Unilateral Load<br>Karen Sanzo<br>Class 4283

Unilateral Load
Karen Sanzo
Class 4283

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Amy S
2 people like this.
Loved everything about your class, Karen.  You  had me at Anne Lamott :)
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loved that too..
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This is a great class for quadratus lumborum.  Glad to hear someone mention this strong lower back muscle that  hip movers need the strength of to have a stable pelvis to pull against.  Really felt it in the loaded side bending.
Lorraine W
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Tempo your voice & content fabulous...I have back & hip issues & was able to do everything in the class, with enough challenge..I have done your mat class in the past (I will now seek out more of your classes 🕺
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Thank you so much Karen. I was not clear on the 4th exercise at the beginning. When you side bent lying on back did you move the arm also in a side bending up and down following the spine or did you stay parallel to the mat? Did you do this to teach to avoid rotation when later kneeling and standing?

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