Great Workout!!
Hey Blossom,
i like the way you teach. Your little storys (the cat catching the bird)the tempo and your flows.
Thank you very much, your style inspire me for my class
Bonnie H
Voice and inflection are wonderful. It makes me want to "grow taller"!
Me ha encantado la clase Flor, además de realizar un buen trabajo es muy divertida.
Thank you Blossom! This was a great class. Great energy and flow delivered with enthusiasm and awesome cuing! I feel lengthened but connected and really energised! Can't wait to do more!
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