Reformer for Back Strength<br>Monica Wilson<br>Class 3748

Reformer for Back Strength
Monica Wilson
Class 3748

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Question? What injury does the participant have?
I love your sense of humour and making the client feel comfortable. The precision and the cuing of the exercises were great. What do you do with hyperextended knees when doing the leg series? How do you cue and which adjustments will you do? With the "Side to Side" exercise; was it intentional to keep the upper body slightly forward and rounded? Another question: the headrest is up during Pelvic Tilt -not so important to take it down or do you only take it down when people have neck problems? Thanks in advance. I really enjoyed watching this class. 
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pull in the belly to the spine?  that is so old school and so not useful.  
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Unfortunately, I haven't seen alignment in this workout. When footwork series she was tilting her pelvis over using her hip flexors and tightening her lower back. Ribcage wasn't engaged at all.
When frog you need to use your powerhouse and stop the knees above the hips, otherwise you just making too much hip and knee flexion and there's no control. 
I couldn't watch after the frog((

I needed this refresher. I’ve gotten a bit lazy about pulling my stomach in. Good to return to the basics!
This was a great refresher of basic techniques for me. I often forget to pull my stomach in as much as I should. Thanks.
A tip I'd like to pass along is to take several classes from an instructor before you decide if this will be someone you choose to follow or not. I took an earlier class of Monica's that just felt rushed (to me) and I didn't enjoy it as much. Knowing her training and legacy, I wanted to give it another shot. This is now my third trial and I would say my favorite. This more instructional, slower paced, was just my speed. I found myself having some of the same issues as the demonstrator (domed back instead of rounded in the hip lift at the end) so it was interesting to get the same tutoring that the model needed. I found that if I lowered my feet on the bar, it gave me more support and I was able to get rid of the arch (dome) in my back. Not sure if that's proper form, but I think it gave my larger body the support it needed from my legs which allowed me to get the pelvis and hips and lower back in the right position. Thank you, Monica!
Monica Wilson
Wow Frances! This is great feedback. Thank you! And I greatly appreciate the respect and your continued determination to find a class at the right tempo and that spoke to your body.

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