Freedom of Movement<br>MeJo Wiggin<br>Class 1860

Freedom of Movement
MeJo Wiggin
Class 1860

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Thank you MeJo. Really loved the cues for the back during the arm spring sequence. Felt it!
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Wonderful class, Mejo. Love your energy. Thank you. Please do more classes!
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beautiful flow and great cueing and correcting! so uplifting to watch!
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MeJo - thank you for this class! The cues really worked for me, the pacing was just right. Also, I really appreciate the detailled set up tips, placing the springs according to one's height.
Looking forward to more of your classes.
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Great energy, how can someone so sweet be so evil at the same time! Loved the slow breakdown of the last rollback.
Enjoyed the class.
Please clarify correct pronouciation:
Isn't it one "vertebra"
and vertebrae for plural?
Thank you...loved hearing the "mechanics" stuff like, placement of heels during leg springs dictates where work comes from...and use seat so springs don't go crazy during beats...and no shimmy at bottom of rollback because you've placed your spine on mat slowly & purposefully. Thank you! Would have loved MORE tower!
Good workout, short and efficient. Thank you.
I really enjoy this workout, thank you
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I am hooked on Mejo's cues and delivery, very motivating for me and use in my classes - thank you
1-10 of 13

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