Flexion<br>Maria Earle<br>Class 4226

Maria Earle
Class 4226

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Thank you Maria! 
Fun! loved "working out" with you - excellent cues and progression, jackknife never felt so easy:)  looking forward to next week. 

Sarah M
Amazing! You is strong girl!

Great class! Thanks for the excellent imagery and cues.
Anne-Françoise/ Anne
Thank you Maria, Kiss from Nantes 
Carina H
Absolutely loved it. Thank you! I really enjoyed the sequencing and how you built it up to the challenging stuff in the end. 
For those of you working on rolling up to standing, try Maria's rolling like a ball version holding onto bottoms of feet.  When she said, "Like you want to stand" during this version I thought, "Okay, let's try it."  That strong flexion helped get my weight forward over feet and shins to continue to standing!  Still had to separate feet, though.
Kim B
I’m definitely trying some of those hand to foot strategies for neck pull & rolling as I struggle to roll. Thankyou

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