Movement Potential<br>Danica Kalemdaroglu<br>Class 4382

Movement Potential
Danica Kalemdaroglu
Class 4382

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Sandy Thank you Sandy, I look forward to inspire you more through movement. 
Allison O Your comment is brilliant.  I strive to keep it fresh every time I teach.  I nominate you for an AWESOME student. 
Peggy G Just a little side kick love.  
1 person likes this.
Dani!! That was so fun, challenging and energetic. I love your style! Gracias!
Fiona O
After a day of working in the garden, this class reset my body. Thank you for a great class. I just set myself up for the complete series and look forward to your five day series. 
Samantha F
Danica, your classes are very special! You have a very unique and delightfully funny style of teaching. Thank you for sharing So Much Stuff!🤗 You not only make it fun but show us a way that will help it to be more doable too👏 Thank you 🙏😊❤️ and btw You look Amazing!
Not only a good class with creative variations, but also good entertainment ;o)
I absolutely love Danica's energy and teaching style! Super fun! 
Hi Danica, thank you once again for a brilliant class.  Your cueing and variations really helped to take the body to another dimension.  I feel extremely strong and extremely stretched.  Thanks for sharing your knowledge with us. Blessings.
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