Warm Up for Sports<br>Ed Botha<br>Class 2630

Warm Up for Sports
Ed Botha
Class 2630

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Went to my favs also. I couldnt believe how great my end squat was!! Really enjoyed this class..thank you.
Could you clarify best foot position for a squat. Looking at video it seems a slight turnout of the feet?
Thank you.
A slight turnout would be appropriate to create space. Slight abduction of the knees too.
Thank you for the clarification..much appreciated.
Loved this class, great for sports people and Men!! Will be trying done if this in my classes. Thank you.
good warm up , need to do it a few times to avoid cheating ;)
It's like magic with the before and after squat! Pilates magic – thank you, Ed!
1 person likes this.
I keep coming back to this over and over again. I'm not into action sports, but I do it often before i run, and it miraculously keeps my pains and aches away, especially in the hip area. It's also really good as a general warm up to start the day, it you do not have the time for an ordinary workout. Really, really good! 
This was quite useful in alleviating soreness from contemporary dance as well, without requiring much effort. Great for a day off.
Cynthia G
Great.  Thanks.  Definite improvement in my squat.  Will keep coming back to this.
(Just a comment, Bo-TH-a? Is that really how you say your surname?) Just asking politely. Will b e back to this Work out.
11-20 of 22

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